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Cox Creek
Cox Creek flowing by the Woodhouse Scouts camping grounds near Bridgewater, 16 May 1999.

Woodhouse Scouts Camping Grounds
Some tents visible in the shady areas of the Woodhouse Scouts camping grounds near Bridgewater, 16 May 1999.

Dale Amtsberg of Bridgewater.

Imogen Baghurst (left) aged 16 of Bridgewater and Jo Shetliffe aged 16 of Kensington Park.
Guests with the Hills Choral Society at the Choirs Coronation Concert.

(Left to right), Imogen Baghurst, 16, Bridgewater; Andrew Close, Hill Choral Society's music Director; Jo Shetliffe, 16, Kensington Park.

Lionel (Geordie) Welsh of Bridgewater... an extraordinary life. 17 November 1988.

OUCH! Bridgewater Primary School students Donovan Walker and Chandice Bowles learning the Colonial way. School Ma'am Pam Sherwin gives her pupils a taste of what school was like 100 years ago during a visit from Australia's recreated Victorian Period Travelling School last week. Students and teachers dressed up in Colonial garb as part of the Bicentennial project. 3 August 1988.

Nathan Ozimek and Jessamy Babbel learn what it was like to use ink pens, as part of a Bicentennial project by the Bridgewater Primary School. 1988.

Bridgewater Primary Studetns, Angela, Craig, Josh, Lakota, Chandice, Mark and teacher Pam Sherwin, having an old fashioned sing a long, dressed in Colonial gear as part of the bicentenary. 1988.

Bushbrat, Bridgewater.

Cox's Creek
Cox's Creek on Heysen Trail in Engelbrook Reserve, Bridgewater, 13 April 2003.

Bridgewater Scouts, Gavin (left), Ashley, Justin and Jef (front) make sure they'll "be prepared" for next week's fundraising rummage sale. 17th May 1989.

Bridgewater Scouts, Gavin Bosch (13), Ashley Cowan (13) and Justin Rainford (12) getting ready for a jumble sale the proceeds of which will assist the upgrading of the local Institute Building. 11th May 1989.

South Australian Amateur Photographic Society Stockbook
ALBUM: inscribed 'Amateur photographer's stock book, whole plate' by the South Australian Amateur Photographic Society collection, comprising 42 views of Adelaide and including Aboriginal people.

The 'West Australia' in an unidentified port
The iron barque 'West Australia', 596 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 3 mast barque, 596 gross tons, ON72455, 164.7 x 29.3 x 17.1. Built 1876 (1) JL Thompson, Sunderland and named 'GBS', owned by George B Sully, registered Bridgewater. Sold c.1880 and renamed, now owned by Bethell and Co., registered London. NB: Two vessels of this name and similar size].

'Thompson's House'
Thompson's house in a rural setting at Bridgewater, with fenced flowerbeds edged with stones in the foreground.

The 'West Australian' in an unidentified port
The iron barque 'West Australian', 596 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 3 mast barque, 596 gross tons, ON72455, 164.7 x 29.3 x 17.1. Built 1876 (1) JL Thompson, Sunderland and named 'GBS', owned by George B Sully, registered Bridgewater. Sold c.1880 and renamed, now owned by Bethell and Co., registered London. NB: Two vessels of this name and similar size].

!['On Cocks [Cox] Creek at Bridgwater (sic)'](
'On Cocks [Cox] Creek at Bridgwater (sic)'
Picnickers admiring Cox Creek at Bridgewater. Large boulders and cliffs surround the creek.

!['On Cocks [Cox] Creek at Bridgwater (sic)'](
'On Cocks [Cox] Creek at Bridgwater (sic)'
Groups of picnickers admiring Cox Creek, Bridgewater, from rocks along its edge. Water is flowing rapidly over small waterfalls, with outcrops and thick vegetation also visible.

!['On Cocks [Cox] Creek at Bridgwater (sic)'](
'On Cocks [Cox] Creek at Bridgwater (sic)'
A dramatic view of a small waterfall, with swift water flowing over boulders at Cox Creek, Bridgewater.

'Bridgwater (sic) Estate - Osterley Avenue'
View of Osterley Avenue, a dirt road on the Bridgewater Estate, with a wall visible in the background. The Adelaide Hills, visible in the background, are heavily wooded.

Bridgewater - Adelaide Hills
View of a lone house at 'Bridgwater (sic)', taken from the side of a hill. A tall tree stands nearby.

A rail viaduct in the Adelaide Hills
A rail viaduct crossing a valley in the Mount Lofty Ranges, near Bridgewater, South Australia.

Photographs of athletes
Photographs of athletes in sporting events in Adelaide, suburban and other places. All have participants' names and most are dated. In addition there are additional photocopied photos with captions from City Port Fun Run (2000), Corporate Cup (2000), and senior inter-club athletics ar Santos Stadium, December 2001.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : vintage cars and penny farthings
Photographs relating to 'vintage cars and penny farthings', created by Messenger Press.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Michael Munday
[Caption] Michael Munday of Bridgewater studies pictures of dogs so he can capture their characters in his paintings. 27th July 1988.

Adult education : Employment Education : CYSS
Plant Operator Training Courses. left to right; Instructor Peter Todd (Managing Director of SAPOT from Hallet Cove); Steve Schultz (Ridgehaven); Darren Paech (Bridgewater); Jason Halliday (Valley view); Paul Bialous (Findon) and Simon Watkins (Morialta). A lesson for the plant operator students. 20th December 1989.

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking
[Nothing like a scrub in a tub for a bub! Nannycare co-ordinator Lynn Hunkin shows (from left) Kirsty Turner of Adelaide and Jayne Linke of Bridgewater how to handle all types of child care situations.] 23rd November 1988.

Photographs of W. Menz & Company
Photographs of W. Menz & Company staff, business premises, including that burnt in 1892 fire, staff picnics and sporting teams. Includes a Roll of Honour for WWII personnel from the company. For further details about photograph groups, see below.

Family album
Photograph album of the Dunn family and their homes 'The Laurels' in Mount Barker and Park View House, Hackney. See 'contents' for more details.