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Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General description] This view shows the end wall of a stone cottage, part of the old barracks complex. A tree, possibly a ficus, is on the right. The archway at the entrance to the quadrangle was built in 1854, probably to the design of the Colonial Architect, W. Bennett Hayes. There was originally another similar one on the western side. [On back of photograph] 'Mounted Police Barracks / Cottage used by the University Women's Union / Nov.30, 1927 / Situated by the entrance to the old Mounted Police Barracks. / For plan of location see C121' (Another hand) 'For views taken in 1960, / see B14357 and B14358. / Archway renovated Oct. and Nov. 1968'.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General description] The building on the right, part of the Mounted Police Barracks (built 1854) is obscured by a large tree. The staircase of the main building (which faces the inner quadrangle) can be seen through the archway on the left. [On back of photograph] 'Mounted Police Barracks / University Women's Union rooms on the eastern side of the quadrangle behind the Museum, North Terrace / Looking west from a point in front of the Archives Building / 30th November 1927' (Another hand) 'For view taken in 1960 see B 14357 and B 14358' (Another hand) 'Archway renovated October and November 1968'.

Postcard of mounted and foot police at the Mounted Police Barracks

Postcard of mounted and foot police at the Mounted Police Barracks

Colour postcard of the Mounted Police Barracks in Adelaide. Police are standing in the grounds in a square formation and include foot and mounted police and also a group of police with bicycles on the left. A large group of men and women [perhaps invited members of the public?] are in the middle of the formation. The image portrays a testimonial parade held at the South Australia Police Barracks, North Terrace to honour Detective William H. Northridge, who had pursued a "criminal lunatic" named George Brown, who had fired eleven .45 calibre revolver shots into the public, before Detective Northridge single-handedly arrested him in the River Torrens parklands [information provided by a researcher]. The postcard has a written message on the back. For further details see article 'Presentation to Detective Northridge' in the 'Herald', Saturday 31 March 1906, page 3.

Mounted Police Barracks, Adelaide

Mounted Police Barracks, Adelaide

[General description] Buildings of the quadrangle showing the wooden staircase mounted on the outside. The verandahs on the second storey are supported by large ornamental wooden brackets. [On back of photograph] 'South west corner of the old Mounted Police barracks quadrangle / Erected in 1855 / For plan see B 3181 / Photographed in 1932 / The upper storey of the building on the right was erected later'.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General description] A man stands under the tall archway which frames buildings of the quadrangle. [On back of photograph] 'Archway leading to the Old Mounted Police Barracks quadrangle at the rear of the Museum / Photographed in 1932 / looking west / For plan showing site see B 1464' (Another hand) ' The archway was renovated between October and November 1968'.

The Barrack Yard Entrance, Adelaide

The Barrack Yard Entrance, Adelaide

Lithographic sketch of the Mounted Police Barracks, Adelaide, showing the archway entrance to the quadrangle. It was built in 1854, probably to the design of the Colonial Architect, W. Bennett Hayes. Originally there was a similar archway to the west. This image was used by the Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery of South Australia on their 1923 Christmas card; and by A. Lyell McEwin, Chief Secretary of South Australia for the same purpose in 1960.

Hampstead Barracks, Greenacres

Hampstead Barracks, Greenacres

View of the Hampstead [Australian Army] Barracks at Greenacres.

Photos taken by Messenger Press of various business and community sites in the north-eastern suburbs

Photos taken by Messenger Press of various business and community sites in the north-eastern suburbs

A collection of photographs by the Messenger Press taken at various business and community sites around the north-eastern suburbs of Adelaide. Places include waste management sites, sports clubs, Cavan Detention Centre and street and town signs. According to brief paperwork attached to the photos, many were taken for the Standard Messenger newspaper. Where more than one date has been added to a photo, one of the dates may refer to when it was published in the newspaper.

Military Barracks, Moorundie

Military Barracks, Moorundie

Military Barracks at Moorundie; described on the back as 'Soldiers Barracks. Moorundie on the River Murray, S.A.'. According to a researcher, this is not the Military Barracks but rather the Police Station, as the station was built in 1841, the first of a chain of stations at the Murray River crossings to prevent a repitition of the battles fought between the Overlanders droving stock from New South Wales to South Australia and the local tribes. First commander of the post was explorer John Eyre who maintained good relations with the Aborigines. He was replaced in 1844 by William Nation who reported: 'Within the last six months, many overland parties have arrived, and all bear testimony to the good conduct and usefulness of the natives generally'.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General Description] South west corner of the Mounted Police Barracks on 4th December 1925. Steps leading to the first floor balcony can be seen to the west. [On back of photograph] Mounted Police Barracks. Photographed Dec. 4th 1925. South west corner of old Mounted Police Barracks quadrangle. Erected in 1855. (See description in S.A. Register, March 8, 1855) For continuations to the left and right see B 3181 & B 3183. The first window on the left appears on the extreme right of B 3181. For plan see B 3181 & A 559.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General Description] South west corner of the Mounted Police Barracks in 1925. The Barracks were positioned behind the Museum on North Terrace. [On back of photograph] Mounted Police Barracks. Photographed 7th December 1925. South west corner of the Old Mounted Police quadrangle. Erected in 1855. (See description in S.A. Register, March 8, 1855) For continuation to the right see B 3184. For plan see B 3181 & A 559.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General description] The west side of the Mounted Police Barracks in 1925. The Barracks were positioned behind the Museum on North Terrace. [On back of photograph] Mounted Police Barracks. Photographed December 7, 1925. West side of Old Mounted Police quadrangle, erected in 1855. (See description in S.A. Register, March 8, 1855) For continuation to the left see B 3183. for plan see B 3181 and A 559.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks archway. Archway leading to the former Mounted Police Barracks at the back of the South Australian Museum. The upper level of the Barracks can be seen through the archway. This was added in mid 1880's.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks : the Barrack Master's Office and Orderly Room. The Mounted Police Barracks and the Armoury complex were purpose built as part of a group surrounding a large courtyard that was entered by two swing gates surmounted by arches. This photograph shows deck chairs placed in the sun in the courtyard.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks; buildings on the west side of the quadrangle. The barracks consist of two wings each containing three rooms, one of which was a guard room. There were sleeping apartments and the stables stretched from wing to wing with the loft above used for storing hay. Additions to the barracks in 1854 included an armoury and residential accommodation.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Water colour painting of Mounted Police Barracks entrance to the quadrangle, painted by Annie J. Duncan. See also B 6417, B 10480 and B 10481. This archway was built in 1854 as part of the first building for the Mounted Police Barracks. Originally the quadrangle had a similar arch to the west.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General Description] Mounted Police Barracks and Gateway situated behind the Museum north of North Terrace 4th December 1925. [On back of photograph] Mounted Police Barracks. Photographed Dec. 4th, 1925. South east corner of quadrangle surrounded by buildings erected in 1855 for the Mounted Police. (See description in S.A. Register, March 8th, 1855) For continuation to the left see B 1551. For continuation to the right see B 3182. The window on the extreme right of B3181 appears on the left of B 3182. For the southern aspect of the extreme right-hand portion of buildings see B 2414. For plan see A 559. Archway on left renovated Oct. and Nov. 1968. Quadrangle, (Buildings on north side demolished about 1923).

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks: stairway in front of the Armoury was removed July - August 1958. See also B 3181 and A 559. This sketch appeared inside a Christmas card from 'The Officers of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of SA' 1933-34. It is captioned 'within the precincts of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery, Adelaide. Land now dedicated for Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery purposes includes portion of that on which stand the old Military and Police Barracks'.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks. Archway leading to the former Mounted Police Barracks at the back of the South Australian Museum. The archway which was renovated in 1968 having been built in 1854. It was probably designed by W Bennett Hayes who was the Colonial Architect. Originally another archway stood at the west of the quadrangle.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks showing the Armoury. The Barracks are situated at the rear of the South Australian Museum. The stairway in front of the Armoury was removed July-August 1958.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks, showing the portion once occupied by the "Workers' Educational Association". The Mounted Police Barracks and the Armoury complex were purpose built as part of a group surrounding a large courtyard that was entered by two swing gates surmounted by arches. On extreme left is the archway leading to the quadrangle.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks behind North Terrace were built in 1838 and rebuilt in a much grander form in 1855. In the 1850's the Mounted Police were involved as escorts for the transportation of gold bullion from the Victorian goldfields to Adelaide. The Mounted Police served in both the metropolitan and rural areas. The photograph shows the mounted police greys on parade in the courtyard of the Police Barracks behind the South Australian Museum on North Terrace.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Police Barracks, west side in approximately 1890. In the 1850's the Mounted Police were involved as escorts for the transportation of gold bullion from the Victorian goldfields to Adelaide. The Mounted Police served in both the metropolitan and rural areas. The photograph shows approximately 60 policemen on parade in the courtyard of the Police Barracks behind the South Australian Museum on North Terrace.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police barracks, stables, etc. looking south from the north bank of the Torrens. The stables comprise the single storey structure shown in the top centre. The barracks were finished in 1851 and comprised of an armoury and residential accommodation. The upper level was added in the mid 1880's.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks, immediately at the rear of the SA Museum, looking north west from the rear of the eastern wing of the S.A.Museum. The barracks were completed in 1851 and later additions included an armoury and residential accommodation. The upper level was added in mid 1880s.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks archway leading to the quadrangle behind the South Australian Museum, looking east, 9th December 1941.This photograph shows the masonry work on a limestone wall in the 1850s. The archway was built in 1854 as part of the first buildings for the Mounted Police Barracks probably to the design of W Benett Hayes the Colonial Architect. Originally the quadrangle had a similar arch to the west. When it was first erected it was likened to dog kennels.The archway was renovated in 1968.

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks: Barrack Master's office and Orderly Room, built in 1854 and designed by the Colonial Architect W Bennett Hayes

Mounted Police Barracks, North

Mounted Police Barracks, North

Mounted Police Barracks. Buildings of the quadrangle showing the wooden staircase mounted on the outside. The verandahs on the second storey are supported by large ornamental wooden brackets. The barracks were erected in 1855. The upper storeys of the building were erected later

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks gateway was built in 1854 as part of the first buildings for the Mounted Police Barracks, probably to the design of W Bennett Hayes, the Colonial Architect. Originally the quadrangle had a similar arch to the west

Mounted Police Barracks

Mounted Police Barracks

[General description] Rooftops of the Mounted Police Barracks buildings taken from an elevated part of a nearby building focusing on the staircase in front of the Armoury building. [On back of photograph] 'Mounted Police Barracks: Armoury / The stairway in front of the Armoury was removed July-August 1958'