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Bristol Monoplane

Bristol Monoplane

Bristol monoplane known as the "Red Devil" owned and flown by Captain Harry Butler. Captain Harry Butler returned to Australian after receiving the Air Force Cross in World War I. With his monoplane "Red Devil" he made a water crossing from Adelaide to Minlaton in 27 minutes

Bristol Monoplane

Bristol Monoplane

Bristol monoplane known as the "Red Devil" owned and flown by Captain Harry Butler. Captain Harry Butler returned to Australian after receiving the Air Force Cross in World War I. With his monoplane "Red Devil" he made a water crossing from Adelaide to Minlaton in 27 minutes

Bristol Monoplane

Bristol Monoplane

Bristol monoplane known as the "Red Devil" owned and flown by Captain Harry Butler. Captain Harry Butler returned to Australian after receiving the Air Force Cross in World War I. With his monoplane "Red Devil" he made a water crossing from Adelaide to Minlaton in 27 minutes



Harry Butler's plane on his landing ground. l-r F. Richards, T. Butler, H. Kauper, H. Butler, C. Crawford, K. Cooke.

Group of pilots

Group of pilots

Group of pilots in front of an airplane. They are identified L-R: Jessie 'Chubbie' Miller, Harry Plumridge, Harry Butler, Bill Lancaster.

Capt. Butler & T.J. Richards

Capt. Butler & T.J. Richards

Captain H. Butler, Mr. T. J. Richards and Butler's aeroplane, who had a flight in 1919.

Garage at Minlaton

Garage at Minlaton

Harry Butler's Garage, Richard Street, Minlaton No Publication without Permission. See Library Staff.

Crashed Aircraft at Minlaton

Crashed Aircraft at Minlaton

Mr. G. Oldland inspecting Harry Butler's crashed aeroplane.

Ross Smith's Vickers Vimy Aeroplane

Ross Smith's Vickers Vimy Aeroplane

Ross Smith's Vickers Vimy Aeroplane at Harry Butler's Aerodrome, Fosters Road, Northfield.

Ross Smiths's Aeroplane

Ross Smiths's Aeroplane

Ross Smiths's Aeroplane at Harry Butler's Aerodrome, Fosters Road, Northfield, 23 March 1920 after flying from England.

Aeroplane at Unley Oval

Aeroplane at Unley Oval

Harry Butler's aeroplane at Unley Oval (Bristol Monoplane).

Aeroplane at Unley Oval

Aeroplane at Unley Oval

Harry Butler's aeroplane at Unley Oval.

Unley oval, Unley

Unley oval, Unley

Captain Harry Butler's plane on Unley oval.

Motorcyclists at Wayville

Motorcyclists at Wayville

Harry Butler and Jack Chapman at Speedway Royal, Wayville.

Motorcyclists at Wayville

Motorcyclists at Wayville

Vic Huxley first, Harry Butler second, Evan Bartett third at Speedway Royal, Wayville.

Spectators watching an aircraft's arrival

Spectators watching an aircraft's arrival

A large crowd of spectators packed into stands around a show ring looking up into the sky as they watch for the arrival of the local aviator Harry Butler's aircraft.

Capt. Butler's Avro biplane at Enfield

Capt. Butler's Avro biplane at Enfield

Capt. Butler's Avro biplane at Enfield to welcome Smith's Vickers Vimy.

H. Butler

H. Butler

H. Butler - 7-9. Harley, Speedway Royal, Wayville.

Elsa Birch Butler

Elsa Birch Butler

Elsa Birch Butler, wife of the pioneer aviator Captain Harry Butler.

Elsa Birch Butler

Elsa Birch Butler

Elsa Birch Butler, wife of pioneer aviator Captain Harry Butler.

Butlers Monoplane

Butlers Monoplane

H.Butler and the Richards family in front of his monoplane.

Luncheon at Parliament House

Luncheon at Parliament House

Luncheon given at Parliament House by the Hon. the Premier (T. Playford) to former premiers. 24 December 1940 Left to right: R.S. Richards, Sir Richard Butler, L.L. Hill, Sir Henry Barwell, T. Playford. All five politicians have signed this photograph.

Early South Australian aviators

Early South Australian aviators

A collection of slides relating to some of South Australia's early aviators (Ross and Keith Smith, Harry Butler, Carl Wittber and Jimmy Melrose), copied from items in the collection. Probably created at the time of the 'Wings in the South' exhibition held at the State Library.

World War 1 and 2 era fundraising button badges

World War 1 and 2 era fundraising button badges

World War One era badges (also known as buttons or 'tinnies') collected by the R.S.L. Most badges were designed and created to be puchased as a fundraising interest, in order to raise money for various factions of the Red Cross. Included are badges created for occasions such as Australia Day, Violet Day, Army Nurses Day, and French Day, and for charity groups including the Red Cross, the Cheer-Up Society, the R.S.A. Building Fund (Returned Soldiers' Association, which later became the R.S.L.), the Wattle Day League, Soldiers' Home, Children's Patriotic League, Nursing Society, and the Y.M.C.A., as well as official peace badges marking the end of the war and various miscellaneous badges including a Christian Endeavour convention, fundraising carnivals and memorial gardens. Also includes some button badges from the inter-war years, 1919-1938, and from the Second World War, and other metal badges from WW1 and WW2. See below for details.

Executive Council

Executive Council

[General description] The eight members of the Executive Council are posed for the photographer in two tiers, three seated, five standing behind. [On back of photograph] 'Executive Council, Dec. 1927. / From left to right:Standing: M. McIntosh, G.H. Jenkins, J. Cowan, Hermann Homburg and Harry Blinman. Sitting: R.L. Butler, Sir Tom Bridges and Henry Tassie'.

Sir Ross Smith Commemoration Service

Sir Ross Smith Commemoration Service

Commemoration Service to mark the 96th anniversary of the burial of Sir Ross Smith. Bishop Tim Harris, Anglican Diocese of Adelaide delivering The Lord's Prayer. Chaplain Mark Butler, RAAF Edinburgh, and Master of Ceremony, Flight Lieutenant William Townsend, Operations Officer, No. 24 Squadron, are standing behind.

License and photographs

License and photographs

Records comprising licence for navigators, engineers or ground engineers issued to Leslie Jack Lucas by the Department of Defence along with photographs of aircraft using Harry Butler's airfields at Northfield and Albert Park. Pilots photographed include Ross and Keith Smith and Frank Hurley.

Ross and Keith Smith's plane in Adelaide

Ross and Keith Smith's plane in Adelaide

Eleven photographs of Ross and Keith Smith's Vickers Vimy plane at Adelaide, shortly after their successful flight from England to Australia, including one of the plane coming into land, the plane viewed from various angles, and crowds around the plane. There are also four photographs of other early planes: one appears to be the Smith's Vicker Vimy outside a building with a (partially obscured) sign referring to Charles Wakefield [Wakefield provided financial support for the Smith's 1919 flight to Australia]; another which appears to be of Captain Harry Butler's Bristol M1C monoplane outside the hanger at Northfield (known as the 'Red Devil' and used by Butler to escort the Smith brothers into Adelaide); and two bi-planes, one of which is probably Butler's Avro 504-K. See also B 74368 for related images.

Papers of Collins and Murdoch Family

Records comprising correspondence, papers, photographs, cards, war records and correspondence, ephemera and travel documents belonging to members of the Collins and Murdoch families, across generations. Records mostly relate to Enoch Henry Murdoch and his daughter Daphne Murdoch and Frederick William (F.W.) Collins including diaries and his World War I correspondence.

Motorcyclists at Wayville

Motorcyclists at Wayville

Alby Taylor, H. Butler at Speedway Royal, Wayville.