Find • mosaics • Results 361 to 390 of 2,263

Sheltered Workshop

Sheltered Workshop

Photograph of members of a sheltered workshop creating mosaic artwork in May 1968. The man seated is Mr Jim Stafford.

Commissioners of Public Works of South Australia

Commissioners of Public Works of South Australia

Photographic mosaic of 36 portraits of Commissioners of Public Works of South Australia.

[Design 2 for mosaic-style artwork] (artwork)

[Design 2 for mosaic-style artwork] (artwork)

Design (2) using abstract shapes outlined in pen and ink built up with watercolour mosaic shapes. Orientation of this artwork is unsure. (On reverse side is design for design (1), item 71/1).

[Design 3 for mosaic-style artwork] (artwork)

[Design 3 for mosaic-style artwork] (artwork)

Design (3) using abstract shapes built up in watercolour mosaic shapes, surrounded by grey watercolour background with 'flame'-shaped edges. Orientation of this artwork is unsure.

[Design 1 for mosaic-style artwork] (artwork)

[Design 1 for mosaic-style artwork] (artwork)

Design (1) using collage shapes with painted shapes assembled like mosaic pieces on white paper background, surrounded by an overlaid grey paper border cut in abstract 'flame' shapes. Some spaces around the collage area filled in with grey painted and pen and ink shapes. Orientation of this artwork is unsure. (On reverse side is design for design (2), item 71/2).

St. Paul's Choir

St. Paul's Choir

Photographic mosaic titled 'St Paul's Choir 1863' with 11 individual portraits set into the mount, as well as a photo of the organ. Individual portraits can be viewed by doing an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on SRG 94/A85/16.

Choristers at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Port Adelaide

Choristers at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Port Adelaide

Photographic mosaic titled 'Old Choristers of St Paul's' with eight individual portraits set into the mount. They are identified as Mr G. Selth, Mrs G. Selth, Mr Walters, Miss Luhers, Miss Jelly, Mr Turton and Mr Walters. A clergyman and another woman are not identified. Individual portraits can be viewed by doing an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on SRG 94/A85/17.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Reeves

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Reeves

Probably Thomas Reeves who arrived in South Australia in September 1845 on board the ship the "Sans Pareille". Publican, King William the Fourth Hotel, Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Andrew Davie

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Andrew Davie

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Market gardener, Brown Hill Creek.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Hayward

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Hayward

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, Hilton.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : David Dow

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : David Dow

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, Salisbury.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Peter McMartin

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Peter McMartin

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Gardener, teamster, farmer; Bowden, Macaw Creek.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Mundon

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Mundon

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, 'Charlesworth', Fourth Creek.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : James Porter

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : James Porter

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Stonemason, builder, quarryman; North Adelaide, St Peters, Maylands.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Slade

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Slade

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Farmer, Monarto.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Benjamin Norwich Conigrave

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Benjamin Norwich Conigrave

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Commercial traveller, Adelaide; brewer, Macclesfield.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Edwards, Snr

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Edwards, Snr

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Farmer, Brighton.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Edwards, Jnr

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Edwards, Jnr

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Farmer, Brighton.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Henry Edwards

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Henry Edwards

Henry Edwards arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Mason, Semaphore.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Marshall

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Marshall

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Of Wellington Street, Kensington.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Moore

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Moore

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Farmer, orchardist; Hartley Vale, Gumeracha.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Henry Porter

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : John Henry Porter

Probably John Henry Porter who arrived in South Australia in November 1848 on board the ship the "Duke of Bedford". Cordwainer, school teacher, Alberton.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Henry John Pain

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : William Henry John Pain

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Publican, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Josiah Stanton

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Josiah Stanton

Arrived in South Australia in February 1839 on board the ship the "Java". Farmer, Port Road.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Charles Tonkin

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Charles Tonkin

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Farmer, Fifth Creek, Kensington.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Forbes Wallis

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Thomas Forbes Wallis

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Java". Farmer, Fourth Creek (Newton); tailor, Adelaide.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Alexander Murray, Snr

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Alexander Murray, Snr

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "India". Biscuit and jam manufacturer, Murray and Son, Coromandel Valley; Member of Parliament.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : George Gray

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : George Gray

Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "John". Gold prospector, Adelaide; Northern Territory.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Richard Eagle

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Richard Eagle

Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt". Farmer, McLaren Vale and Noarlunga; storekeeper, Magill.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Reuben John Eagle

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Reuben John Eagle

Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt". Farmer, Port Elliot; warder, Adelaide Hospital.