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Schoolchildren, Copley
Government School Leigh Creek (name changed to Copley in 1916), schoolchildren stand outside the building

Travelling concert party at Copley
Members of a travelling concert party photographed with their motor car, which has luggage strapped on to the running boards, parked outside the hotel at Copley, South Australia.

Views of Copley
A collection of images of Copley.

Mountain of Light Mine, near Copley - engine house and poppet leads main shaft.

Wrecked carriages, Copley
Wrecked carriages when train 455 collided with the rear of troop train 453 between Beltana and Copley at 12.18 a.m. on 11 May 1944. Four soldiers were killed.

The homestead at Moolawatana Station, Copley
The homestead at Moolawatana Station, Copley, South Australia.

Mail truck, Copley
Truck, loaded with mail outside a building in Copley. Caption reads 'Lorry on Muluwartana mail route'.

Camp at Mountain of Light Mine (copper) near Leigh Creek, l-r W. Pryor, J.H. Isaacs, Mr. Hobart, Mr Ifould.

Putting steam boiler in position at Main Shaft, Mountain of Light copper mine near Leigh Creek.

Railway cutting at Copley, near Leigh Creek
Railway cutting at Copley, near Leigh Creek. Cutaway Hill can be seen, marked 'Sweet Adelaide 945'. According to a researcher, Cutaway Hill near Copley is a naturally occurring geological feature. This is the railway line as stated, but the Cutaway hill is not a railway cutting. Looking north north-east, Copley situated a little further ahead from this position.

Lieutenant Harold Copley
Lieutenant Harold James Copley, 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Donkey wagon team, Copley
Donkey-drawn wagons waiting at the Railway Station.

Donkey wagon team, Copley
Donkey-drawn wagons being loaded at the Railway Station.

Donkey wagon team, Copley
Donkey-drawn wagons at the Railway Station.

Donkey team, Copley
Donkey team pulling loaded wagons at the Railway Station.

The Railway Station, Copley
The Railway Station & Post Office, the train going south has 19 trucks, two compartment carriages and a bakevan.

Wrecked carriages, Copley
Wrecked carriages from the collision on 11 May 1944.

Train wreckage, Copley
Wreckage after the troop train collision.

The Hotel, Copley
The Hotel.

W. Copley
W. Copley.

Ministers controlling education in SA : William Copley
Portrait of William Copley who was Minister for Education from 6 January 1892 to 21 June 1892 & 15 October 1892 to 12 May 1893. From a pictorial composite entitled 'Ministers controlling Education - South Australia 1874-1902' - the entire composite can be viewed by doing a number search on B 6725.

Chief Secretaries of SA : William Copley
Portrait of William Copley who was Chief Secretary from 12 May 1893 to 15 June 1893. From a pictorial composite entitled 'Chief Secretaries of South Australia' - the entire composite can be viewed by doing a number search on B 6692.

Hon. W. Copley
Portrait of the Hon. W. Copley, member of the Legislative Council.

The 'Copley' in an unidentified port
The iron ship 'Copley', 1794 tons, in an unidentified port. [iron ship, 1794 tons. ON84097, 263.0 x 39.1 x 24.1. Built 1881 (3) WH Potter and Son, Liverpool. Owners Ismay and Co. later North Western Shipping Co (White Star Line) registered Liverpool. Sold 1895 to Danish owners, without change of name and broken up at Antwerp in 1911. See 'White Star' by Anderson, 1964.]

Copley to Nepabunna track
A loaded utility truck travelling along the Copley to Nepabunna track, Northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia.

One hundred and twelfth of 155 photographs in an album. Donkeys at Copley.

The Railway Station, Copley
The Railway Station.

Pastoral Commission
[General description] This is a studio group portrait of seven distinguished looking gentlemen with four of them seated and three standing behind them. All are wearing beards fashionable at the time. [On back of photograph] 'Members of the Pastoral Commission, 1891. / Names from left to right: Derrington (Secretary), Robert Kelly, John Warren, John Robert Kelly, Robert Caldwell, Sir Frederick Holder and William Copley.' (Another hand) 'Reproduced from a photo. in possession of Colonel Castine.' (Duplicate of B 1503.).

Anton Hill
Anton Hill with rider M. Merrit, the owners of Anton Hill were W. & H. Just and E. Bansemer, his trainer was N. G. Copley.

Railway Bridge at Puttapa Gap
One hundred and seventeenth of 155 photographs in an album. Railway bridge at Puttapa Gap between Beltana and Copley.