c. 1933, Photograph, B 59237
COOMANDOOK: An Arbor Day group outside Parkin Hall when the Pastor was Geoff Bailey.
c. 1933, Photograph, B 59239
COOMANDOOK: The railway station built in 1912; a Dortcar van can be seen on the railway lines.
c. 1921, Photograph, B 59240
COOMANDOOK: Wedding group at Parkin Hall. Left-right: Mr Trestrail, father of the bride, known as the 'Old White Bull'; Henry Chapman, groom; Dorothy Trestrail, bride; Winnie Trestrail, bridesmaid.
c. 1921, Photograph, B 59241
COOMANDOOK: Railway station platform with a wedding party waiting for a train.
c. 1924, Photograph, B 59242
COOMANDOOK: Horse drawn wagons delivering wheat to be stacked.
c. 1928, Photograph, B 59243
COOMANDOOK: Wheat stacks near the railway line; Tom Ryan sits on a freight wagon loaded with wheat.
1937, Photograph, B 59244
COOMANDOOK: Part of the wheat harvest in 1937 piled on to a railway freight wagon with Colin, Clem, and Keith McArdle standing on top the yield was 70 bags to an acre.
1933, Photograph, B 59245
COOMANDOOK: Sexton's hay crop, 1932-33.
c. 1940, Photograph, B 59250
COOMANDOOK: Premises of Reid and Wheeler's general store.
c. 1934, Photograph, B 59251
COOMANDOOK: General view of the railway station.
c. 1930, Photograph, B 59252
COOMANDOOK: Two men shearing sheep with hand shears.
c. 1923, Photograph, B 59254
COOMANDOOK: A Dodge motor car, the passengers are possibly members or friends of the McArdle family.
c. 1914, Photograph, B 59127
COOMANDOOK: Students of Parkin Hall, the first school in the district, with their teacher Miss Skewes; a friendly dog sits by them.
c. 1914, Photograph, B 59128
COOMANDOOK: Students from Parkin Hall School preparing their garden.
1911, Photograph, B 59131
COOMANDOOK: Students of Parkin Hall School stand with their teacher, G. Wilkin, outside the building. The students include Graham Ninnes, Elsie Hughes, Doreen Mason and Elsie Chapman.
c. 1934, Photograph, B 59133
COOMANDOOK: Students of the Hundred of Roby School with their teacher Miss Willga Marcus.
c. 1923, Photograph, B 59134
COOMANDOOK: Students of the Hundred of Roby School.
c. 1930, Photograph, B 59233
COOMANDOOK: A 1923 Dodge car belonging to the McArdle family at Coomandook Station.
c. 1930, Photograph, B 59132
COOMANDOOK: Students of the Hundred of Roby School. The school built in 1920 was on Mr. Clem Wilkin's property, it closed in May 1937.
1927, Photograph, B 59228
COOMANDOOK: A line-up of cars and people present at a deputation concerning the building of Duke's Highway, August 1st 1927.
c. 1924, Photograph, B 59246
COOMANDOOK: Camels at a camel farm that was between Moorlands and Sherlock; farm machinery in the foreground.
c. 1930, Photograph, B 59253
COOMANDOOK: Early make truck carrying cargo.
Giles, Stephen, 2007, Photograph, B 69282/433
An old cannon, previously used by the Australian Army, in a vacant block at Coomandook.
c. 1916, Photograph, B 41836
Portrait of a Mary Ann Cooper, shown wearing a lace trimmed wrapped dress.
1952, Photograph, B 69674
View of D.W. Hughes' general store on Main Road at Middleton; the sign indicates that it was a 'baker, grocer & draper' store, there is also a petrol bowser out the front. The paddock beside the store is now the Middleton Caravan Park.