Find • acre • Results 11,491 to 11,520 of 12,472
![Certificate for Industry](
Certificate for Industry
Certificate awarded to E.H. Bird for 'Industry' by Whinham College, North Adelaide and signed by John Whinham & Son, Principals, 1884. The certificate features a fine coloured lithographed panoramic view of the College and surrounding area, executed by L. Henn & Company, of Currie Street, Adelaide. It shows land covered by Town Acres 769-771, 792 and 816, with Jeffcott Street at left, Ward Street on right, Ward Court on extreme right of the Ward Street frontage, Wellington Square on extreme left with the Wellington Hotel on SE corner.
![Premises of Wills & Co, Rundle Street](
Premises of Wills & Co, Rundle Street
Premises built 1852 at 80 Rundle Street, Adelaide (north side) on City Acre 42 for Wills & Company, drapers.
![Site of former York Theatre, Rundle Street](
Site of former York Theatre, Rundle Street
The York Theatre stood on the corner of Rundle Street and Gawler Place, Adelaide, City Acre 43, and was demolished in 1962 for the widening of Gawler Place. The building behind is the head office of G. & R. Wills & Co. Limited, which was also partly demolished for the new roadway. The crane visible on the left-hand side is being used for the construction of the Prudential Building on North Terrace. Note policeman directing traffic on right. (Photograph taken 4 April 1962).
![Service on steps of St. Peter's Cathedral](
Service on steps of St. Peter's Cathedral
Service on the steps of St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide. Possibly a memorial service for a soldier.
![Rundle Street, north side](
Rundle Street, north side
A busy day in Rundle Street, Adelaide, with horse drawn vehicles, motor cars, and cyclists mingling with shoppers outside the premises of Charles Birks & Co.
![Head office of G. & R. Wills & Co. Limited, Gawler Place](
Head office of G. & R. Wills & Co. Limited, Gawler Place
Premises on City Acre 20, corner of Gawler Place and Fisher Place, Adelaide, erected in 1914. The adjacent building of three storeys and basement in Fisher Place is the rear section of G. & R. Wills' North Terrace premises.
![Factory and warehouse of G. & R. Wills & Co, North Terrace](
Factory and warehouse of G. & R. Wills & Co, North Terrace
Warehouse and factory on City Acre 21, North Terrace, Adelaide, erected in two stages, the right-hand part (west section) in 1853 and the left-hand part on the east side in the mid 1870s. This building complex is still standing.
![Adelaide Arcade, Grenfell Street entrance](
Adelaide Arcade, Grenfell Street entrance
View looking across Grenfell Street to the southern entrance of Adelaide Arcade.
![Promenade of Adelaide Arcade](
Promenade of Adelaide Arcade
View looking down from the first floor gallery of Adelaide Arcade to the promenade area below.
![Foundation stone of Adelaide Arcade](
Foundation stone of Adelaide Arcade
Foundation stone of Adelaide Arcade, which can be seen along the east side of the central promenade. It was laid by the Mayor of Adelaide William Bundey on 6 May 1885. The arcade was opened on 12 December that year.
![First floor gallery of Adelaide Arcade](
First floor gallery of Adelaide Arcade
View looking south from the first floor gallery of Adelaide Arcade, with the central bridge linking the east and west sides, and the promenade area below.
![Adelaide Arcade, Grenfell Street frontage](
Adelaide Arcade, Grenfell Street frontage
View looking across Grenfell Street to the southern facade of Adelaide Arcade. Part of the Regent Arcade facade is at left.
Papers of Heather Graham
Papers of Heather Graham comprising 11 annotated photographs of the Low sheep property, 'Yakilo', near Spalding (ca.1880-1930), the George Graham family homes in Solomontown, Port Pirie (ca.1900-1908), Red Cross Rest Room (Hut) at Solomontown, and women Red Cross transport drivers at Woodward Park, Port Pirie (ca.1940-1944). Also one booklet and a greeting card relating to the Low family history. See details below.
![Architectural ground floor plan of building for the South Australian School Society](
Architectural ground floor plan of building for the South Australian School Society
Ground floor plan of the public school being erected for the South Australian School Society on the north west corner of Gawler Place and North Terrace, Adelaide (Acre 19). Ink on paper, ink notation. Scale 1 inch to 10 feet.
![John Bailey : SUMMARY RECORD](
Papers of John Bailey, Colonial Botanist and nurseryman, comprising the diary of his voyage to Melbourne and Sydney on the 'Osmanli', 24 October 1853 to 13 February 1854 (with an index by the writer at the beginning of the volume) and papers relating to the preparation of the Park Lands 29 July to 18 November 1856.
Diaries of Y.B. Hutchinson
Photographs of W.A. Robjohns
The series comprises 15 albums housing 1,973 photographs, most of which were taken by photographer W.A. Robjohns ca.1920-1966. Album covers were numbered and labelled by Robjohns. The sequence is incomplete, however, as only volumes 1-9, 12-14, 15, 20 and 23 have been donated. Robjohns' brief descriptions of content on the covers and spines are incomplete. For further descriptions of place names and subjects contained in each album, SEE details below. The albums contain small black and white prints, mostly undated, with captions by W.R. Robjohns. Also sepia and postcard prints, and a few hand-tinted prints. A small number of images were taken by other photographers, several of whom have been identified by Robjohns. Images depict Adelaide suburbs, city scenes and country towns, with an emphasis on rural landscapes, parks and reserves, rivers, reservoirs, streets, houses, churches, businesses and shop fronts, and public celebrations and processions. Also included are images of the Robjohns family on picnics and holiday outings, and their homes, cars and pets. A number of photos were duplicated or enlarged by Robjohns and appear in more than one album.
![Miscellaneous photographs](
Miscellaneous photographs
A collection of photographs with no particular link to the White family, but with inherent historic interest. They include images of Randall's/Randles Corner, Parachilna Siding, early Grange and Henley Beach, transport, portraits, Adelaide Oval, Portland Cement quarry and miscellaneous. See 'contents' for details of individual items.
![Photographs of 'The Laurels', Dunn's Memorial Church at Mount Barker and the Dunn family](
Photographs of 'The Laurels', Dunn's Memorial Church at Mount Barker and the Dunn family
Photographs of the Dunn family home 'The Laurels' and Dunn's Memorial Church at Mount Barker. See below for more details.
![Photographs of the Neill, Crooks and Thomas families](
Photographs of the Neill, Crooks and Thomas families
Photographs collected by the family of William and Fanny Neill of their parents, other senior family members, their children, and members of the Crooks family. Also included are views of the Old Exhibition Building off Frome Road in the North Parklands, and the GPO from Victoria Square.
![WW I photographs and letters by Tom English](
WW I photographs and letters by Tom English
Letters and photographs sent home by Captain T.W. (Tom) English during World War I. The small photographs have been digitised; do a NUMBER search on PRG 119/41/1-13 to see online images. See 'Contents' for details. (Letters in Archives box)
![Forwood Down foundry](
Forwood Down foundry
View of men working in the Forwood Down foundry at 199 Hindley Street, Adelaide, using various shaped moulds.
![Forwood Down foundry](
Forwood Down foundry
View of men working in the Forwood Down foundry at 199 Hindley Street, Adelaide.
![Forwood Down foundry](
Forwood Down foundry
View of men working in the Forwood Down foundry at 199 Hindley Street, Adelaide, using various shaped moulds.
![Forwood Down foundry](
Forwood Down foundry
View of men working in the fitting shop in the Forwood Down foundry at 199 Hindley Street, Adelaide.
![Forwood Down foundry](
Forwood Down foundry
View of men working on lathes in the fitting shop in the Forwood Down foundry at 199 Hindley Street, Adelaide.
![St. Peter's Cathedral reredos](
St. Peter's Cathedral reredos
Carved wooden reredos, 'Christ in Glory', in the interior of St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide.
![St. Peter's Cathedral reredos](
St. Peter's Cathedral reredos
Carved wooden reredos, an eagle representing St. John, and a lion representing St. Mark, in the interior of St. Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide.
![St Peter's Cathedral apse](
St Peter's Cathedral apse
The apse of St. Peter's Cathedral, containing the Lady Chapel.
![Ordination at St. Peter's Cathedral](
Ordination at St. Peter's Cathedral
Ordination at St. Peter's Cathedral, 3 February 1979. Standing L-R, Mr W. Rogers (server), DEACONS: The Reverends Frank Kernot (St Mary's South Road), Colin Griffiths SSM (St John's, Halifax Street), David McLean (St Jude's, Brighton), Mr. K. Webster (crucifer), The Reverend P.G. Osborn, Anthony Noble (St Margaret's, Woodville), Grantley Bullen (St Francis', Edwardstown), Mr A. Charlton (server). Seated L-R, PRIESTS: The Reverends Edward Whitworth (St Matthew's, Kensington), David Lunnis (St Michael's, Mitcham), The Preacher The Rev'd G.M. Yould, The Assistant Bishop The Rt Rev'd L.E.W. Renfrey, The Archbishop The Most Rev'd K. Rayner, The Archdeacon of Sturt The Ven. S.M. Smith, The Bishop's Vicar Canon W.R. Ray, Bruce Naylor (St Columba's, Hawthorn), James Baillie (St Chad's, Fullarton).