Find • clare • Results 181 to 210 of 646

Entrance to Clare.

Panoramic view of Clare.

Panoramic view of Clare.

Chatswood S. Flat - Drying fruit on Kimber's property.

Panoramic view of Clare in the background, winery in the foreground.

Grape picking, Clare
Chatswood S. Flat -Picking g rapes on Kimber's property.

Panoramic view of Clare.

Early view of Clare
Distant view of early settlement in Clare, South Australia.

Panoramic view of Clare.

Panoramic view of Clare.

Clare Institute
Clare Institute.

General view.

Panorama of Clare - horse drawn wagons travelling along the road in the foreground.

The road to Clare.

Golf club-house, Clare
Watercolour painting of the first golf club-house at Clare.

"Weroona", Clare
The house Weroona at Clare.

"Weroona", Clare
Part of the gardens of Weroona.

View from Inchiquin Hill looking along King Street, with St Michael's Church in the distance. (information supplied by a researcher).

Bond's Motor Service, Clare
Cars owned by Bond's Motor Service driven by Bond brothers, Jim, Bert and Eric. They took passengers twice daily to Riverton and back in Model T Ford Tourer cars, the name was later changed to Bond's Motor Tours.

Welcome to Governor, Clare
Welcome to Governor Sir William C.F. Robinson 1 October 1884.

Vines at Clare
Trellised grenache vines on the property of John Eaton : Note copies, when published, to be acknowledged to Miss Hankel. (B31651 to B31659).

Vines, Clare
Trellised grenache vines on the property of John Eaton :.

Vines, Clare
Trellised grenache vines on the property of John Eaton.

Possibly a brewery at Clare.

View of Clare from Billygoat Hill.

Horse and wagon travelling along road into Clare.

Panoramic view of Clare.

De Dion Bouton motor car
Dr. Wien-Smith & daughter, Isabel, in their car, De Dion Bouton believed to be the first motor car in Clare.

Homestead, Clare
Clare homestead with family members on the balcony.

Wedding Group, Clare
Wedding of Evelyn May Abfather and John Ralph Page.