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The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Henry Lockyer
Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Duchess of Northumberland". Farmer, Chain of Ponds.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Matthew Raven
Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Duchess of Northumberland". Hairdresser, shaving saloon, Hindley Street, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Henry Taylor
Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Duchess of Northumberland". Publican, storekeeper, Mitcham.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Bullock
Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt". Agent, Franklin Street, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Burley
Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt".

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Robert Burfield
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Publican, Port Adelaide, Belair.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Richard Baker
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Carpenter, South Australian Railways, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Brinkworth
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Wheat farmer, Manoora.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Boutflower Bennett
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Brickmaker, Norwood.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : George Charles Bennett
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Grocer, North Adelaide; postmaster, The Pinery. [Son of Thomas Boutflower Bennett].

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Darby
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Wheelwright, carpenter, sheep farmer; Adelaide, Morphett Vale, Minlacowie.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Nixon
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Tailor, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Richard Stokes
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Labourer, Payneham.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Wilmshurst
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Somersetshire". Sawyer, Thebarton.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : James Blyth
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Georgiana".

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Crampton
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Georgiana". Cooper, publican; Adelaide, Norwood, Glenelg, Naracoorte.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : James Turnbull Thompson
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Georgiana". Brewer, Balhannah.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Peter Campbell Shanks
Arrived in South Australia in August 1839 on board the ship the "Ariadne". Baker, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : James Phillips Caust
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Recovery". Blacksmith, farmer, Chain of Ponds.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Charles Giles, Snr
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Recovery". Nurseryman, Grove Hill, Norton Summit.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Rowe, Snr
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Recovery". Stonemason, Gilles Street, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Rowe, Jnr
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Recovery". Builder, Gilles, Street, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Sampson Sanders
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Recovery". Marble mason, Waymouth Street, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Robert Winter Beddome
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Anna Robertson". Land agent, Currency Creek, Rosaville (later known as Beulah Park).

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Everett
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Anna Robertson". Farmer, Currency Creek; grocer, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : George Louis Liptrott
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Anna Robertson". Storekeeper, Port Elliot; auctioneer & land agent.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Metcalf
Arrived in South Australia in September 1839 on board the ship the "Anna Robertson". Farmer and storekeeper, Port Elliot.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Lysander Hersey
Arrived in South Australia in July 1839 on board the ship the "Lysander". Manager, Carriewerloo, Warrakimbo stations; manager of tramway sheds, Walkerville.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : George Johnston
Probably George Johnston who arrived in South Australia in July 1839 on board the ship the "Lysander". Farmer, One Tree Hill, Curramulka.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Alexander Kirk
Arrived in South Australia in July 1839 on board the ship the "Lysander". Labourer, Port Adelaide; farmer, 'Kirklands', Golden Grove.