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Willunga Studio
The Willunga Studio, Willunga, South Australia.

Catholic Cemetery, Willunga
View of the Catholic Cemetery at Willunga. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Cottage at Willunga
Old English-type cottage at Willunga, where Buxton had previously lived. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Church at Delabole Slate Quarry
Ruins of chhurch at Delabole Slate Quarry, near Willunga. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/104.

Sea View Hotel
Sea View Hotel, Port Willunga in 1882 when the proprietor was W Stirling. The hotel changed its name in 1884 from Lewis Arms Inn to Sea View Hotel. The photograph is dated 1882 but the name Sea View Hotel is written on the front of the building. Several people including a man on horseback are standing in front of the hotel at Port Willunga.

Old Hotel, Port Willunga
Old Hotel at Port Willunga. In 1933 it was an abandoned farm house. The photograph shows a two storey stone building set into the hillside with twin iron roofs and a slate covered verandah around two sides of the building.

Port Willunga jetty
Port Willunga jetty after a gale in 1915. The photograph shows a deceptively calm sea and a high tide. The jetty has been broken in two with the rail lines left hanging. The crane is still standing at the end of the ricketty jetty. On the back of the postcard is a note from Hedley (?) to Edith (?). "I am sending you the remains of our old jetty. This was taken at the beginning of the winter. Goddon's is as it stands today. We are having a good season up to the present, plenty of feed and the crops are looking well. I have got all my land in except 60 acres. I think the price is going to be low this year. The farmers in North are offering their hay for 50 shillings in the stook...This dreadful war is still going on: about 140 pounds has been sent from here. With love, Hedley".

Port Willunga jetty
Port Willunga jetty in 1903. Port Willunga was one of the busiest ports in the colony when the first jetty was built in 1853. Another jetty was built in 1868. A new and longer jetty was built in 1884 to please the farmers. By early in the twentieth century the jetty was in disrepair and was destroyed by storms in 1915

Port Willunga jetty
The remains of second Port Willunga jetty. A fierce storm destroyed the jetty in 1915 and a new jetty using local timber was proposed but did not eventuate

Port Willunga jetty
After the gale at Port Willunga jetty.

Fishermen, Port Willunga
Fishermen pulling in a net at Port Willunga.

Fishermen, Port Willunga
Fishermen pulling in a net at Port Willunga.

Fishermen, Port Willunga
Fishermen pulling in a net at Port Willunga.

Soldier's Memorial, Willunga
[On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Chronicle, May 22, 1926. Soldiers Memorial, Willunga / 1926' [General description] This memorial commemorates the Great War 1914- 1919. It is of rough-cut red granite comprising an obelisk surmounted on a pedestal and block base and concrete slab. The face of the pedestal is polished, and on it is engraved in three columns the names of the soldiers who lost their lives (In Memory), and of those who served (In Honour).

Willunga School Children
A group of Willunga Public School Children.

Willunga School Children
A group of Willunga School boys.

Willunga Railway Opening
Willunga Railway opening: Train drawn by Locomotives was RX Class locomotive No. 152.

Old cottage at Willunga
Old Cottage at Willunga - built in 1866 for Mr. Richard Mortimer, then sold to Mr. Richard Townsend and later to Mr. William Morton, a wickerworker. (Note the wicker chair in the doorway).

Simon Sibly outside his Willunga store
WILLUNGA: Simon Sibly standing outside his general store in 1898.

Alice and Elizabeth Dowty outside their Willunga residence
WILLUNGA: Alice and Elizabeth Dowty standing outside their home and shop. The building stands on the Aldinga Road opposite the old railway water tower.

Port Willunga guest house
PORT WILLUNGA: The "Alton" Guest House at Port Willunga in 1908.

New Year's picnic at Port Willunga
PORT WILLUNGA: A crowd attending the New Year's picnic at Port Willunga, January 18th, 1908.

Elizabeth Dowty outside her general store at Willunga
WILLUNGA: Elizabeth Dowty standing outside her general store in January 1924. The cockatoo which she is holding lived for 58 years.

Willunga residence of the Meverley family
WILLUNGA: The home of the Meverley family in St. Andrews Terrace Willunga, in 1899. Bill Meverley and Rebecca Meverley can be seen standing outside, with their next door neighbour, Una Fridlington.

Early Willunga residence
WILLUNGA: This home, which stood at the eastern end of Beltunga Gully in the 1890s, was owned by the Eden family.

Butterworth store room at Port Willunga
PORT WILLUNGA: This is a view of the Butterworth store room. It was used to store wheat, flour and other goods waiting to be shipped from the Port Willunga Jetty.

'The Bush Inn' at Willunga
WILLUNGA: The Bush Inn; this was the third Inn bearing the same name. It was completed in 1901 and Catherine Boderick was the licensee. The coach standing outside is a Royal Mail Coach.

Canberra Hotel in Willunga
WILLUNGA: A view of the Canberra Hotel in Willunga.

Demolition of the Church of England at Willunga
WILLUNGA: Workers beginning to demolish the original Church of England on Aldinga Road.

Miss Charlotte Smith's Private School at Willunga
WILLUNGA: Miss Charlotte Smith's Private School. The school opened in 1874 and closed in 1877. The building was used as the Headmaster's residence following the opening of the Willunga Primary School in 1877.