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Mr.Sowton, a building contractor of Maitland, South Australia
Mr.Sowton, a building contractor outside the new post office at Maitland which he is in charge of.

St.Peter's Cathedral, North Adelaide
Distant view of St.Peter's Cathedral at North Adelaide.

Interior of the Australian Chamber of Commerce office, Paris
An interior view of the small Australian office at the British Chamber of Commerce in Paris showing office furniture, a display cabinet and a early telephone.

Office interior at Nestles & Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co
An office interior at Nestles & Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide showing two male staff members at a table; an electric kettle is plugged in on side cupboards.

Bulk storage room at Nestles, Adelaide
Interior view of a bulk storage area at the Nestles and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company headquarters, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide.

Premises of Nestles office at 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide
The premises of the Nestles and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company at 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide.

Cellar storage area at Nestles headquarters, Adelaide
A cellar storage area at the Nestles and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company headquarters, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide.

A tree after explosives blew it down at Golden Grove
A fallen gum tree after being blown down by the use of explosives at Golden Grove; men and women stand and sit on it.

Ocean Street, Victor Harbor
View down Victor Harbor's Ocean Street, with the Hotel Grosvenor on the left and David Bell's store opposite.

A canal at Yanco, New South Wales
The main canal at Yanco, New South Wales.

Girl guides carrying out first aid drill
Girl guides at Mount Lofty demonstrating first aid; two teams each carry a bandaged 'victim' on make do stretchers.

Army recruits at an open air church service
Army recruits in Adelaide attending an open air church service.

Penfold's wine for the Red Cross
Five barrels of wine being sent to the Red Cross, a gift from Penfold & Co. of South Australia during World War I.

First aid practice in South Australia
Three men learning first aid practising on a volunteer lying against a tree in a wood in South Australia.

Three men practising first aid in South Australia
Three men practising first aid on a volunteer in a wood, they are closely watched by another man, possibly a doctor, a small group of others stand nearby.

First aid demonstration in South Australia
A first aid team demonstrating the technique of lifting and carrying a stretcher patient in front of onlookers in South Australian countryside.

First aid students and 'patients'in South Australia
A row of bandaged volunteer 'patients', first aid students stand behind a rope waiting for the results from examiners who are checking their work.

Four men modelling different first aid bandaging
Four men modelling different first aid bandaging treatment for injury; they appear to be in a railway yard as a goods train is in the background, possibly railway employees.

First aid students at Dawson public school
A group of children modelling first aid bandaging for injury and others outside Dawson public school, South Australia.

Concentration camp memorial monument in South Africa
A monument in South Africa to commemorate the concentration camps established for women and children during the South African War, 1899-1902.

The main street at Port Pirie, South Australia
Railway station and shops in Ellen Street, Port Pirie; three railway lines run down the middle of the roadway.

The main street at Port Pirie, South Australia
Part of the main street at Port Pirie, South Australia.

Agricultural Show at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
Horses, bulls, and other livestock on display in the show ring at Jubilee Oval during an agricultural show in Adelaide.

A line-up of four horse drawn vehicles at a country show
A line-up of four horse drawn vehicles waiting for judging at a country show in South Australia.

Prize winning pony and cart at Strathalbyn Show
A prize winning pony and cart at Strathalbyn Show owned by the Bakley family.

Agricultural show
Windmill display stands at an agricultural show. Originally captioned as Strathalbyn, but believed to be the Exhibition Ground in Adelaide.

Produce display at a Northern Agricultural Society Show, Auburn
A large display of local produce at a Northern Agricultural Society show held at Auburn, South Australia.

Prize winning draught horse at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
A prize winning draught horse on display at Jubilee Oval during an agricultural show in Adelaide.

Prize winning horse drawn vehicle at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
A prize winning horse drawn vehicle with two passengers at Jubilee Oval during an agricultural show in Adelaide.

Prize winning bull at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide
A prize winning bull and its handler during an agricultural show held at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide.