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Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] Two cars are parked in front of this new building which is finished with cement render and has large plate glass windows. This well-known Adelaide firm, which manufactured agricultural implements, was started by John Bagshaw in 1939. He built Ridley's stripper and designed Australia's frst winnowing machine, sold under the trademark 'Champion'. In 1924 J.H. Horwood joined the firm. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 112 / Currie Street, north side / June 24, 1926 / Horwood's show rooms erected in 1926. For view of premises formerly on the seit see B 2821. / Left side of Horwoods is 14 yards east of Kingston Street. Frontage is 18 yards.'

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide, north side, on the corner of Bennett Street. This three storey building is the business premises for Unbehaun & Johnstone, Electrical Engineers. A large advertising sign above the building is probably illuminated.

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] City buildings on Currie Street. Businesses from left to right are: Gillingham & Co. Limited, Printers and Stationers; The Hassell Press; Unbehaun & Johnstone Ltd., Electrical Engineers, displaying a large electronic sign; Crapp & Hawkes, Hardware Merchants; Harringtons Photographic Works; T. O'Connor, Plumber, which displays a sign indicating that they are removing, and W.E.Ekins, Gunmaker. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 113 & 114 / Currie Street, north side / July 25, 1926 / O'Connor's premises demolished in 1926. For photo of building subsequently erected see B 4838 and B 9609. Hassel's premises are on the west corner of Burnett Street. Left side of O'Connor's is 23 yds. east of Burnett Street. O'Connor's frontage: 6 1/2 Yards.'

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] Business premises in Currie Street, from left to right: Unbehaun and Johnstone, Electrical engineers,displaying a large electronic sign; Harringtons, Photographic works; Crapp and Hawkes, Hardware merchants; the new Patola Buildings with C.H. Paterson, Auctioneers, Valuators and Home Furnishers and W.E. Ekins, Gunmakers. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 113 / Currie Street, north side / April 29th 1928 / Patola Buildings erected in 1926-7 / For photograph of building formerly occupying the site see B 3728 / Site of Patola Buildings: Left side is 23 yards east of Burnett Street / Frontage: 6.5 Yards' (Another hand) 'For view of Crapp and Hawkes' premises after alterations effected in 1929 see B 5747'.

Light Square, Adelaide

Light Square, Adelaide

[General description] The premises of the Vellum Bindery Ltd., Book Binders and Paper Rulers. The single storey brick building has arched windows on either side of a large roller door. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 118 / Light Square /west side / 29th July 1963 / Right side of building abuts Philip Street / Frontage of building is 17 yards'

Bedford Hotel, Currie Street, Adelaide

Bedford Hotel, Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] A group of school children (girls in white pinafores) stand in the left foreground of this view of the Bedford Hotel, a two storey stuccoed building with arched doors, mullion windows and decorative parapet. A couple poses at the entrance over which hangs a large lantern. George Lee was the licensee at this time. A hotel has been on (or near) this site since 1840, originally called the Ship Inn. [On back of photograph] 'Currie Street, north side / 1891-93 / The right side of the Bedford Hotel is 2 yards west of Elizabeth Street and frontage is 15.5 yards / Presented by W.C.C. Deland'.

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

State Savings Bank, Currie Street, Adelaide, on the south side. This must have been a special occasion, as there is bunting on the balconies, and an important looking gentleman is posing for the photographer in the centre one. Down in the street a lady is pushing a large perambulator. The frontage of the bank is 25 yards.

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] City buildings and light horse drawn traffic on Currie Street. On the right is the premises of Harrold, Colton & Company, Saddlers and Ironmongers (Hardware). Large utility poles can be seen on the left. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 138, 139 / Currie Street, looking east from a point a little west of Leigh Street / 1910-11'.

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide, at the King William Street intersection. Note the large lamp post in the middle of the street.

King William Street

King William Street

A collection of photos housed in a large album. To see more detail on individual photos do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 27584/.

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] The styling of the new Crapp & Hawkes' building is plain and solid, two stories tall with a wide cantilever verandah. There are large plate glass windows on the ground floor and mullion windows on the upper floor. The building is recently completed as there is a pile of builder's rubble in the street and a cart next to it. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 134 / South east corner of Currie Street and Light Square / January 10th 1929 / Crapp & Hawkes' premises erected in 1928. For view of the petrol service station formerly on the site see B 3432 / Currie Street frontage is 23 yards and Light Square frontage is 33 yards'.

Currie Street, Adelaide

Currie Street, Adelaide

[General description] This interesting building, with its decorative parapet mouldings and large arched doorway, has been a dance studio for Mrs. W.A. Wood, as her name features on the fan-shaped window over the entrance. It has also been the premises of Frank Woodcock, Matthews and Co. Fertilisers and Remington College. Earlier, it was used by the Adelaide Steamship Company; see B 5264. [On back of photograph] ' Acre 138 / Currie Street, south side / 1910 / On the right is Topham Street. Near side of three storey building is 30 yards east of Topham Street.' (Another hand) 'For view of building erected on this site in 1960 see B 14536.'

Grenfell Street, Adelaide

Grenfell Street, Adelaide

[General description] A lively street scene with city buildings, horse transport and a crowd of men and boys which has assembled outside the Register Building. The photograph has been taken from the opposite side of the road and includes in the foreground onlookers who are sitting and standing at the kerb. In the centre a man is pushing a large hand barrow. To the left of the Register Building is H.Hampton's Advertising Agency, then C.G. Gurr's Auctioneers. Next along is Cowra Chambers with its classical columns. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 141 & 142 / Grenfell Street, south side / About 1896 / Extreme right is 35 yards east of King William Street. / Brighton Lime Depot (low building on left) is on the west corner of Commercial Place.'

Grenfell Street looking east

Grenfell Street looking east

Grenfell Street south side, looking east. The building on the corner (number 66) has the name CH Manning carved into stone under a large Coat and Arms on the first storey. Shop fronts visible include a photgraphic studio, Bankside Wine Bar selling Hardy's claret punch. The late T Duryea photographic studio was established in 1854 and holds a dominant position on the first floor of the corner building. Horses, carriages and customers can be seen in the street.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide

Grenfell Street, Adelaide

Grenfell Street, Adelaide, looking west from a point about 30 yards east of Gawler Place. The left side of Staerker & Fischer's is 8 yards east of Gawler Place. A man trots past on his horse, and along Grenfell Street a large number of horse trams are lined up.

Grenfell Street

Grenfell Street

[General description] The Grenfell Street Power Station was opened by the Lady Mayoress on 19 November 1901, with a large number of Adelaide's leading citizens gathered to see the lights go on. This saw the beginning of the gradual roll-out of electricity supply to the whole of Adelaide. The power station was shut down in 1925 when Osborne power station took over all operations. See B 10366 for a photograph taken in 1923 showing extensions to the building which were made in 1912. The hotel on the right is the 'Producers', briefly known as the 'Electric Light' between 1900and 1906). [On back of photograph] 'Acre 155 / Grenfell Street, south side / 1909 / Far side of Adelaide Electric Supply Company building is 71 yards west of East Terrace / Tram standard on left is 21.5 yards west of East terrace'.

East Terrace

East Terrace

East Terrace, Adelaide Electric Supply Company's Power Station, looking north west from Hutt Street. Large towers, chimneys mark the landscape. A covered cart and a car are negotiating the corner of Pirie Street as it turns into East Terrace, then into Hutt Street. The Power Station was built at a cost of 8650 pounds and was opened in 1901.

Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide

Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide

[General description] In front of Griffiths Brothers' Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and Chocolate Merchants a man appears to be loading something into a company vehicle, whilst a boy wearing a cap looks on. Other motor related business premises can be seen in the centre of the view and the Y.W.C.A. building is toward the right. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 164 and 147 / Hindmarsh Square, west side / Oct. 1, 1925 / Cantilever verandah erected in 1925 on premises between Griffiths' and the Young Women's Christian Association. Cantilever verandah erected in 1926 in front of Griffith's premises. Left side of Griffiths is 35 yards north of Pirie Street. Right side of Turner's is 78 yards north of Pirie Street. A large single story wood and iron building was erected on the site of W. Turner's and All British Automobiles buildings in 1941.' (Another hand) 'See B 12327.'

Hyde Street, Adelaide

Hyde Street, Adelaide

[General description] A large two wheeled hand cart stands in the foreground of this photograph of Cornell's Motor dealers' city premises under alteration and construction. Bicycles, a car and a motor cycle are parked at the kerb. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 164 / Hyde Street, west side / looking towards Pirie St. / June 16, 1926 / The building in the foreground (not the one in process of construction on the corner of Pirie Street) was erected about 1914 and at the time of being photographed was in process of receiving one or more additional stories. Near side of this building is 42 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage measures 24 yards. For photo. taken after the completion of building operations see B 4196'.

Commercial Place

Commercial Place

Interior of Adelaide Stock Exchange showing brokers seated at raised desks on the tiered floor. They are facing three men seated at the central desk in front of them. The ceiling has wooden beams, parquetry panels and a large wrought iron hanging lamp. This building was built in 1901.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] In this interior view of White's rooms wooden chairs are arranged in rows in the foreground. The stage, complete with a piano, is seen in the distance. Two large gasoliers hang over the auditorium. (From September 1859 the building was lit by gas. It must have had its own gas plant as reticulated gas was not available in Adelaide until June, 1863.) Opened in June 1856 by George White the rooms were used for concerts, theatricals, balls and public meetings. [On front of photograph] 'White's assembly-rooms (site of present Majestic Theatre) for many years Adelaide's leading house of entertainment' [On back of photograph] 'c. 1876-79 / Acre 170 / Miscellaneous references to White's rooms: S.A. Register: Nov. 13, 1876 5d ; May 10, 1877 4b ; Jan. 2, 1878 5f . Adelaide Observer: Mar. 20, 1880 p. 486b ; May 1, 1880 726c ; May 22 1880 854a ; March 31, 1900 (30a). Photograph extracted from "Observer", August 18, 1928.' (Another hand) 'Subsequently Garner's Theatre / Subsequently Garner's Rooms (Adelaide Observer 17-1-1891 26c) / Subsequently Hudson's Bijou Theatre (Adelaide Observer 29-4-1893 26d) / Subsequently Rickards' Tivoli Theatre (Adelaide Observer 16-6-1900 29c and 23-6-1900 28c)'.

King William Street

King William Street

A view of King William Street looking northwards from the Post Office Tower. Horse drawn carriages and trolley buses can be seen travelling along King William Street. Houses in North Adelaide can be seen through the haze. Large expanses of parklands divide North Terrace from North Adelaide.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] A buggy drawn by a pair of grey horses is standing in the foreground of this view of the Clarence Hotel. People are grouped on the large balcony, others are standing in front of the building. G.R. Dowdy and J. Lewis were the licensees of this hotel 1891-99, later in 1917 the name was changed to the Majestic until its demolition in 1981. There was a hotel on this site since 1857. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 170 / King William Street, east Side / c. 1890 / The left side of the Clarence Hotel is 61 yards north of Pirie Street and the right side of Ware Chambers is 24 yards north of Pirie Street / Presented by Mrs. Florence Burley'.

King William Street, near Waymouth Street looking west

King William Street, near Waymouth Street looking west

Peace Day, King William Street. Huge crowds line the street during the Peace Day Parade held 19th July, 1919. The procession of soldiers marching are from the 10th and 27th Battalions. During the day athletic championships for soldiers were held, along with fireworks and 50 bonfires lit by the Boy Scouts.The chain of fires could be seen from the hills of Mitcham to Tea Tree Gully. A large banner held by the crowd reads 'Sammy's wish, peace at last'. Flags are flying from the buildings along King William Street.

Waymouth Street, Adelaide

Waymouth Street, Adelaide

[General description] In between Bickford's building on the left and DHA Laboritories on the right is a large yard with a tall fence. Perhaps these premises are about to undergo re-modelling. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 175 / Waymouth Street, north side / March 14th 1955 / Left side of Bickfords building is 50 yards east of Gilles Arcade / Frontage of Bickford's building including fence and gateway is 21.5 yards.'

Gilles Arcade, Adelaide

Gilles Arcade, Adelaide

[General description] Two men with top hats and tails are posing in front of this two-storey building which has Ionic pillars and a coat of arms on the pediment. There are two large gas lamps either side of the entrance. It was built as Queen's Theatre in 1840 and was also used for public occasions and by the Supreme Court from 1842-46. In 1846 it was rebuilt by G.S. Coppin, known as "the father of Australian Theatre" who renamed it the Royal Victoria. A billboard in front of the Theatre mentions a Mr. Hoskins who was probably William Hoskins, a well-known actor-manager at the time. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 176 / Victoria Theatre, Gilles Arcade (off Currie Street) / For exact site see B 1092 / Reproduced in 1933 from a faded original / In the eighteen sixties.'

Waymouth Street, Adelaide

Waymouth Street, Adelaide

[General description] Modern premises for Ford dealership with large plate glass windows. The building is Art Deco in style. Cars are parked at the kerb including a baker's van for Parker Brothers. Bickford and Sons, Manufacturing Chemists are next door. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 176 / Waymouth Street, north side / May 10th,1937 / These buildings (in centre) were erected in 1936 / Compare with B 6865 and B 6866 / This view is identical with B 12980 / The building in the centre stands on east corner of Gilles Arcade and extends to a point three yards east of the west side of Young Street'.

Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street

Elizabeth Street, east side, December 14th 1934. The near portion of Brown's (with the large door) was erected in 1933. On the site formerly was a single storey three roomed cottage with a verandah on the street alignment. It was demolished before a photograph could be taken (1933) Browns Brothers Limited was an engineering, finishing and foundry business.

Marlborough Place, Adelaide

Marlborough Place, Adelaide

Marlborough Place, Adelaide, south side, on March 31st 1925. The frontage of the building is 30 yards and its near side is 13 yards west of Advertiser Place.The large building in the foreground was erected as a bulk store for the 'Advertiser' in 1924-5. For a view of the premises formerly on the site, see B 1297. For a view of the building erected in 1936, see B 6965 and B 6966. Note the hand cart.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] This view shows the road and buildings on the west side of King William Street. On the left is the old General Post Office. In the centre is the Family Hotel, later to become the Criterion. The publican at this time is W. Hubble. Note the archway supporting a large lamp at the kerb in front of the hotel. On the right is Rounsevell's Mail Coach booking office. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 202 & 237 / King William Street, west side. Extreme right of photo. is about 47 yards south of Waymouth St. 1860-67'.