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Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Reynolds

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Reynolds

Elizabeth Reynolds, 1821-1903; nee Andrew, married William Reynolds. Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Resided in Bowden.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Robinson

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Robinson

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hannah Roberts

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts, c. 1809-1890; nee Webb, married Thomas Roberts. Arrived in South Australia in June 1839 on board the ship the "Sir Charles Forbes". Resided in Greenwith.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Catherine Robertson

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Catherine Robertson

Catherine Robertson, c. 1808-1888; nee Wright, married James Robertson. Arrived in South Australia in July 1839 on board the ship the "Asia". Resided at Marion.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Randle

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Randle

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Rollins

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Rollins

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Russell

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Russell

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Saxton

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Saxton

Probably Mary Saxton, c. 1812-1874; nee Fall (also recorded as Foall and Fowel), married John Saxton. Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Recovery". Relocated to Launceston, Tasmania before returning to South Australia. Resided in Bowden, Hindmarsh, Thebarton. Worked as a servant.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sarah Slade

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sarah Slade

Probably Sarah Slade, 1825-1903; nee Lovanberyl, married William Slade. Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Cleveland". Resided in Monarto.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Strudwick

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Strudwick

Probably Mary Strudwick, c. 1816-1886; nee Spricks, married John Strudwick. Arrived in South Australia in May 1840 on board the ship the "Eliza". Resided in Hindmarsh.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Sarah Shueard

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Sarah Shueard

Probably Mary Sarah Shueard, c. 1822-1895; nee Duckham, married Robert Shueard. Arrived in South Australia in May 1838 on board the ship the "Trusty". Worked as a servant (1838). Resided in Adelaide, New Tiers, near Uraidla.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Stevens

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Stevens

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Christina Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Christina Smith

Christina Smith, c. 1809-1893; nee Menzies, married Finlay Stewart, then James Smith. Arrived in South Australia in 1845 from Victoria. Resided in Rivoli Bay, Mount Gambier. Worked as a teacher, missionary, author, farm labourer.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Smith

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Eames

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Eames

Probably Mary Ann Eames, 1843-1916; nee Stutely, married Edmund William Eames. Born in Adelaide, South Australia to Mary Stutely, nee Collins, and Joseph Francis Stutely. Worked as a boarding house keeper. Resided in Adelaide; Melbourne, Victoria.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Stutely

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Stutely

Probably Mary Stutely, 1822-1897; nee Collins, married Joseph Francis Stutely. Arrived in South Australia in December 1840 on board the ship the "Royal Admiral". Resided in Adelaide; Fitzroy, Victoria.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hannah Shephard

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hannah Shephard

Probably Hannah Shephard, c. 1836-1910; nee Broadbent, married Charles Henry Myers Shephard, then John Fraser. Arrived in South Australia in March 1840 on board the ship the "Baboo". Resided in Mount Gambier, Hamilton, Marrabel.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Spiller

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Spiller

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sullivan

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sullivan

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Skipper

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Skipper

Mary Skipper, 1823-1881; nee Thomas, married John Michael Skipper. Arrived in South Australia in November 1836 on board the ship the "Africaine". Resided in Port Adelaide, Kent Town.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Short

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Short

Probably Mary Ann Short, c.1920-1891; formerly Parkyn, nee Roscorla, married William Parkyn then William Marshall Short. Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Cleveland". Resided in Adelaide, Angaston.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Martha Jane Grinstead Silke

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Martha Jane Grinstead Silke

Martha Jane Grinstead Silke, c. 1820-1908; nee Painter, married Henry Oake Silke. Arrived in South Australia in July 1840 on board the ship the "Fairlie". Resided in Paradise.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sarah Taylor Gregory

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sarah Taylor Gregory

Sarah Taylor Gregory, 1834-1913; nee Squire, married Edward Gregory. Arrived in South Australia in June 1848 on board the ship the "Princess Royal". Resided in Dry Creek, Modbury.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Stanton

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Stanton

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jane Elizabeth Schroder

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jane Elizabeth Schroder

Jane Elizabeth Schroder, c. 1820-1900; nee Rice, married George Schroder. Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Eudora" (from Hobart, Tasmania). Resided in Reedbeds, Adelaide, Norwood.

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Spencer

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Spencer

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Shepherd

Group of [women] Old Colonists : Shepherd

Group of [women] Old Colonists : South

Group of [women] Old Colonists : South