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Tusmore potter Heather Clegg takes a break after working on a piece made from stone she collected from an Aboriginal quarry. 17 August 1988.

Marianne Cole of Crafers with her work which is included in a ceramic tableware exhibit at studio 20. 1988.

Elizabeth Potters president Adrienne Craker sets up the club's pottery display at Elizabeth Library. The groups wares will be on display until August 24. 31 July 1986.

Showing her crafty style in the Jam Factory's ceramic workshop is ex-trainee Jo Crawford. 20 January 1988.

Jo Crawford preparing for her exhibition at the Jam Factory during the Festival of Arts. 1988.

Jo Crawford puts some finishing touches to pottery at the Jam Factory, ready for Festival exhibition. 9 March 1988.

Bunti Dreosti and Joyce Cox with some of the works displayed at Pembroke Potters' Bicentennial exhibition this week. 4 May 1988.

Showing off the Liston Gallery. Jean Eitzen, a long-time member of the Adelaide Potters' Club shows part of the club's display, which will be open until Sunday, September 20. 16 September 1987.

Enjoying last year's Elizabeth Birthday Festival carnival day at Ridley Road Reserve are Elizabeth Potters members Melanie English and Ronn Manns. 12 November 1986.

Rosie Farquar of the Jam Factory, with some bowls from an exhibition by Derek Smith. 18 April 1990.

Judy Farrow of Bamfurlong at Hahndorf signing about her exhibition of teapots and coffee ware. 1989.

Judy Farrow of Hahndorf with a ceramic thing! 21 February 1990.

Di Forgione of Para Potters prepares wares for the groups coming sale. 13 August 1986.

Di Forgione cools some pottery for Para Potters Club's next show. 22 July 1987.

Margaret Frazer of Payneham Glazing Pots in the pottery class in Payneham Community Centre. 1988.

Kensington Gardens potter Antien Furstner with some of her work on display at Parkside's Liston Street Gallery. 22 April 1987.

Gepps Cross Girls School students had a chance to see top craftspeople at work as part of Come Out. Watching the Jam Factory's Phil Hart are (from left): Tania Hooper, Sandra Battiger and Tammy Bartel. 15 April 1987.

Unley potter Pauline Hemer getting ready to open her new shop. 7 October 1987.

(Left) Helen Karpathakis, of Pennington and (Right) Julia Pashalidis, of Croydon, of East and Fifth Ceramics, with original hand painted ceramics. 1989.

Elizabeth City centre copper triangle promotion. Wendy Jeffery-Hummel, Kadina. 22 July 1992.

Katrina kenny of the "Secret Garden" at Stirling with one of her pet terracotta dragons. 1989.

Katrina Kenny's terracotta dragons range from the coy and quiet to the charmingly ferocious. 21 December 1988.

Para Potters committee member Peter Lambe prepares wares for the potter group's mothers' day sale this weekend. 29 April 1987.

Potter Peter Lambe prepares for this Sunday's pottery exhibition and sale. 16 September 1987.

Tracey Matthews with some of her ceramic pots to featured in the exhibition at Blackwood Studio. 1 July 1987.

Pembroke Potters, Marjorey Molyneux, pictured with one of the pots that she has just thrown. April 1988.

Pembroke Potters' Marjorey Molyneux making a bowl for the exhibition. 4 May 1988.

Potter Leo Neuhoffer at work in his prospect studio. Leo has just received a State Government grant. 12 August 1992.

Sandra Peck prepares some pottery items for the South Adelaide Basketball Club's craft fair being held at Richmond. 12 August 1987.