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Rundle Street, Adelaide
[General description] A corner perspective of the Oriental Hotel, taken from across Rundle Street. It is a five storey building, three of which have verandahs and balconies. The corners of the balconies have been curved in keeping with the art deco influence at the time. A hotel has been on this site since 26th March, 1840 when it was known as the Suffolk Inn. In 1847 it became the Hamburg when the licensee was W. Pohlmann. In 1915 the name was changed to the Oriental, perhaps in response to the war. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 82 / Rundle Street, south side / East corner of Gawler Place / May 16, 1926 / Taken after the addition of three stories in 1925.Compare with B1203. Rundle Street frontage of the Oriental Hotel : 15 1/2 yards. For view showing shop fronts installed in 1939 see B9808.'

Rundle Street
Rundle Street looking west from a point nearly opposite to Linde's Lane, 27 May 1911. The extreme left is 70 yards east of Gawler Place.

Rundle Street
Rundle Street, South Side, 26 February 1971. Right side of building is 25 yards east of Gawler Place. Rundle Street frontage is 5 yards.

Rundle Street
Rundle Street, South Side, 24 March 1972. Right side of building is 50-1/3 yards east of Gawler Place. Rundle Street frontage is 7 yards.

Claridge House Arcade
Claridge House, ground floor arcade shops at 52 Gawler Place, east side. Signs for Hoopers Picture Framers, Claridge Salon, Lavender Gardens sandwiches and homemade cakes, and Kinnane's Florist are shown.

Boer War Veterans
Boer War veterans at a Christmas luncheon, Oriental Hotel, corner of Rundle Street and Gawler Place. Seated l-r: George Reece, Phil Brandt, Bert Morley, H. Walsh. Standing l-r: Ed Hudd, Bill Davis, Ted Spender, Padre Eckersley, Hugh Fyfe, W.G. Hill.

Rundle Street
Corner of Rundle Street and Gawler Place.

Rundle Street
Rundle Street, south side, looking from a point slightly east of Charles Street. The photograph shows the Centenary Celebration during September 1936. The buildings were decorated with floral displays and flags. The near side of the Regent Theatre is 3 yards west of Charles Street and frontage is 30 yards.Two new films are showing at the Regent Theatre - Robert Taylor in "Private Number" and James Dunn in "Don't get Personal". The Oriental Hotel (away on the right) stands on the east corner of Gawler Place. The tall white building near the extreme right is the Colonial Mutual Life Building, standing on the south corner of Hindley Street and King William Street.

Rundle Street
131 -133 Rundle Street, south side. Reproduced from a photograph in the posession of George Chapman of Gawler Place. Probably dated 1862-63, the photograph depicts Northmore and Company Drapers Shop.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] Buildings on Grenfell Street with a group of men standing in front of the nearest one. Pedestrians, including a serviceman in uniform stroll past. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 104 & 105 / Grenfell Street, north side / 1915- 1919 / Copied by Kodaks from photograph in posession of Harris Scarfe Ltd. / Archives Fund / Site:The extreme left is 49 yards east of Gawler Place / the right side is 8 yards east of Chesser Street'.

Grenfell Street, North Side
Grenfell Street, north side, 25th June 1976. Grenfell Street frontage is 94 metres; the site is 40 metres east of Gawler Place.

Grenfell Street, North Side
Grenfell Street, north side, 25th June 1976 The site is 40 metres east of Gawler Place; frontage: 94 metres.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Grenfell Street, Adelaide, north side, at the corner of Gawler Place. A man on a ladder is putting the final touches on the sign of A. Simpson & Son's factory.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] This photograph, taken from the opposite side of the road, shows the two storey Harris Scarfe's building with its plate-glass windows full of wares. A row of vehicles of the period are parked at 45 degrees at the kerb. One of the ornate supports for the tram wires stands in the middle of the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 105 & 104 / Grenfell Street, north side / Harris Scarfe's premises / Apr. 12, 1926 / Near side of Scarfe's is 40 yards east of Gawler Pl. / Far side of Scarfe's (where it adjoins the three storey building) is 9 1/2 yards east of Chesser Street.'

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] A horse and cart stand outside the premises of Geo. P. Harris Scarfe which occupy the centre of this view. Holden's Motor and Buggy Trimmers are further along the road. Tramlines for the new electric trams are seen in the foreground. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 105 & 104 / Grenfell Street, north side / 1915-1919 / Copied by Kodaks from a photograph on possession of Harris Scarfe Ltd. / Archives fund / The building on the extreme left is 40 yards east of Gawler Place / The near side of Holden's Motor and Buggy trimming works (on extreme right of photograph) is 9 1/2 yards east of Chesser Street'.

Grenfell Street
Grenfell Street, north side, 9th November 1962. Left side of the Da Costa thirteen storey building which was completed in 1957 abuts east side of Gawler Place. For the building previously on the site of Da Costa building see B 6763. Harris Scarfe Limited department store can be seen at its location on Grenfell Street. The 13 storey Da Costa builoding was Adelaide's first post-World War II skyscraper. Sister and brother Louisa Da Costa and Benjamin Menes Da Costa bequeathed their estate to the Governor of South Australia to be used for samaritan needs. The pair were among the first pioneers to the colony and lived in Grenfell Street. Mr Da Costa was a shrewd businessman.

Grenfell Street
Grenfell Street, showing the building on the corner of Gawler Place.

Grenfell Street, North Side
Grenfell Street, north side, 20th July 1973. Left side of building is 14 yards east of Gawler Place. Grenfell Street frontage: 19 2/3 yards.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Grenfell Street, Adelaide, looking west from Gawler Place. On the right is the Hotel Europe, which existed from 1855-1883. The publican at this time was J.A. Juriet (Jureit?). On the extreme left is C.L. Meyer's Northern Insurance Company office. A horse and cart stands outside. The Register tower can be seen on the left in the middle distance.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] New buildings have replaced old: City buildings and parked cars on Grenfell Street. The tramline is seen in the centre of the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 106 and 107 / Grenfell Street, north side / 4th June 1937 / Showiing additions and alterations made in 1936 / The buildings affected are the four storey ones of light colour / Compare with B 5337, B 2612 and B 5327 / Site of the remodelled buildings are: Near side is 40 yards west of Gawler Place / Frontage: 39.5 yards'.

Grenfell Street
Grenfell Street, north side showing the premises of Elder, Smith & Co. Right side is about 39 yards west of Gawler Place. Frontage: about 23 yards. The two storey building has arched lattice windows on the first floor with shutters on some. An ornate lamplight stands on the footpath.

Grenfell Street
Grenfell Street, looking east from a point west of Gawler Place. The spires of the Congregational Church in Hindmarsh Square are visible in the distance.

Grenfell Street
Grenfell Street, north side, 31st December 1952. Right side of Whillas and Ormiston's general printers shop is 13 1/2 yards west of Gawler Place; frontage: 6 1/2 yards. New shop front was built in 1952

Grenfell Street
Grenfell Street, north side at the north-west corner of Gawler Place, 18th December 1956. Part of the building at one time housed the premises of the Young Men's Christian Association

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] Two popular FJ / FX Holden cars are parked in front of a section of a larger building (see B 13815) which at one time housed the Young Men's Christian Association. Sellicks furniture retailer is having a removal sale on the ground floor. On the left is part of the premises of well-known Adelaide jeweller C.W. Ottaway which closed in January 2016 after ninety-three years trading. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 106 / September 28, 1960 / Grenfell Street, north side / Right side of centre building is 23 yards west of Gawler Place, Frontage: 16 yards'

Grenfell Street, North Side
Grenfell Street, north side, 27th November 1970 . Right side of building abuts Gawler Place, west side. Grenfell Street frontage is 23 yards.

Y.M.C.A. building, corner of Grenfell Street and Gawler Place.

Harrington's Camera Shop
Harringtons Ltd. camera and photographic shop, Gawler Place.

Grenfell Street
North West corner of Grenfell Street and Gawler Place.

Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Grenfell Street, Adelaide, north side. Two men are crossing the road, passing a horse feeding from its nosebag. The building with the classical statue is the premises for the Australian Widows Fund Life Assurance Society. To its right, the building with the dome is the Mutual Life Association. Next on the right is Woodman's Piano and Organ Depot. For alterations and additions made to this building in 1936, see B 7046. The extreme left of the photograph is 17 yards east of James Place, on the right is Gawler Place.