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Cricket match in progresss in 1946

Cricket match in progresss in 1946

Photograph of a cricket match between South Australia and India in 1946 being played on the Mount Gambier Oval.

Gymnastic display

Gymnastic display

Photograph of a display by members of D.B.I. This is possibly a women's gymnastics club in the Mount Gambier area.

Gymnastic display

Gymnastic display

Photograph of a display by members of D.B.I. This is possibly a women's gymnastics club in the Mount Gambier area.

East Basket Ball team

East Basket Ball team

Photograph of seven female members of the premier East Basket Ball Club during their winning year of 1946.

D. Graham

D. Graham

Photograph of Miss D. Graham who is approximately eight years old and is wearing a long bridesmaid dress and holding a basket of flowers.

Osborne children

Osborne children

Photograph of a little boy and a girl, possibly brother and sister. The boy is approximately eight years old and is wearing a shiny black suit with a bow tie. The girl is approximately six years old and is wearing a long brocade dress and is holding a posy.

C.H. Kelly

C.H. Kelly

Photograph of Miss Kelly at approximately four years of age. She is wearing a stylish corduroy dress with a matching bonnet tied with ribbons and is holding a stuffed toy.

N. Huihn

N. Huihn

Photograph of Miss Huihn taken at her confirmation or first communion. She is wearing a veil and carrying flowers and her rosary beads. She is approximately eleven years old.

Waters children

Waters children

Photograph of the two older Waters children looking at their baby brother or sister. The girl is approximately nine years old and her brother is approximately eleven years old. The baby is possibly six months old.

T. Gerang

T. Gerang

Photograph of Miss Gerang dressed in her confirmation/first communion dress in 1950. She is approximately eleven years old and is wearing a veil, white dress and gloves.

B.P. Kestle

B.P. Kestle

Photograph of Mrs Kestle holding her baby which is dressed in a long Christening gown. The baby is approximately six months old.

H.N. Taylor

H.N. Taylor

Photograph of Miss Taylor when she was aproximately four years old. Her dark hair is styled in shoulder length ringlets and her short dress is decorated with layers of lace. She is clutching a toy rabbit.

T. Corigliano

T. Corigliano

Photograph of Miss Corigliano taken in 1950 when she was approximately thirteen years old. In this photograph she is wearing her school uniform and is cuddling her pet golden cocker spaniel.

J. Davies

J. Davies

Photograph of teenager J. Davies who is wearing his Scottish Band uniform and carrying his bagpipes under one arm.

Wallis siblings

Wallis siblings

Photograph of the Wallis siblings taken in 1950. The boy is approximately four years old and has dark hair. He is holding a toy rabbit. His sister is approximately two years old and has fair hair.

H.A. McKeaugh

H.A. McKeaugh

Photograph of Miss McKeaugh who is approximately four years old holding her hobby horse. She has long fair hair pulled back in pig tails and tied with ribbons.

Thompson children

Thompson children

Photograph of the Thompson children taken in 1950. The boy is approximately five years old and has blond hair. His sister is approximately four years old and has tight blonde curls.

B. Creek

B. Creek

Photograph of Miss B. Creek wearing her Girl Guides uniform in 1950. She is approximately fourteen years old.

Mulqueeny children

Mulqueeny children

Photograph of the two Mulqueeny sisters taken in Mount Gambier in 1950. The girls are approximately four and six years old and they have short dark hair styles. According to a researcher, the children are the daughters of the late James and Val Mulqueeny, of Mount Gambier. Their names are Judy and Heather Mulqueeny.

E. C. Bruhn

E. C. Bruhn

Photograph of Miss Bruhn in a ballet pose. She is wearing a show girl costume and carrying a large hat box. She is approximately nine years old.

Kaiser siblings

Kaiser siblings

Photograph of seven members of the Kaiser siblings. A family member has confirmed that 'they are Charles Spencer Kaiser, Ellen Jean Kaiser, Heather Anne Kaiser, George Edward Kaiser, Theodore Charles Kaiser, Peter Ivan Kaiser, Francis David Kaiser. They are the children of Theodore Charles Kaiser Snr & Ellen Ruth Kaiser'. Another researcher has suggested that 'Theodore Charles Kaiser' was actually Theo John Kaiser, born 12 June 1953.

G. Brooks' daughter

G. Brooks' daughter

Photograph of a young Miss Brooks dressed in an off the shoulder long gown with a large brimmed bonnet and holding a basket of flowers. She is approximately eight years old.

Lockwood family

Lockwood family

Photograph of four generations of the Lockwood family. The members consist of great grandfather, grandfather, father and new baby.

Jack Dodemaide

Jack Dodemaide

Photograph of a teenager Jack Dodemaide, wearing a dark suit.

A. Weir

A. Weir

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Weir on their wedding day in 1943. Mr Weir is wearing the uniform of the Australian Army.

J. Meakins

J. Meakins

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Meakins on their wedding day in 1943. Mr Meakins is wearing the uniform of the Australian Navy.

M.G. Robinson

M.G. Robinson

Photograph of Mr and Mrs M.G. Robinson on their wedding day in 1943. Mr Robinson is wearing the uniform of the Australian Army.

W.R. Dixon

W.R. Dixon

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Dixon with their two attendants on their wedding day in 1943. Mr Dixon is wearing the uniform of the Australian Army.

A.H. Ellison wedding group

A.H. Ellison wedding group

Photograph of the Reverend Alfred Hurtle Ellison and Myrtle Irene Lowe on their wedding day, 9th April, 1943, with their attendants - Thelma Lowe and Doug Telfer. Both the men were ordained Methodist ministers at the time.

R.J. Little wedding group

R.J. Little wedding group

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Little and their two attendants on their wedding day in 1942. Both men are dressed in the uniform of the Australian Army.