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Port Darwin harbour

Port Darwin harbour

DARWIN: The harbour, Port Darwin.



[General description] Various people are posing on the wide verandah of the saw mill residence which is a small weatherboard structure. Horse drawn vehicles are shown in the foreground, one of which is harnessed to a tandem team. The sheds of the saw mill are in the background. [On back of photograph] 'Manders' Saw Mill / Palmerston / 1878 / Mr. Manders' residence and steam saw mill, 1878 / Bennett Street / (Vide Foelsche album of views, lent by L.J. Burton, Kapunda)'.



Palmerston. Blacksmith's shop, Officers Mess, Kitchen, Mr. McKay's quarters, Dispensary. All of these buildings have been constructed from upright logs, shingles and galvanised tin sheets. They are situated in a group at the bottom of a low hill.



Palmerston. Two of the buildings in the camp are Ned Tuckwell's Government Carpenter's shop on the left and the boat shed on the right. Both buildings appear to have been constructed on the beach at the bottom of a small hill. They are constructed from the usual combination of wooden poles and a tin roof. A wooden rowing boat sits outside the boat shed. Ned Tuckwell is sitting in the shade of the boat shed.



Mitchell Street, Palmerston showing a smart new house on one corner. This is constructed from timber with an iron roof. There is a wrap around verandah to keep out the sun.



E.S. & A. Bank (old office) and residence : no copying without permission. A note on the photograph states "Darwin Old Police Station and Residence in 1876". The properties are surroundede by a smart white picket fence.



Chinese and other shanties in 1880-1899 at Palmerston. The semi-detached buildings have been constructed from iron sheets, some having bark roofs and thatched roofs. Some have precariously placed lean-to outhouses attached to the houses.



North Australian (newspaper) Office and premises of J.T. Bull (tall man in doorway)- Importer & General Stores. This newspaper was published since 1889. JT Bull died at 34 years old after ten years living in the Northern Territory. He worked for Mr VL Solomon, then the Adcock Brothers. He was a popular Territorian.



English, Scottish and Australian Bank, Smith Street, Palmerston in 1887. The building has a steep twin roof with a shady verandah covered with latticework and creepers.



Cavanagh Street, Darwin showing a Terminus Hotel. A building under construction can be seen to the left of the photograph. From the early 1880s passengers disembarked at the Port of Darwin and climbed the escarpment to Cavenagh Street towards the Terminus Hotel. There, shaded by the great banyan tree they sat in the shade and debated the issues of the day.



E. S. A. Bank and residence.



Government survey camp, Palmerston. The site consists of tents amid the pandanus trees. A large bell has been erected from one branch. Men are standing nearby



Government survey camp, Palmerston. A view looking down on the campsite showing tents on the shoreline and a building in the foreground constructed from thin tree trunks with a galvanised iron roof



Government survey camp, Palmerston showing galvanised iron huts set among the scrub in a clearing. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. The huts have been raised off the land.



Government survey camp, Palmerston. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. The photograph shows rows of galvanised iron huts at the bottom of the hill near the sea



Members of the Government Surveying Party at the campsite. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. South Australian Government was keen to establish a permanent settlement in the Northern Territory. Goyder divided his men into various working parties including Road Party, Trig. Piling, Landing Party, Timber Party, Ship Party. The men shown in this photograph are carrying various tools of trade including cooking utensils, axes, trigonometry measuring tools



Government surveying party, Palmerston campsite. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. South Australian Government was keen to establish a permanent settlement in the Northern Territory. Goyder divided his men into various working parties including Road Party, Trig. Piling, Landing Party, Timber Party, Ship Party. The men shown in this photograph are carrying various tools of trade including axes and trigonometry measuring tools



Government surveying party, Palmerston. The photograph shows a cart, horses and men with the makings of a crude shelter on the far left . They are standing in thick scrub land



Government surveying party, Palmerston campsite. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. South Australian Government was keen to establish a permanent settlement in the Northern Territory. Goyder divided his men into various working parties including Road Party, Trig. Piling, Landing Party, Timber Party, Ship Party. The men shown in this photograph are carrying various tools of trade including spades, axes, trigonometry measuring tools. The tents of the campsite can be seen in the background



Government surveying party, Palmerston campsite. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. South Australian Government was keen to establish a permanent settlement in the Northern Territory. Goyder divided his men into various working parties including Road Party, Trig. Piling, Landing Party, Timber Party, Ship Party. The five men shown in this photograph are sitting outside a tent next to their trigonometry measuring tools



Government surveying party, Palmerston campsite. The area was known as Fort Hill and was the location of George Goyder's survey camp. South Australian Government was keen to establish a permanent settlement in the Northern Territory. Goyder divided his men into various working parties including Road Party, Trig. Piling, Landing Party, Timber Party, Ship Party. The men shown in this photograph are standing behind a trigonometry measuring tool



Darwin's "Little Rebellion", Nelson (Union Secretary) and Watts (Mayor of Darwin) address Dr. Gilruth. A little later the mob broke the fence and surged into Government House grounds, forcing the official to retreat to the Residence.

Chinese festival, Darwin

Chinese festival, Darwin

Bringing the dragon out of Joss House Temple at New Years Festival.

Chinese buffalo cart, Darwin

Chinese buffalo cart, Darwin

Chinese buffalo cart hauling bamboo in a wagon.

Horseracing, Darwin

Horseracing, Darwin

Saddling paddock at the Race Track.

Horseracing, Darwin

Horseracing, Darwin

Race Track - back view of grounds.

Horseracing, Darwin

Horseracing, Darwin

Betting booth and Tote at the Race Track.

Cyclone, Darwin

Cyclone, Darwin

Views showing damage of cyclone, E.S. & A Bank, looking north, Palmerston.

Cyclone, Darwin

Cyclone, Darwin

Views showing damage of cyclone, Chinatown, looking south, Palmerston - no copying without permission of the Donor.

Blanket Day, Darwin

Blanket Day, Darwin

Aboriginal people assembled for the distribution of blankets from the Government on "Blanket Day".