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Bennett Street, Darwin

Bennett Street, Darwin

Bennett Street, Darwin.

Panoramic view of Undoolya Cattle Station, McDonnell Ranges

Panoramic view of Undoolya Cattle Station, McDonnell Ranges

Panoramic view of Undoolya Cattle Station, McDonnell Ranges.

The lighthouse and cottages at Cape Banks

The lighthouse and cottages at Cape Banks

The lighthouse and cottages at Cape Banks; men and women stand outside in the foreground.

Arbor Day at Houghton, South Australia

Arbor Day at Houghton, South Australia

Primary school children dressed as sailors form a guard of honour to welcome Lady Bosanquet (left) wife of the Governor of South Australia, to their Arbor Day.

Arbor Day at Houghton, South Australia

Arbor Day at Houghton, South Australia

Primary school children and residents of Houghton gathered for the official ceremonies of their Arbor Day to begin with Lady Bosanquet, wife of the Governor of South Australia, as their distinguished guest.

Lady Bosanquet, wife of the Governor of South Australia, surrounded with Houghton children

Lady Bosanquet, wife of the Governor of South Australia, surrounded with Houghton children

Lady Bosanquet, wife of the Governor of South Australia, surrounded with Houghton children, prepares the ground and plants a tree on Arbor Day.

Turning the first sod ceremony, Port Augusta, Trans Australian Railway

Turning the first sod ceremony, Port Augusta, Trans Australian Railway

Lord Denman, Governor-General of Australia present at the turning of the first sod ceremony for the Trans Australian Railway from South Australia to Western Australia; he is pushing the wheelbarrow much to the amusement of the large crowd.

Sir Douglas Mawson

Sir Douglas Mawson

Sir Douglas Mawson before his knighthood as the hero of the Antarctic.

Part of Tassie Street in Port Augusta looking north

Part of Tassie Street in Port Augusta looking north

Part of Tassie Street in Port Augusta looking north featuring W. Thomas' flour mill.

Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery, Adelaide

Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery, Adelaide

Premises of the South Australian Museum, Art Gallery, and Public Library, on North Terrace, Adelaide, now known as the Mortlock Library of South Australiana, State Library of South Australia.

South Australian Institute

South Australian Institute

The premises of the South Australian Institute, at this time operating as a Circulating Library, on North Terrace, Adelaide; the premises on the right housed the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery until separate premises were built; It is now the Mortlock Library of South Australiana, State Library of South Australia.

Arthur Searcy at Coffin Bay during a visit to the west coast by Sir George Le Hunte.

Arthur Searcy at Coffin Bay during a visit to the west coast by Sir George Le Hunte.

"On the following day (20 January 1906) several members of the party, including His Excellency, were driven to Port Lincoln in motor cars provided by Mr. W.T. Mortlock and the District Council of Port Lincoln." Observer newspaper, 27 January 1906, page 36. The car in this photo is a 1903 Oldsmobile - Curved Dash Runabout.

Actors, dancers, musicians

Actors, dancers, musicians

Ian Mortlock.

Album of travel photographs taken around Australia

Album of travel photographs taken around Australia

An album of photographs showing city and regional areas around Australia. Photographs taken in South Australia have been digitised. Album includes photographs from New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania. Interstate tourist attractions shown include Thunderbolt Rock (NSW) and an unusual tree stump carving relating to "Ponsasinorum" in Victoria. Some of the photographs have been colourised and many may be postcards. See 'contents' for details of digitised images.

Photographs of Adelaide city scenes

Photographs of Adelaide city scenes

Twelve photographs of Adelaide city scenes. See 'More info - Contents' for details.

Postcard of North Terrace in Adelaide

Postcard of North Terrace in Adelaide

Postcard of North Terrace in Adelaide. This section of the road shows the Institute building and the Mortlock Library. Card printed by the Broadway Printing Co.

Notebooks and sketchbooks

Notebooks and sketchbooks kept by Light (10 volumes). See special list at the Mortlock Library Reference Desk for details.

Theatre designs created by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski

Theatre designs created by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski

The series consists of artworks, photographic material, correspondence, press clippings and a model of a set design relating to theatre productions where JS Ostoja-Kotkowski designed the sets and/or the costumes. They include plays, operas and ballets. The series is organised by production and see also references have been included where material is in more than one sequence. Chronology:. c1949-1953 Melbourne theatre (PRG919/26/3440-3462). 1956 The Prisoner (PRG 919/26/2252-2261); Swan Lake (PRG 919/26/3102). 1957 King Lear (PRG 919/26/1479-1480) Six characters in search of an author (PRG 919/26/3123-4); Three's Company (PRG 919/26/3466). 1958 Elixir d'Amor (PRG 919/26/888-9); Il Matrimono (PRG 919/26/1336); Waiting for Godot PRG 919/26/3784-3790); Pas Noir et Sentimentales (PRG 919/26/4103-4). 1959 Cavalliera Rusticana (PRG 919/26/289-302); The Two Widows (PRG 919/26/3488-3495). 1960 The Turn of the Screw (PRG 919/26/3470-3487); Faust (PRG 919/26/890-904); Orpheus (PRG 919/26/2057-2060, 2609-2731); Marriage of Figaro (PRG 919/26/905, 1560-1561, 2414-2417); Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (PRG 919/26/1562-1563A); School for Scandal (PRG 919/26/3098-3100); Teahouse of the August Moon (PRG 919/26/3155-3180). 1961 Don Carlos (PRG 919/26/392-410); Don Pasquale (PRG 919/26/411); Ham Funeral (PRG 919/26/918-928); The Entertainer (PRG 919/26/414-417); Lysistrata (PRG 919/26/1478); Music Recital (PRG 919/26/1564-1565); Opera Workshop (PRG 919/26/2418); Swamp Creatures (PRG 919/26/3103-3121. 1962 The Caretaker (PRG 919/26/141-158; The Cousin from Fiji (PRG 919/26/366-382, 3987; Gentleman's Island (PRG 919/26/917, 1364-6, 1383-5); Dinner Engagement (PRG 919/26/391); The Telephone (PRG 919/26/391, 3463-5, 4049); The Scarf (PRG 919/26/391, 3101, 3463-5, 4048); Prima Donna (PRG 919/26/1364-7, 2262); La Voix Humaine (PRG 919/26/1364-6, 1386-7); Iphigenia (PRG 919/26/1422-1458); JB (PRG 919/26/1459-1475, 4097-4101); Madam Butterfly (PRG 919/26/1481-2, 1557-9, 2400-2413, 3988). 1963 Il Seraglio (PRG 919/26/1337-1360); Oedipus Rex (PRG 919/26/1577). 1964 The Bartered Bride (PRG 919/26/50-90); Macbeth (PRG 919/26/1483-1555, 4116, 4187); The Tales of Hoffman (PRG 919/26/3125-53). 1965 The Balcony (PRG 919/26/1-49); The Flying Dutchman (PRG 919/26/909-916, 2348-56A); Riders of the Sea (PRG 919/26/2346-57); The Heavyweight (PRG 919/26/929-931, 1397, 2357); I Pagliacci (PRG 919/26/930-1, 1397-1421, 2061, 2357); The Representative (PRG 919/26/2327-44); The Royal Hunt of the Sun (PRG 919/26/2358). 1966 Intervarsity jazz convention (PRG 919/26/1363); Nabucco (PRG 919/26/1566-76, 2419-61, 4055-4096). 1968 Burke's Co (PRG 919/26/94-140); Cosi Fan Tutte (PRG 919/26/305-365); Death of a Salesman (PRG 919/26/383-90); The Recruiting Officer (PRG 919/26/2326); Intimate Opera Group - Chantedoiz, Missus (PRG 919/26/4188-4190). 1969 Orpheo/Orpheus and Euridice (PRG 919/26/1578-81, ON DISPLAY IN MORTLOCK WING 2462-2607); The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St Luke (PRG 919/26/1582-2056, 2732-3097); Rake's Progress (PRG 919/26/2263-2325). 1970 The Spanish Ravel (PRG 919/26/3122). 1971 The Unknown Soldier and his Wife (PRG 919/26/3496-3783). 1974 The Excursions of Mr Broucek (PRG 919/26/418-887); Idomineo (PRG 919/26/932-1335). 1975 Polish Theatre Zemsta (PRG 919/26/3872-3961). 1978 Polish Theatre Dwa Teatry (PRG 919/26/2232-4); Teatr Stary (PRG 919/26/3181-3248). 1980 Polish Theatre Teatr sw Franciszka (PRG 919/26/2235-40; 3249-75). 1982 Playboy of the Western World (PRG 919/26/2062-2127). 1985 Carouselle Theatre Co (PRG 919/26/159-288); Polish Theatre Przeprowadzka (PRG 919/26/2128-2226). 1988 Polish Theatre Ich Czworo (PRG 919/26/2241-51, 3376-3428). 1989 Polish Theatre Smierc na Gruszy (PRG 919/26/2227-2231, 3429-3439); Roztworowski (PRG 919/26/2359-2399). 1991 Polish Theatre Wesele PRG 919/26/3791-3871). nd The Trojan Women (PRG 919/26/3469); The Beast in View (PRG 919/26/91-93); Christmas Concert (PRG 919/26/303); The Interrupted Rehearsal (PRG 919/26/1361-1362); La Traviata (PRG 919/26/1477); The Magic Flute (PRG 919/26/1556); Tosca (PRG 919/26/3468); Richard II (PRG 919/26/2345); Toda-san (PRG 919/26/3467); Tango (PRG 919/26/3154.

Silver trophies

Silver trophies

Three silver trophies awarded to Lawson family members: 1) 'Won by P.H. Lawson at the S.A. Gun Club grounds on 6th April 1915'; 2) S.A. Centenary Claybird Championship decided at Gawler. Won by Paul F. Lawson, 14-11-36'; and 3) 'Southern Gun Club, presented by J.T. Mortlock 1948-1949 Season', won by P.H. Lawson. The first is an example of ornate Victoriana design, the second an example of art deco design, and the third a round salver tray with raised grape and leaf cluster edge and embossed design around the inscription (Strachan 5014).

State Library Centenary badge, 1884-1984

State Library Centenary badge, 1884-1984

A badge, 6cm in diameter, commemorating the centenary of the State Library 1884-1894, with an illustration of the Mortlock Wing (previously known as the Jervois Wing).

North Terrace, Adelaide souvenir egg cup

North Terrace, Adelaide souvenir egg cup

A souvenir egg cup, 5 cm diameter across the top, with gold rims, showing North Terrace boulevard. The Institute Building, Public Library (Mortlock Wing), Museum and Art Gallery buildings are visible, with the hills in the background. The opposite side to the painting is inscribed: "North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A." The bottom of the egg cup (3 cm diamterer) is inscribed with: "Royal Stafford Bone China, made in England, 532."

Earl of Kintore : SUMMARY RECORD

Earl of Kintore : SUMMARY RECORD

Papers of Sir Algernon Hawkins Thomond Keith-Falconer, Ninth Earl of Kintore, Governor of South Australia, comprising a collection of illuminated addresses presented to him (see special list for further details), and a private letter and stamped envelope from Governor Kintore to William Anstruther-Thomson (1859-1938) of the Royal Horse Guards, London, dated 14 June 1891.

Restored building on Boston Island

Restored building on Boston Island

Restored hut on Boston Island near Port Lincoln.

Mark Greenfield at the Mortlock Library

Mark Greenfield at the Mortlock Library

Diana Honey, Reader Education Librarian (at left) watches author Mark Greenfield autograph his book at Penola during a Local History Conference.

Transfer of the pictorial collection to videodisk

Transfer of the pictorial collection to videodisk

The transfer of the pictorial collection onto videodisk begins, 17th June 1990. The work was undertaken on the first floor gallery (southern end) of the Mortlock Library.

North Terrace, viewed from a building on the south side

North Terrace, viewed from a building on the south side

View of North Terrace looking northeast at the Mortlock Chamber and the South Australian Museum. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Early South Australian aviators

Early South Australian aviators

A collection of slides relating to some of South Australia's early aviators (Ross and Keith Smith, Harry Butler, Carl Wittber and Jimmy Melrose), copied from items in the collection. Probably created at the time of the 'Wings in the South' exhibition held at the State Library.

'Googleman' on North Terrace

'Googleman' on North Terrace

Four photos of 'Googleman' on North Terrace outside the State Library. It shows a bearded man with photographic equipment on his back, obtaining detailed photos of the Library and Library forecourt for the Google Earth street view.

Rosina F. Tennant

Rosina F. Tennant

Portrait of a young Rosina Forsayth Tennant, who married William Mortlock in 1891.

Historic photograph album by D. Darian Smith

Historic photograph album by D. Darian Smith

Comprising a collection of 34 aerial photographs of Adelaide city and surrounds by prominent South Australian aerial photographer D. Darian Smith. Collection includes early views of Adelaide, Port Noarlunga, Port Adelaide, Barossa Valley, Murray River areas and Victor Harbor. See also viewed 1/2/2018. See also James Dodd diaries SLSA D 7968(L).