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Reed Garden, Unley

Reed Garden, Unley

Reed Garden located in Thomas Street, Unley.

Freeman Street Congregational Chapel

Freeman Street Congregational Chapel

Copy of an architectural drawing showing elevations, cross section, plan and detail of the Freeman Street Congregational Chapel building, opened 3 November 1840, sold to Simpson & Son for 1050 pounds. Drawn by B. Murray.

Pirie Street near Gawler Place

Pirie Street near Gawler Place

Pirie Street, south side. A. Simpson & Son building, far side is about 81 yards west of Gawler Place. This warehouse and factory is situated on a deep block. The Town Hall clock tower can be seen peeping over the nearby roofs.

British Tube Mills products in displays

British Tube Mills products in displays

Collection of 11 glass plate negatives of British Tube Mills products used in sales displays by agencies.

Writing case and letters

A leather writing case featuring a metal clasp and handle on the outside, with compartments inside to hold letters, paper and envelopes, pens and other writing materials. Inside the case were stored letters and papers relating to Samuel Grau Hubbe and family, and a small album of photographs of the five Hubbe children. See below for details.

Wakefield Street south side near Pulteney Street

Wakefield Street south side near Pulteney Street

Wakefield Street, south side, 26 April 1899, left of building is 71 yards west of Hanson Street, near Pulteney Street and frontage is 47 yards. A Simpson and Son makers of iron and galvanised products including wire, bedsteads, ranges, mattress makers, tinplate, sheet ironmakers, iron founders, and Japanners.

Queen's wharf, Port Adelaide, South Australia

Queen's wharf, Port Adelaide, South Australia

Queen's wharf at Port Adelaide; the building on the left is the Queen's Stores owned by the Government, in 1872 it was rented by Henry Simpson and Son, coal merchant.

Gawler Place corner of Grenfell Street

Gawler Place corner of Grenfell Street

Gawler Place, north east corner of Grenfell Street, 1899. Gawler Place frontage: 47 yards; Grenfell Street frontage: 18 1/2 yards. This building was unchanged until 1935, except for the fact that shop fronts were installed in the Gawler Street frontage in the portion of the building which is to the left of the cart. The photograph shows alterations effected in 1935. See B 6763. The building houses A Simpson and Son, colonial tinware manufactory and iron and tinplate workers. The two storey building holds a commanding position on the corner of Gawleer Place and Grenfell Street.

The 'Canmore' in an unidentified port

The 'Canmore' in an unidentified port

the iron barque 'Canmore', 769 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 3 mast barque, 769 tons. ON75191, 193.3 x 31.5 x 17.9. Built 1876 (10) Brown and Simpson, Dundee. Owners James Millar registered Dundee, later Albany Shipping Co. (D Scott and sons, registered Dundee].

Papers relating to the Unitarian Church, Adelaide

Papers relating to the Unitarian Church, Adelaide

Papers relating to F.S. Wallis' involvement with the Unitarian Church in Wakefield Street, Adelaide comprising programs, letters, invitations, and photograph. See 'items' for further details.

Gawler Place,  near Pirie Street

Gawler Place, near Pirie Street

Gawler Place, west side near Pirie Street. The building was formerly used as a Congregational Chapel. The stone building faces east and stands back about 16 yards from the street alignment. The southern wall is about 5 yards north of the southern boundary of the acre. The photograph depicts the business premises of A Simpson and Son. A sack is being lowered from a barn next door and a horse and cart is being loaded with boxes. A bearded gentleman in a bowler hat is coming out the the warehouse.

The 'Otago' at Port Adelaide

The 'Otago' at Port Adelaide

The iron barque 'Otago', 346 tons, at Port Adelaide [iron 3 mast barque, 367 gross, 345 net tons. ON60463. 147.0 x 26.0 x 14.0 Built 1869 (10) A Stephen and Sons, Glasgow. Owners: Angus Cameron, registered Glasgow: Jan. 1872 Thomas Grierson and others, registered Port Adelaide. Nov. 1886 JL Simpson and partners: August 1900 CJF Gerber, registered Sydney 1902/1903 Huddart, Parker Ltd, who converted the vessel into a coal hulk and took it to Hobart. Sold in 1931 and abandoned on the bank in a bay of the Derwent. This is not the vessel made famous by reason of Joseph Conrad taking over as master and bringing it to Port Adelaide when her master (and part owner) died in Bay of Bengal]

Letters and postcards written by and to Hermann F. Hubbe and other items

Letters and post cards written by Hermann Fritz Hubbe, (known as Fritz), son of Samuel Grau Hubbe and Edith Hubbe (nee Cook), while travelling to Europe during the First World War and in Egypt and Lemnos. Includes Field Service post cards with generic printed sentences. Also includes letters to H.F. Hubbe and a receipt for a 'sac suit' made for him by Williams Bros. & Co. Hermann Fritz Hubbe died in 1916.

Young Street, Parkside

Young Street, Parkside

Boarding house attached to John L. Young's school, Parkside, north side of Young Street. House in Young Street Parkside, formerly owned by John Lorenzo Young and sold by him in 1880 to the Simpson family (AL Simpson and son, ironworkers). This property is on the south side of Young Street, about 38 yards east of Stamford Street. Through the lush garden a glimpse of the home shows a two storey bluestone house with an upper balcony and shutters at the windows. A curved drive leads to the front door.

Wallaroo Ambulance Class

Wallaroo Ambulance Class

Wallaroo Railway St. John Ambulance Class, May 1908. Front row: L.W.G. Gitsham, H. Heath, E. Bews, J. Henderson, Cr. C.E.C. Wilson (lecturer), S.J.Simpson (secretary), H. Black, J. Walsh & W.H. Sedgley; middle row: G.E. Hooper, Q.E. Clarke, E.C. Judd, G.E. White, M.M. Guthrie, D.J. Cullen, O.F. Matthews, W. McNeice & E.D. Thomas; back row: C. Grimm, A. Dumas, G. Schell, G. Tippins & T. Jones.

Queen's Wharf, Port Adelaide

Queen's Wharf, Port Adelaide

Queen's Wharf, Port Adelaide. The building to the left is the Queen's Stores owned by the Government. In 1872 it was rented by Henry Simpson and Son, coal merchant. This photograph was taken from a point a few yards from the ferry steps. Many ships are moored at the wharf or anchored off shore. A lot of the cargo appears to be wool bales.

Sydney McFarlane

Sydney McFarlane

Sydney McFarlane in military uniform, son of David McFarlane and Miriam (nee Smith).

Australian soldiers standing over the grave of Trooper Nathaniel Horsfall

Australian soldiers standing over the grave of Trooper Nathaniel Horsfall

Three Australian soldiers in military uniforms and holding rifles standing over the grave of a comrade. The headstone is inscribed with the words: 'In memory of Tpr. N.H. Horsefall. 248. 5th Sth Aus 1 BC, killed in action, 24.1.02'. The grave is covered with stones and located in a grassy field.