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The SS 'Walcheren' berthed at Cape Thevenard jetty
Close view of the Dutch cargo ship SS 'Walcheren', the first vessel to arrive at the new jetty at Cape Thevenard, South Australia.

Temporary accommodation for working personnel in South Australia
Distant view of temporary accommodation built for personnel working on the west coast of South Australia, exact location not known.

The town of Streaky Bay, South Australia
The town of Streaky Bay photographed from its jetty.

Jetty at Port Le Hunte, South Australia
The jetty at Port Le Hunte showing the end section that has broken away from the main structure.

Part of the town of Streaky Bay, South Australia
A view of some of the buildings at Streaky Bay taken from the jetty.

Warehouses at Port Kenny, Venus Bay, South Australia
Two warehouses at Port Kenny, Venus Bay where members of the South Australian Harbors Board have stopped for lunch during a visit.

Grain sheds at Elliston, South Australia
Grain sheds at Elliston photographed during a visit of members of the South Australian Harbors Board.

Premises of the life saving service at Port MacDonnell
The premises of the life saving service at Port MacDonnell; a tall look-out, two rowing boats and other equipment can be seen in the foreground.

The Customs and Marine Board offices, Port MacDonnell
The premises of the Customs and Marine Board offices at Port MacDonnell, South Australia.

The blue lake at Mount Gambier, South Australia
Distant view of the blue lake at Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Crane machinery discharging rubble
A metal container attached to a lifting device (unseen) discharging rubble into a railway truck, whilst four workmen are supervising the operation, location not known. A researcher has provided the following information: The railway wagon in the image is a New Zealand Railway type L-2 wood high side wagon, meaning that the photograph was taken in New Zealand. The load looks like crushed limestone, which suggests it is on the South Island, possibly Oamaru, which had extensivelimestone quarries and a rail connected harbour. The photograph was possibly used in South Australia to show a method of transferring crushed stone.

David Lloyd George, Prime minister of Great Britain
A head and shoulders view of David Lloyd George, Prime minister of Great Britain.

Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America
Head and shoulders view of Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America.

Vittorio Orlando, Italian statesman and Prime minister
Head and shoulders view of Vittorio Orlando, Italian statesman and Prime minister during the concluding years of World War I.

Port Adelaide football Players jumping for the ball during a match
Distant view of Port Adelaide and possibly Norwood football players jumping for the ball during a match in South Australia.

Nurses from the Lady Galway Convalescent Home at Henley Beach, South Australia
Nine nurses from the Lady Galway Red Cross Convalescent Home for Returned Soldiers at Henley Beach, South Australia; a young boy wearing a sailor suit sits in the front row, names not known.

Nurses from the Lady Galway Convalescent Home, Henley Beach, South Australia
Seven nurses from the Lady Galway Red Cross Convalescent Home for Returned Soldiers at Henley Beach, South Australia; a young man wearing naval uniform stands in the back row, a small boy wearing a sailor suit sits on the grass in front, names not known.

Boys attending a chemistry class in Adelaide
A classroom scene of boys attending a chemistry class; they are grouped around an older man in front of small equipment and bottles of substances standing on a school desk; names not known.

A horse and rider in Adelaide, South Australia
A man riding a handsome horse in Adelaide, South Australia; name not known.

Veteran soldiers with Sir Day Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia
Sir Day Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia sitting centre holding a stick with a group of veteran soldiers during a reception in the grounds of Government House, Adelaide; Lady Bosanquet sits on the Governor's left.

An eclipse of the sun over Adelaide, South Australia
Dark clouds surrounding an eclipse of the sun over Adelaide, South Australia.

A tossing the caber event, Adelaide, South Australia
A competitor tossing the caber during a sports event held in Adelaide, South Australia.

A horseman dressed as 'John Bull' at Kingscote, Kangaroo Island
A horseman dressed to represent 'John Bull' riding along the street at Kingscote, Kangaroo Island on Australia Day.

Torrens River in flood, Adelaide, South Australia
Water washing over a weir during severe flooding from the Torrens River in Adelaide, South Australia.

Port Adelaide and Norwood Football players jumping for the ball
Six Port Adelaide and Norwood Football players jumping for the ball during a match at Adelaide Oval.

Coal gantries at Sydney, New South Wales
Overhead view of vessels waiting at coal gantries owned by Howard Smith Co. Ltd. at Sydney, New South Wales. The coal bunker at Howard Smith Ltd in Blackwattle Bay, was likely taken from the Glebe Shot Tower, located across the Pyrmont Bridge Road - it was the only structure in this area to attain this height and position in relation to the coal bunker. The edge of Wentworth Park is st the right. [information provided by a researcher].

Office interior at Life Assurance chambers, Victoria Square
An office interior at Life Assurance chambers in Victoria Square, Adelaide; men sit at two bare wooden tables in an un-carpeted area with a glass screened counter behind them.

Accommodation for workers on the Trans-Australian Railway
Temporary accommodation supplied for workers on the construction of the East West Line (Trans-Australian Railway).

A new ship launched at Osborne, South Australia
A new ship at sea shortly after a successful launch from the shipyard at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia; name not known.

Group of athletes taking part in a relay race
A large group of athletes described as competitors in a relay race held on a South Australian sports day; names not known.