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A large holiday crowd on the Glenelg jetty
Crowds celebrating Proclamation Day on the jetty and foreshore at Glenelg, South Australia, 30 December 1918; the Harbors Board vessel 'Annie E. Price' is in the foreground.

Sir William Sowden with Cheer Up Society helpers
Sir William Sowden, editor of the Register newspaper sitting second row, ninth from the left with a large group of volunteer helpers from the Cheer-Up Society in Adelaide.

Prize winning horse and buggy cart
A woman driving a prize-winning horse drawn buggy at the Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

Politician George Ritchie delivering a speech
South Australian politician George Ritchie delivering a speech at an outdoor function; he is standing on a dais with other men who include Charles Edward Owen Smyth, Superintendent of Public Buildings, sitting third from the right.

Motor car accident
Three men standing beside a 35 horsepower Overland motor car damaged in an accident near Bolivar, South Australia, on Friday 31 December 1915. The driver, Stock and Station Agent, Arthur Coles, was killed and his wife Ellen who was seriously injured died on 12 January 1916. Two other occupants of the car, James Allen and N. Taylor, received minor injuries. The photograph was taken on 1 January 1916; "A visit to the scene on Saturday morning showed that the road was in fairly good order ... The motor car presented a sorry spectacle. It was seen where it had stopped on the previous evening." The Register, 3 January 1916, page 4.

New army recruits
New army recruits still wearing civilian clothes photographed with four uniformed soldiers in front of the grand-stand at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide where they received their initial training before going to military camp; two soldiers hold up a large national Australian flag behind the group.

A herd of cattle
A herd of cattle in a fenced paddock, possibly at Gepps Cross, South Australia.

A group of soldiers
A group of South Australian soldiers who were part of military reinforcements during World War I; names not known.

Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion
Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion. The 3rd Reinforcements comprised the men listed below. They embarked on the HMAT Anchises on 28 August 1916 from Port Adelaide. Identities have not been matched to the image. 2026, ABELSON, Coleman 2027, ADAMS, Herbert 2153A, ADEY, William Frederick Clair 2152, AMEY, Thomas John 2029, BAKER, Ernest Martin 2028, BALD, David 2031, BENNETT, Lindsay Gordon 2032, BERRIMAN, Robert Harold 2170, BETTS, Mark Alfred 2033, BONNEY, Hurtle Oliver 2034, BONNEY, Patrick 2037, BROADBENT, Ralph Leslie 2035, BROWN, Albert Victor 2036, BRYDEN, Edgar Roy 2038, BUTTFIELD, Blinnan Vincent 2039, BUTTFIELD, Hilary John 2040, CANNAN, William Thomas 2051, CARR, Arthur Francis Joseph 2041, CARROLL, Herbert James 2042, CARTER, Ernest William 2052, CARTHY, Phillip George 2045, CHAMBERS, Sidney Harold 2053, CHRISTENSEN, John Thomas 2043, CHRISTIE, Robert 2154A, CLARK, Leonard William 2054, CLARK, William Herbert 2044, CLIFF, Maurice James 2047, COLLINS, Algernon Thomas 2175, CONLIN, Francis Leonard 2176, Conlin, William Thomas Joseph 2055, COOPER, Edwin Albert Henry 2056, COX, George Henry 2057A, COX, Sydney Ivan 2048, CRAM, William Edward 2049, CRANWELL, Horace Leslie 2050, CUGLEY, Harold Herbert 2063, DAENKE, Horace Edward 2060, DALTON, Charles 2061, DATSON, Albert Charles 2059, DAW, Alfred Compson 2064, DEAN, Harold Lewis 2065, DIGHTON, Charles Lealand George 2066, DOWDY, Frank Leslie 2067, DOWER, Thomas 2068, DUNN, Cecil 2070, ELDRIDGE, Albert Francis 2071, EVES, Frederick George 2072, FENWICK, Harry 2074, FIELD, William Melvine 2075, FOSTER, Albert Edward 2076, FOSTER, Albert Ernest 2077, FOUBISTER, Bertram Stanley R2079, GALLACHER, George 2080, GEORGE, Cecil Vaughan 2081, GEUE, William 2083, GILBERT, Frank Roy 2084, GOUGH, George 2085, GRAFF, Frederick William 2086, GREEN, Allan Elliot 2088, GREGORY, Bruce Lionel 2087, GRIFFIN, Albert Leslie 2155A, GROSSER, Ernest Frederick Wilhelm 2082, GUERIN, Charles 2089, GUNNING, Norman Stannus 2090, HAMLYN, James Eustace 2091, HARVEY, Reginald 2093, HAUPT, Otto August 2092, HAYTER, Herbert 2172, HEALEY, Leonard Charles 2097, HEASLIP, James Gordon 2101, HENDERSON, Roy Stanley 2096, HILL, Claude Percival 2094, HILLAM, George Priestley 2095, HILTON, Alfred Ernest Edward 2100, HINDMARSH, Hector Pretoris 2098, HODGES, Norman Thomas 2099, HOOPER, Charles Edgar 2102, HUBBARD, Leslie Herbert 2173, IHMS, Henry Arthur 2103, IVEY, William James Pote 2104, JENKINS, Alfred Edward 2105, JESSER, Thomas Linthal 2106, JOHNSON, Arthur Vaughan 2107, KELLY, John 2108, KELLY, Michael 2110, KING, James 2109, KOTY, George Herman 2156A, LAMBERT, Albert Edward 2112, LEOPOLD, Julius Leberecht 2111, LEY, Frank 2113, LIENERT, Fred Percy 2114, LIVINGSTON, Arnold Glen 2157A, LONG, Henry Howard 2115, LUNDSTEN, William 2121, MAGEN, Carl William Augus 2119, MARKS, Ernest 2116, MARNER, Albert John 2117, MARNER, James Stephen 2118, MARNER, Robert George 2126, MARSLAND, Albert James 2120, MARTYN, Frederick 2123, McKAY, Arthur John 2124, McPHERSON, John Henry 2125, MILES, George Arthur 2127, MUIR, Gordon Frederick 2128, MURRAY, Robert 2129, NEALE, D'Arcy Lewis 2130, NOLL, Herman Albert 2131, NORMAN, Frank 2132, O'DONNELL, Edward Thomas 2133, PARNELL, John Henry 2134, PENS, Murray 2135, RADOSLOVICH, Joseph 2136, RANDOLPH, Ralph 2138, READ, Robert Stanley * 2137, REDDEN, William John 2138, REID, Robert Stanley 2143, RIDDLE, George Henry 2139, RIVETT, Thomas William 2141, RIX, Arnold Darwin 2140, ROAKE, Leonard Edward 2158A, ROBERTSON, Donald Robert 2145, ROSSER, Clement Ernest 2142, ROWE, Henry Malcolm 2152, SAMPSON, Harry Percy 2174, SAUNDERS, Philip Frederick 2149, SHEPLEY, Malcolm Frank 2146, SMITH, Jack 2160A, SMITH, John Livingston 2148, SMITH, Murray 2147, SMITH, Sidney 2150, STANLEY, John David 2151, STEPHENS, Claude Ralph 2159A, STOREN, John 2153, STYANT-BROWNE, Clifford 2154, SUMMERS, Martin Joseph 2155, SUTTON, Frederick John Morris 2156, SWANN, Lyell Keith , SYMONS, Ivor Gordon 2157, TALBOT, Thomas William 2158, TURNER, John Wilfred 2159, UNVOAS, Yves 2160, VERRALL, Frank 2161, VIDITO, Archibald 2162, WALKER, Roy Euston 2163, WARNER, Edward Francis , WATTS, Laurence Stowell 2164, WAYE, Sydney Victor 2165, WHITBREAD, Walter Joseph 2166, WORBY, Percy James 2167, WUNDENBERG, Ferdinand Theodore 2168, WYETT, Victor Leopold 2169, YEATES, Clarence Victor.

Mounted Rifles on parade in Adelaide
Crowds of spectators watching a parade of the Mounted Rifles proceeding along King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia.

Election night, Adelaide
Crowds of people waiting at night for the latest election results to be posted in King William Street, Adelaide.

Welcome home for a wounded soldier
A welcome home group for a returned wounded soldier photographed in a garden decorated with patriotic flags, a contented dog sits in the foreground; names not known.

Second Re-inforcements, 50th Battalion
A group of men of the 2nd Re-inforcements, 50th Battalion who embarked from Outer Harbor, South Australia, on H.M.A.T. A60 'Aeneas' 11th April 1916 for Egypt; the two officers, front row carrying canes are possibly Second Lieut. Guy Spencer Packard and Second Lieut. Reginald John Rudall.

Boy Scouts near Adelaide Railway Station
A troop of Boy Scouts, some carrying flags and banners, at a fundraising promotional march for 'Bottle Week' standing to attention on the roadway between Adelaide Railway Station and Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia.

A prize-winning horse and rider
A prize-winning horse and female rider photographed at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

South African War Memorial ceremony in Adelaide
A crowd of civilians and military personnel attending a commemoration ceremony at the South African War Memorial, on the corner of King William Street and North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia; standing in the front row are naval Captain Clare, Colonel Rowell, and A. N. Day.

A display of produce at the Adelaide Show
A promotional display of produce sold by the South Australian merchants 'Murphy, Fromen and Company Limited' mounted at the Adelaide Show.

Elderly lady in a wheelchair
An old lady confined to a wheelchair being taken for a walk by a man and two women; names not known.

A procession along a country road at Aldgate
A procession of men and children walking along a country road at Aldgate, South Australia. Several of the participants are wearing friendly society regalia.

Billy Hughes in Adelaide
A large crowd of spectators outside the Victoria Square entrance of the Charles Moore Department Store, Adelaide during Prime Minister Billy Hughes' visit to South Australia.

Military parade in King William Street, Adelaide
A large crowd watching a military parade of mounted and foot soldiers along King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia. The officer on horseback to the left of the mounted policeman is Mitcham Camp Adjutant, Lieut Harper.

The grave of Daisy Mabel Sherriff
The grave of Daisy Mabel Sherriff at Payneham, South Australia.

Women charity collectors
A group of South Australian women charity collectors smiling at the camera from the back of a wagon.

A Proclamation Day banquet at Glenelg Town Hall
A men only Proclamation Day banquet held in the Glenelg Town Hall, South Australia.

A celebration of Peace Loan Day, 1918
A large crowd at a Peace Loan Day function held in front of the Treasury Building, Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia.

Three men of the Thompson family, East Adelaide
Three male members of the Thompson family of East Adelaide: Joseph Henry Thompson, former Mayor of St. Peters sits left, with his son Joseph Scott Thompson, wearing military uniform, standing behind the two men.

Four motor-cyclists in Adelaide
Four male motor-cyclists riding their vehicles at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide. The four motorcyclists are from L-R; Alfred Close of Kapunda, unidentified, Harold Gard, and C.S. Lindsay of Kilkenny, shown on their Douglas motorcycles at Jubilee Oval. The agents for Douglas motorcycles were the Gard Brothers (John and Alf) of Gouger Street who commenced in the trade in 1904. They were also the agents for Blumfield, TDC, Rex, Connaught, Yale and Triumph motorcycles. In 1929 John's son Harold became sole proprietor, and JAP, James, New Hudson and HRD agencies were also secured. (Information supplied by a researcher who is publishing a book about motorcycling in SA).

Soldiers riding along an Adelaide street
A troop of soldiers, the mounted rifles, riding along Brown Street, Adelaide; Brown Street is now Morphett Street south. The two officers at the front are Lieutenant Colonel Walter Dollman, Commandant of Mitcham Camp, and his adjutant Lieutenant Harper.

A patriotic parade through the streets of Adelaide
A patriotic parade along King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia; the procession includes a number of decorated vehicles, including a mock 'military tank'.

An aged South Australian man
An aged South Australian man seated on a chair; name not known.