Find • Port Augusta • Results 841 to 870 of 1,622

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Train
Train going through scrub land.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Railway cottage
Railway Cottage, Barton, 377 miles.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Linking East and West
Linking East and West ends.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting. 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 65).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 64) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 66).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 65) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 67).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 66) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 68).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 67) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 69).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 68) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 70).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 69) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 71).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 70) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 72).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 71) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman. (Continued on 73).

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cutting (continued from 72) 'Linking East and West. A trip with the first Trans-Australian Express' by B.H. Gillman.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Linking East and West
Photo taken just before linking up the East and West ends.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Crossing Nullarbor Plain
First train crossing the famous Nullarbor Plains at Fisher.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Sleeping car
'Second Class Sleeping Car Day use' identification to photograph in 78.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Sleeping car
Second Class Sleeping Car Day use.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Dining car
'Interior of dining car' identification to photograph in 80.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Dining car
Interior of dining car.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Lounge car
'Ladies portion of first class lounge car' identification to photograph in 82.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Lounge car
Ladies portion of first class lounge car.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Sleeping car
'First class sleeping car - day use' identification to photograph in 84.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Sleeping car
First class sleeping car - day use.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Lounge car
'Gentlemen's portion of first class lounge car' identification to photograph in 86.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Lounge car
Gentlemen's portion of first class lounge car.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : John Forrest
John Forrest, 1874.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : John Forrest
Baron Forrest of Bunbury, 1918.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Letter from John Forrest
Letter from John Forrest to Mr Gillman, S.A. Railways enclosing the photographs in B 14102/87 and 88 dated 1918.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Letter from Government House, Perth
Letter from George Holland Capt A.D.C. to Governor Sir William Ellison-Macartney enclosing a photograph of Lay Allison Macartney.

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Scenes on route
Four photographs : a. Condensing plant at Cook, b. Scene en route W.A. side, 3. Water tanks for loco purposes and d. View from train while crossing the Nullarbor Plain. To see individual photographs do a NUMBER search on B 14102/91 a, b, c and d.