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House at Monalta Drive, Belair
Interior view of kitchen and dining area in Lot 143 Monalta Drive, Belair built by Marshall Wait. Date of erection 1970

Floor plan of a house 'The Executive' with variations built by Marshall Wait

Sunday School children watching a didgeridoo performance
"Party of Sunday School children watching my Aboriginal friends play the digeridoo in Brisbane. We were waiting for our boat to be ready to sail to Milingimbi 194?"

Mr and Mrs Fielding and friends
"The friends we stayed with while waiting for the Larrpan. Mr and Mrs Fielding"

Yirrkala beach
"On the beach at Yirrkala waiting to go aboard the boat 1940".

Bowling Green, Port Elliot
Group of men playing bowls at the Port Elliot Bowling Green with Horseshoe Bay in the background. To the left of the Green are tents erected on the beach. In front of the Bowling Green's brush fence, a couple of spectators watch on and a man waits in his car.

South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Union photograph album
Album containing 38 gelatin silver photographs mounted on card, with printed captions mounted below each print, depicting the locations and activities of the South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Union Limited in approximately 1938.

Material relating to 'Bush Bashers'
Handwritten manuscript of book, (series 1) first typed manuscript of book, {series 2) first typed manuscript of book and pencil sketches, (series 3) typed manuscript (series 4) and correspondence with Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Committee for entry into competition, negatives and eight photographs (series 5) for book, reviews and newspaper clippings (series 6) as well as correspondence including Memorandum of Agreement for book (series 7).

Material relating to 'Outback Highways'
Original sketches for book, original photographs, negatives and correspondence.

Funeral in Broken Hill
Photographs of a funeral cortege travelling through Broken Hill. It has been suggested that this may have been the funeral of Bert Fisher, a senior union official who died close to the beginning of World War II. The Australian Club Hotel ceased trading in 1941.

Storm damage in Adelaide
Photographs of the aftermath of an 81-mph gale which tore through Adelaide in the early hours of 11 April 1948, causing widespread damage to houses and telephone poles and driving the HMAS Barcoo ashore at West Beach.

Album of photographs of John Martin's premises
Album of photographs of exterior and interior views of John Martin's shops and distribution centre. The album is stamped with the John Martin's logo on the front cover, and appears to have been created by the company. Each image is captioned.

Series 069: Don Bradman visit to Adelaide
Photographs of Don Bradman in Adelaide to present a car to the winner of the Lord Mary's Unemployment Relief Fund competition. The winner was presented with a Chevrolet Sports Roadster sponsored by General Motors, and several of the images show Bradman in a similar car on his travels around Adelaide.

Series 077: ANZAC Day Parade, 1936
Aerial photographs of the 1936 Anzac Day Parade from King William Road towards the Cross of Sacrifice in lower North Adelaide. Views include City Bridge, the River Torrens, Adelaide Oval, Jolley's Boathouse, St Peter's Cathedral, Pennington Terrace and the Torrens Parade Ground.