GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/14
Caption reads: 'Exterior view of the south west corner of the building including the bay extension'. Men are trowelling the freshly laid concrete in the foreground. A crane is operating in the centre.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/15
Caption reads: 'Exterior view of the eastern wall of building extension looking in a south westerly direction'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/16
Caption reads: 'Exterior view of south wall- from Bunnerong Road'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/17
Caption reads: 'Exterior eastern elevation facing Bunnerong Road'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/18
Caption reads: 'Pouring floor in first bay of building extension' Interior view showing men finishing concrete section
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/19
Caption reads: 'Boiler house foundations'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/20
Caption reads: 'Viewed from crane bay towards Bunnerong Road'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/21
Caption reads: 'Exterior view from the south east corner of the new extension looking at the eastern wall'. Piles of bricks are stacked in front of the building.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/22
Caption reads: 'View of the western wall taken from the south west'. Piles of bricks are stacked in front of the building.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/23
Caption reads: 'View from the south west corner of new extension looking along south wall. Sandy soil in the foreground, suburban houses in the distance.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/24
Caption reads: 'Interior view of south east corner of plant showing mezzanine and ground floor offices etc.'
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/25
Caption reads: 'Internal view looking to warehouse'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/26
Caption reads: 'Front (east) elevation'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/27
Caption reads: 'West elevation- Warehouse (rear)'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/28
Caption reads: 'Side (south) elevation'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/29
Caption reads: 'Internal view- Offices looking from factory'.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/30
Caption reads: 'Boiler'. Internal view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/31
Caption reads: 'Engineering offices: Top floor'. Interior view
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/32
Caption reads: 'Internal view looking east'. Pallets of various components are stacked on the floor.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/33
Caption reads: 'Southern elevation'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/34
Caption reads: 'South end of warehouse'. Exterior view showing scaffolding.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/35
Caption reads: 'Bolier from the south end'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/36
Caption reads: 'Southern wall of extension'. Exterior view
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/37
Caption reads: 'Liquid oxygen installation'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/38
Caption reads: 'West wall of warehouse extension'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/39
Caption reads: 'Gas meter room from south'. Interior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/40
Caption reads: 'Car park from south east corner'. Exterior view with sand dunes in distance.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/41
Caption reads: 'Car park from north east corner showing fence erection'. Exterior view with sand dunes in distance.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/42
Caption reads: 'Employment waiting room and entrance from west'. Exterior view.
GM Holden Ltd, 1955, Photograph, BRG 213/76/4/43
Caption reads: 'Boiler house from south end with gas meter in foreground'.Exterior view.