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Frank Hailstone ploughing on his Dingabledinga property
WILLUNGA: Frank Hailstone ploughing with bullocks on his Dingabledinga property, near Willunga.

Machinery used at Willunga slate quarry, South Australia
Overhead view of machinery used at the slate quarry at Willunga, South Australia.

Banquet at Willunga, South Australia
Diners attending a banquet at Willunga in South Australia to celebrate the opening of the railway on January 20th, 1915; Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia is seated at the centre of the 'top' table with two waiting staff behind him.

A steam crane working on the Willunga railway line in South Australia
A steam crane working on a cutting during the construction of the Willunga railway line.

A woman standing in front of a house
A woman standing behind the picket fence of a house. She is holding a galah. The house is made of stone and has a trellis on the verandah.

Fishermen's Lookout
Fishermen's lookout, used by Bill How, Port Willunga.

Port Willunga
A boy playing with his dog at the sea edge.

Mrs. M. Bassett's School
Mrs. M. Bassett's girl's school at Willunga was also known as Buckland House Academy and it was opened in 1847 by James Bassett. Mary Bassett taught girls here from 1853 until her death in 1889. The figures in the centre of this photograph are possibly James Bassett on left and Mary Bassett in the centre on the verandah. Cornishman James Bassett arrived in South Australia with his wife Ann who later died of consumption. After James had remarried he and his new wife Mary had several more children to add to his original family. In 1852 the school was the only licensed school in the area and had enrolled 43 children. James later built a boys school nearby in 1862.

[General description] View of Willunga showing neat paddocks fenced with post and rails and hedging, gumtrees and a few stone buildings. [On back of photograph] 'Willunga / Looking north or north west / 1872-86 / Police Station and cells on the extreme right / Post Office (old) on left side of the road (two storied building?) / Details supplied by Mr. L. J. Ewens'.

Circus-train on Main Corner
Circus-train on Main Corner, Willunga.

Willunga Cricket team
Cricket team.

Oddfellows Hall, Willunga
Oddfellows hall.

Railway Line, Willunga
Men working on constructiong the Willunga Railway Line.

Willunga C.W.A. clubroom
WILLUNGA: Willunga C.W.A. clubroom in 1966.

Crowd on the beach at Port Willunga
PORT WILLUNGA: A crowd on the beach at Port Willunga, in 1903.

Willunga school building
WILLUNGA: The higher primary school building at Willunga.

People on Port Willunga beach
PORT WILLUNGA: A group of people on the beach at Port Willunga in 1903.

Miss Hawkins a teacher at Bassetts Private School with her students
WILLUNGA: Miss Hawkins, a teacher at Bassetts Private School, with her students. Back row: Eva Culley, Sissy Broughton, Nel Jackson, Olly Culley. Front row: Maud Allen, Eune Good, Rita Allen, Ivy Richards, Alice Culley, boys unknown.

View depicting the shipwreck of the Star of Greece
PORT WILLUNGA: This view depicts the shipwreck of the ship Star of Greece. The ship became stuck on a reef, north of the Port Willunga jetty between 2a.m. and 3 a.m. on the 13th of July, 1888. The ship was built at Belfast, in 1868, by Harland & Wolff. It was registered as 1,193 tons and was insured for $24,450.

Sketch of the Wesleyan Chapel at Willunga
WILLUNGA: This sketch of the Wesleyan Chapel was taken from an early plan of Willunga.

Album of views of Willunga and surrounding district
ALBUM: The Dunstan Collection of views of Willunga and the surrounding district.

Sara's Hill cutting, Willunga
WILLUNGA: From Volume One of an album. Sara's Hill cutting from where the District Council of Willunga obtained quantities of material for roadwork. Although not clear in the photograph, stacked material can be seen on the right at the rear of cutting. Road winding over the hill led to the Bangor Slate Quarry.

The Alma Hotel, Willunga
WILLUNGA: The Alma Hotel was opened on the 18th September 1856, and William Toll was the first licensee until March 1867.In 1894 Mr. George Webb, late of the Willunga Hotel, bought the hotel and it remained in the family until recent years. Dr. McGowan and his horse can be seen in the centre foreground.

Willunga Slate Quarries
WILLUNGA: Willunga Slate Quarries operated by Thomas Martin and in later years was more commonly know as Martin's Quarry. Note on the left of the view slate is being sawn by hand. The machinery in right of view was the type which eventually took the place of hand sawing. The man on the right is splitting slate [copy of B 24134].

Willunga Public School
WILLUNGA: Willunga Public School which was opened by Governor Jervois in 1877. Thomas Noye became the first head teacher.

Letter written by the secretary of the Loyal Willunga Lodge
WILLUNGA: A view of a letter written by the secretary of the Loyal Willunga Lodge, June 16th, 1902. The letter explains that the Lodge has decided to let their hall to the Literary Society for three months.

Waye Brothers Garage and Blacksmith shop, Willunga
WILLUNGA: A view of Waye Brothers Garage and Blacksmith shop; the man on the left is Oliver Waye, Morgy Way is in the centre and Ross Whittle, the blacksmith, is on the right.

A mountain type locomotive
WILLUNGA: A mountain type locomotive at Willunga.

Main street of Willunga
WILLUNGA: The main street looking towards Willunga Hill.

Jack Branson riding 'Invincible'
WILLUNGA: Jack Branson riding 'Invincible', winner of the event for local hunters at the Willunga Show in 1946.