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Melbourne Street

Melbourne Street

Melbourne Street, north side, 15th August 1957. The left side of the property (see brick wall on extreme left through archway) is 35.5 yards east of New Street and frontage is 34.5 yards. The right hand side of property is on the boundary of Acre 1000

Melbourne Street, North Adelaide

Melbourne Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This stone cottage is being either remodelled or is about to be demolished as its verandah has been removed. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 999 / Melbourne Street, north side / January 6th 1960 / left side of the building is 19 yards east of New Street and frontage is 14 yards'

Jerningham Street, North Adelaide

Jerningham Street, North Adelaide

[General description] These two stone cottages appear to be almost identical. They each have the same style of verandah posts topped with decorative cast ironwork and a wooden picket fence that runs along the front of both properties. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1002 / Jerningham Street, west side / September 26th 1928 / New front added to house on right in 1928. See B 5724 / Site of houses: Cottage on left is 33 1/2 yards north of Melbourne Street. Frontage (including grounds) 14 yards. Frontage of cottage on right (including grounds) is 12 1/2 yards'.

Melbourne Street, North Adelaide

Melbourne Street, North Adelaide

[General description] These early Adelaide cottages are about to be re-modelled. Their frontage is on the street and they are built from stone with corrugated iron roofs and mullion windows. Compare with B 5913. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1009 / Melbourne Street, north side / June 18th 1930 / Far side of the series of four cottages is 36 yards west of East Pallant Street and frontage is 18 yards / '.

Melbourne Street, North Adelaide

Melbourne Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This group of three attached cottages has been given a new 1930s look with a new roof and solid front walls. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1009 / Melbourne Street / north side / April 21st 1931 / Showing alterations to cottages effected in 1930 / See B 5794 / Near side of cottages is 36 yards west of East Pallant Street and frontage is 18 yards'.

Congregational Chapel, Stanley Street, North Adelaide

Congregational Chapel, Stanley Street, North Adelaide

[General description] A prominent feature of this modest chapel is its belfry in which the bell is clearly visible. There are two plaques on its front wall; one advertising the Sunday services for the Lower North Adelaide Congregational Chapel, and the other lists the meetings for the local Druids. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1012 / Congregational Chapel / Stanley Street, south side / 1909 / Left side of chapel is 53 yards west of East Pallant Street. Extreme right of photo. is 65 yds. west of East Pallant St.'

Stanley Street, North Adelaide

Stanley Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This house is built in the Bungalow style popular in the Inter-war period. It features a large half timbered gable on the front verandah. Its name, painted over the verandah is 'Trevorrow'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1014 / Stanley Street, south side / June 18th 1928 / this house was erected on a vacant site in 1927 / Site: Right side of house is 74.5 yards east of West Pallant Street / Frontage is 11 yards'.

Sussex Street, North Adelaide

Sussex Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This is a group of three workman's attached cottages, with wooden fencing, mullion windows and iron roof. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1015 / Sussex Street, north side, east corner of West Pallant Street / Sept. 22, 1927 / Frontage of cottages: 5.5 yards.' (Another hand) 'These houses were remodelled before the end of the year. (See B 4784)'.

Sussex Street, North Adelaide

Sussex Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This pair of cottages was originally a group of three workmen's cottages. They have been remodelled in the popular Bungalow style of the era with a large half timbered gable at the front. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1015 / Sussex Street, north side / east corner of West Pallant St., / June 18th 1928 / For photo. taken in September 1927 just before this house was remodelled / See B 4249. / Frontage of cottages is 15.5 yards'.

Brougham Place, North Adelaide

Brougham Place, North Adelaide

[General description] This Church was designed by Edmund W. Wright and E. A. Hamilton, in the Venetian Ionic style. It was opened in February 1861 and remained in an unfinished state until its completion in 1872 when the tower was added. The railings enclosing the building were from the foundry of Mr. H. B. Hawke of Kapunda. Compare with B 2855 with a view taken in 1860. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1026 / Congregational Church, Brougham Place, North Adelaide / Before 1927 / (Tower added in 1872)'.

Stanley Street

Stanley Street

[General description] Looking east down Stanley Street near the intersection with Lefevre Terrace. Houses are seen receding towards the distant foothills. Substantial houses and gardens of the well-off appear in the foreground. Compare with B 3474, a similar view taken in 1910. This photograph is the right side of a panorama comprising B 3477 - B 3479. [On back of photograph] 'Stanley St. looking east / Taken from the North Adelaide Congregational Church / Acres 1027, 1025, 1024' (Another hand) 'About 1904. On the left is Lefevre Terrace. Near side of house in foreground is 54 yards west of Lefevre Terrace.' (Another hand) 'Steep hill behind these houses'.

Stanley Street

Stanley Street

[General description] Looking east down Stanley Street near the intersection with Lefevre Terrace. Houses are seen receding towards the distant foothills. Substantial houses and gardens of the well-off appear in the foreground. Compare with B 3474, a similar view taken in 1910. [On back of photograph] 'Stanley Street, North Adelaide, looking east from the North Adelaide Congregational Church / Acres 1024, 1025, 1027 / On the left is Lefevre Terrace. Near side of house in foreground is 54 yards west of Lefevre Terrace.' (Another hand) 'About 1904'.

Kingston Terrace, North Adelaide

Kingston Terrace, North Adelaide

[General description] This new two storey tiled roofed house with rendered walls replaces the old Bagot home, Nurney House. The original front wall and stables have been retained and there is a portico over the entrance directly on the street. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1028 / Kingston Terrace / April 21st, 1930 / House in centre erected in 1930 / See B 5694 and B 5697/ Near west side of house is 70 yards east of Brougham Place / Frontage of house and stables (on extreme left): 36 yards'.

Stanley Street, North Adelaide

Stanley Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This large two storey house has a Mediterranean feel with its tiled roof and loggia. It is set behind a high stone wall which has a gate set into an archway. The house next door with the widow's walk and mansard roof is St. Andrew's. Both of these properties back on to Kingston Terrace. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1028 / Stanley Street, north side / April 21st, 1931 / Built in 1930, see B 4972 / Left side of house is 70 yards east of Lefevre Terrace / Frontage: 27 1/2 yards'.

Kingston Terrace North Adelaide looking east

Kingston Terrace North Adelaide looking east

Kingston Terrace, looking east from Stanley Street. The view shows very few houses and wide expanses of park land. The more established eastern suburbs and the Adelaide Hills can be seen beyond the parklands. The building in the foreground is on the north west corner of Acre 1030.

Kingston Terrace, North Adelaide

Kingston Terrace, North Adelaide

[General description] This two storey rendered house has a tiled roof and shuttered windows with a curved arch over its entrance to break its straight lines. The facade of its carport has an art deco look. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1030 / Kingston Terrace / 21st April 1931 / House erected in 1929-30 / See B 5228 and B 5231 / Left side of house is 93 1/2 yards west of Jerningham Street / Frontage: 26 1/2 yards'.

Jerningham Street, North Adelaide

Jerningham Street, North Adelaide

General description] Large street trees and parked cars partially obscure this view of a substantial stone villa. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1032 / Jerningham Street, east side / 28th November 1960 / Right side of dwelling is 16 yards north of Stanley Street / Frontage: 15 yards'

Kingston Terrace

Kingston Terrace

Kingston Terrace, south side, 1965. Left side of site is 40 yards west of Kingston Terrace, east side. This acre is near Stanley Street and Kingston Terrace in North Adelaide

Stanley Street, North Adelaide

Stanley Street, North Adelaide

[General description] This two storey single fronted building has a grocery shop downstairs and living quarters above. There is an upstairs balcony and above it is a decorative parapet with a sign saying 'Estab. 1908' and the name Lawson is still visible. (Lawson was the name of the original shopkeeper). It was still a store into the 1970s. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1036 / Stanley Street, north side / 22 January 1960 / Right side of shop is 117 yards west of Hart Street / Frontage of shop is 7 yards / For a view of shop taken in 1916, see B1852'

Mann Terrace, North Adelaide

Mann Terrace, North Adelaide

[General description] This small stone cottage is about to undergo remodelling into a Spanish Mission style. The car at the kerb, registration number 97-978, is a Chevrolet. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 1039 / Mann Terrace, west side / 13 July 1937 / For alterations, additions etc. to this house, made in 1937, see B 7413 / Left side of cottage in centre is 44 yards north of Stanley Street / Frontage is 11 yards'.

Francis Street, North Adelaide

Francis Street, North Adelaide

[General description] Two cottages in Francis Street, the furthest having been altered. It has a new corrugated iron roof with an unbroken pitch and a stone wall with pillars in the 1930s style. The nearer one is in poor repair with a broken picket fence. [On back of photograph] ' Acre 1040 / Francis Street (off Mann Terrace) / 21 April 1931 / Showing alterations to the cottages on the left effected in 1930 / See B 5723 / For site see B 5723'.

Adelaide View

Adelaide View

View of Adelaide, looking south east from an elevated point showing Flinders Street and beyond to the hills. In open paddocks in the the foreground washing is hanging out to dry. The spire of Saint Andrew's Church can be seen on the right. It is Acre 205 Pirie Street in the centre and the buildings are Union Bank of Australia, then the manse, side of Wesleyan Methodist Church.

Sheep Sale Yards

Sheep Sale Yards

Sheep sale yards, situated near the corner of North and West Terraces immediately north of Acre 1, July 1913. This photograph was taken immediately after the yards had been superseded by the new abattoirs at Dry Creek.

St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide

St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide

ACRE 703: St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide, South Australia.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

ACRE 140: King William Street, west side, showing the premises of the Bank of Adelaide in the foreground.

C. J. Ziesing, family butcher

C. J. Ziesing, family butcher

ACRE 452: The premises of C. J. Ziesing, family butcher, thought to have been on the corner of Carrington Street and King William Street in a building which later housed the Old King's Music Hall.

May Day March, Adelaide

May Day March, Adelaide

ACRE 16: A May Day march proceeding along King William Street, Adelaide.

May Day march in Adelaide

May Day march in Adelaide

ACRE 202: A May Day march proceeding along King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia.

Demolition of John Martins store, Adelaide

Demolition of John Martins store, Adelaide

ACRE 41: Demolition work almost completed on the site of John Martins store.

Demolition of John Martins store, Adelaide

Demolition of John Martins store, Adelaide

ACRE 41: Demolition work almost completed on the site of John Martins store.