GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/44
Caption reads: 'C.K.D. Paint Shop excavations- Commencement of primer surfacer spray booth pit (now ready for pouring concrete).' Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/45
Caption reads: 'Method of 'tomming up' main building columns whilst pouring new footings under same'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/46
Caption reads: 'Main framing loop- Body shop'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/47
Caption reads: 'Evaporative water coolers serving body shop'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/48
Caption reads: 'Canteen extension looking east from near staff entrance to existing canteen'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/49
Caption reads: 'Service building: Service garage section (north end of building)'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/50
Caption reads: 'Canteen extension; north end.' Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/51
Caption reads: 'West side of service building (Main factory warehouse bay in background)'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/52
Caption reads: 'Boiler stack being erected; 80' 0" high, 6' 0" diameter, weight approximately 10 tons'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/53
Caption reads: 'Body Paint Shop; Second interior spray booth; (Final duco oven vestibule in background, H.P.H.W. pipe bends in foreground) Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/54
Caption reads: 'Body Paint Shop; Primer surface spray booth pit (trusses for air supply houses in same ready for erection'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/55
Caption reads: 'Body Paint Shop; PX Spot-in spray booth'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/56
Caption reads: 'Body Paint Shop; Auxiliary trusses being erected for air supply house'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/57
Caption reads: 'Interior view of Paint Mix Room. (Erected project 548). Prior to installation of paint recirculation system'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/58
Caption reads: 'Interior view of Body 1st exterior colour booth'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/59
Caption reads: 'General view of new touchup area. Showing touchup conveyors Nos. 1 and 2 and paint preparation conveyor'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/60
Caption reads: 'C.K.D. body paint shop with granodine machine and underbody dips in the foreground'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/61
Caption reads: 'Boiler house with boiler nearing completion, oil storage tank in the foreground. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/62
Caption reads: 'Interior view of new canteen showing executive dining room'. Mid century modern decor.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/63
Caption reads: 'Pagewood, Sydney; 34 acre Body and Vehicle Assembly Plant for NSW'. Aerial view, including surrounding suburban housing.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/64
Caption reads: 'Pagewood, Sydney; 34 acre Body and Vehicle Assembly Plant for NSW'. Aerial view, including surrounding suburban housing, car park in foreground'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/65
Caption reads: 'Pagewood, Sydney; 34 acre Body and Vehicle Assembly Plant for NSW'. Aerial view, including surrounding suburban housing.'
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/66
Caption reads: 'Pagewood Plant'. Aerial view of Pagewood and open countryside in background.
GM Holden Ltd, 1956, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/67
GM Holden Ltd, 1958, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/68
Caption reads: 'View of temporary safety fence after demolition- south wall bays 106-111'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1958, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/69
Caption reads: 'View of concrete mezzanine floor from south wall locker room looking east'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1958, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/70
Caption reads: 'General view of steel work from Bay 101X (Juncture of old south wall and new extension) showing small amount of steel work still to be erected (Spandril steel top right hand corner). Main stormwater drain at left centre is being filled'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1958, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/71
Caption reads: 'View of west wall showing completed concrete work with brick facing under construction.' Exerior view showing bricklayers at work, scaffolding in place.
GM Holden Ltd, 1958, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/72
Caption reads: 'View from south east corner of five bay extension showing brick wall around paint store in course of construction.' Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1960, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/73
Caption reads: 'Interior view from the south end of the extended Body Framing loop showing a fast side gate delivery conveyor in the top foreground'.