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Champion cyclist standing with his bicycle
A champion cyclist identified as 'Grivell' standing with his bicycle in Adelaide, South Australia.

Prize winning horse and rider at an Adelaide show
A young horsewoman riding her prize winning horse at an Adelaide show.

Two work horses, one with a bare-back rider
Two work horses standing side by side; one has a man riding on it without a saddle, purpose unknown, possibly at a show in Adelaide.

Group of baseball players from Victoria visiting Adelaide
A group of baseball players visiting Adelaide from Victoria; names not known.

Two Girl Guides demonstrating tying knots
Two Girl Guides standing opposite each other demonstrating the art of tying knots.

A jockey riding his horse 'Grecian Queen'
A young jockey riding his horse 'Grecian Queen' in an enclosure at a racecourse in Adelaide.

Members of the South Australian Institute of Surveyors
Members of the South Australian Institute of Surveyors at their thirty-eigth annual smoke social held at the Grosvenor Hotel, 9 December 1921. Back Row L-R: W.G. Evans, S. Ayliffe, G. Ayliffe, A. Seddon, Wallmann, J. Jones. Second row L-R: R.L.E. Bosworth, H. Milton, J.R. Richardson, L. Cornish, J. Earle, W. Harcus, L. Whitham. Seated L-R: S.W. Herbert, H.M. Addison (Vice-President), Professor Robert W. Chapman (President), J.H. Packard, L. Bailey. Front row L-R: F. Parsons, F. Potts, A.J. Blakeway (Hon. Secretary), G.F. Dodwell, H. Sando, J. Calder.

Pinaroo Flour Mill
Group of people who took part in the official opening of the South Australian Farmers' Union Pinaroo flour mill on 6 April 1922. Top row L-R: M. McIntosh, M.P., J.W. Shannon, Acting Chairman S.A.F.U., P.J. Edwards, Chairman, F.H. Edwards, John Gray, Chairman of the Pinnaroo District Council, the Hon. L. O'Loughlin, and Senator Wilson.

Members of a cricket team in Adelaide
Members of a cricket team photographed with two umpires as a group in Adelaide. According to a researcher these are players in a South Australia versus Victoria match in the 1921-1922 season. Back row - umpire, F.K. Gould, J.W. Rymill, J.T. Murray, A.J. Richardson, J.W.E. Schultz, F.L. Morton, umpire. Front row - R.J.B. Townsend, W.J. Whitty, A.E. Smith, P.D. Rundell, E.A. Loveridge, D.E. Pritchard. The umpires are T.W. Cook and S.W. Smith.

Motor launch 'Lady Tennyson' carrying passengers
The motor launch 'Lady Tennyson' carrying passengers following swimmers at sea during a competition race between Largs and Semaphore in South Australia, the men are possibly officials and judges.

Spectators watching tennis in Adelaide
Close view of spectators watching tennis during a match in Adelaide.

Mrs. Suter of Adelaide riding a horse
Mrs. Suter of Adelaide riding a horse wearing a prize ribbon around its neck.

Cotton growing at Cobdogla, near Barmera, South Australia
Distant view of a field of cotton growing at Cobdogla, near Barmera, South Australia.

Men and boys competing in a swimming race
A group of men and boy contestants in the Largs to Semaphore swimming race; names not known.

War memorial unveiling ceremony at Marrabel, South Australia
Spectators attending a war memorial unveiling ceremony at Marrabel in South Australia; Walter Hannaford, M.P. is addressing the crowd.

Two nurses with four wheelchair patients
Two nurses standing behind four elderly men in wheelchairs outside the Home for Incurables at Fullarton in South Australia.

Swimmers in the sea during a swimming race
Contestants in the Largs to Semaphore competition photographed in the sea during the race.

Slate quarry at Willunga, South Australia
Distant view of the slate quarry and its buildings at Willunga, South Australia.

Three men sitting on their motorcycles
Three men sitting on their motorcycles, at the conclusion of the Mail Cup 100 mile road race at Kadina. The rider on the left, Leonard Lancelot Brooks won the race.

Children playing with sand
Children playing with sand, possibly at a playground in South Australia; names and exact location not known.

Men handling large slate at Willunga quarry
Four men handling large slate with machinery and chains at Willunga quarry, South Australia.

Children on a swing at a playground in South Australia
Children playing on a swing at a playground in South Australia; exact location not known.

Rough seas at Wallaroo jetty
Rough seas pounding the jetty at Wallaroo in South Australia.

A manager dictating a letter to his secretary
An office in the premises of a life assurance company, Victoria Square, Adelaide; the manager is sitting at a desk dictating a letter to his secretary.

Freemasons at a foundation stone ceremony
Close view of men wearing Freemasonry regalia conducting a foundation stone ceremony in Adelaide.

A secretary sitting at her desk typing
A young woman sitting at her plain wooden desk typing a document; her 'office' seems to be situated in a vestibule as a staircase going up to another level can be seen on the right hand side.

Members of Prince Alfred College cricket team
A group photograph of members of a Prince Alfred College cricket team; names not known.

Large wooden pipeline at Launceston, Tasmania
Distant view of a wooden pipeline mounted on piers used at Launceston, Tasmania for dredging spoil from the Tamar River.

Large wooden pipeline at Launceston, Tasmania
Distant view of a wooden pipeline mounted on piers used at Launceston, Tasmania for dredging spoil from the Tamar River.

Waste emerging from a pipeline at Launceston, Tasmania
Close view of waste emerging from a pipeline during dredging from the Tamar River at Launceston, Tasmania.