Find • Jones • Results 661 to 690 of 2,285

Leichardt's tree blazed and marked
GENERAL: Leichardt's tree blazed and marked and members of the last search party looking for the bodies of C.F. Wells and G.L. Jones of the Calvert Expedition.

Aboriginal men chained to Leichardt's tree at Joanna Springs
GENERAL: Two Aborigines chained to Leichardt's tree at Joanna Springs. The men later led the search party to the bodies of explorers C.F. Wells and G.L. Jones.

Wild horses in Nerimma Creek near Fitzroy
GENERAL: Wild horses in Nerimma Creek near Fitzroy, taken during the return trip with the bodies of C.F. Wells and G.L Jones.

Camp on Fitzroy River
GENERAL: The search party's camp on the Fitzroy River on their return journey with the bodies of explorers C.F. Wells and G.L. Jones.

L.A. Wells on the bank of the Fitzroy River
GENERAL: L.A. Wells, leader of the search party which found the bodies of explorers C.W. Wells and G.L. Jones, seen here washing his clothes on the bank of the Fitzroy River near Jurgurra, on the return trip to Derby.

Pallarri and Yallamerri,two Aboriginals chained to Leichardt's tree
GENERAL: Pallarri and Yallamerri,two Aborigines chained to Leichardt's tree at Joanna Springs, prior to the discovery of the bodies of explorers C.W. Wells and G.L. Jones.

Arrival of search party at crossing on the Fitzroy River
GENERAL: Arrival of search party at a crossing on the Fitzroy River near Jurgurra, with the bodies of explorers C.W. Wells and G.L. Jones.

Bejah Dervish
PORTRAIT: Bejah Dervish, camel-driver, photographed in 1939.

L. A. Wells and Bejah Dervish
PORTRAIT: L. A. Wells (centre), Leader of the Calvert Scientific Exploration Expedition of 1896-1897, standing with Bejah Dervish, the head camel man who Wells believed saved his life, showing J. H. McNamara, Surveyor-General, a map of the country where C. F. Wells and G. L. Jones, other members of the exploration party, lost their lives.

Semi-finals of the Bowls Championship at Adelaide Oval
From left: J.H. Gripson, R. Jones, J. Tomlinson, A.E. Smith.

Queen's College students and staff
Students and staff of Queen's College, Barton Terrace, North Adelaide, 1928. FRONT ROW: D.C. Craven, John R. Jaques, Frederic A. Jaques, R.L. Wright, F.H. Stokes, M.E. Hillwood, K.B. McMichael, E.W. Drewer, J.I. Wilkinson, R.H. Bonython, I.L. Millingen, P.St.J. Makin, H.Rischbieth, J.S. Skipper, J.A. Dawborn, T.E. Dunstan, L.J. Tuit, P.F. Butler, C.H. Wright, R.H. Browne, D.R. Scammell. SECOND ROW: W.T.B. Wildash, R. Truscott, J.T. Ward, D.N.Bingley, J.E. Brocksopp, R.L. Odlum, E.G. Bonyton, L.H. Rye Esq., T.A. LeMessurier Esq., E.Stokes Esq (Headmaster), Miss M. Pickett, Miss N.M. Stow, R.L. Blades, J.L. Showell, C.R.Warwick, D.H. Botten, A.H. Jenkins, W.A. Gilbert, M.S. Ringwood. THIRD ROW: R.G. Holt, G.R.Smith, J.H. Newland, J.A. Bonnin, R.A. Burston, J.E. Dunstan, D.E. Osborne, R. Furness, W.J.Shaw, L. McBryde, M.D. Dawson, D.P. Mills, C.H. Cowell, W.F. Scammell, P.G. Anderson, O.R.M. Sidall, J. Lassock. FOURTH ROW: A.B. Smith, M.A. Boyce, W.S. Harvey, R. Woodhead, P.H.Samson, R.T. Jefferis, W.G. Jenkins, F.I. Showell, B.L. Jenkins, M.I. Saunders, H.J. Pope, M.S. Butler, J.A. Shaw, D.H. Pile. FIFTH ROW: E.A. Samson, H.S. Millingen, P.H. Stokes, A.P.Hillwood, M.B. Wills, J.A. Addison, S.V.B. Day, M.S. Esau, K.J. Apps, E.B. Povey, A.R.Tolmer, W.A.N. Wells, W.C.T. Chambers, R.E. Britten-Jones, J.S. Jeffries, C.K. Harvey, W.A.Nicholls, P.M. Nickolls. BACK ROW: H.deN. Lucas, G.A. Holt, G.H.M. Ralph, W.D.C. Povey, P.W. Verco, D.C. Thomson, M. Solomon; J.H. Hopkins, J.L.S. Kemball, J.W. Hursthouse, V.J. Odlum, L. Bonnin, B.J. Jacka, P.M. Laffer, J.B.W. Rischbieth, E.J. Adams, R.W. LeMessurier, M.D.Odlum. According to a researcher, there were two 'houses' at Queens' College - Linden and Hood. John Jaques and Frederic Jaques (front row) were the sons of Captain F.C.R. Jaques who had a flying business at Parafield under the name Jacques' Flying Services.

A motor car in the country
A motor car with the number plate 13367, registered to V.W.A. Jones of Koolunga. The type of car is unknown.

Photos taken by the Calvert Expedition search party
Album of photographs taken by Sub-Inspector Ord, of the Western Australian Police, during the search for the bodies of C.F. Wells and G.L. Jones. To view individual photographs do a NUMBER search on B 61214 - B 61250. The attached image is a copy of the letter which details how the album was created.

Memorial stone
A large stone mounted in an open field. The inscription reads 'God Viborumana Gaecaena Au Baina. Mrs Samuel Tomlinson, Wei Gaimana I Tera. August 10th 1934. Bishop : Henry Newton. Builder: Robert Jones'.

Mary Driver holding a child
Mary Driver of Parkside sitting holding baby.

Gazeka Surf and Athletic Club
Members of the Gazeka Surf and Athletics Club (with names). According to the 'Register' of 18 March 1912, a new house for the club located between Henley and Grange was officially opened on Saturday 16 March. 'The club which has a membership of fifty, exists to provide facilities for athletes to train with the advantage of swimming. It is affiliated with the Amateur Swimming Association.'

Shooting party
A shooting party standing in front of two motor vehicles at Bullinninnie Station, near Nackara. Harry Jones in car, third from left (sitting) Roy Moss, man standing near young girl Milford Crouch, Wilf Dowden, Reg Crouch and Ward Carman. Most of them are wearing suits and ties.

Shooters by their vehicle
A man, possibly Harry Jones, and young Max Dowden, both holding rifles and standing beside their motor vehicle. They were on a shooting trip during June 1938 in the Nackara district.

Shooters by their vehicles
Mr Scott, May Dowden, Harry and Joy Jones standing beside their motor vehicles while on a shooting trip at Nackara during June 1938.

Shooters by their vehicle
Shooting party including a young Max Dowden and Harry Jones (at right). The man at left is holding a dead kangaroo.

Three young men
Studio photograph, in poor condition, of three men, two sitting and one standingbehind. One of the men sitting is leaning his left elbow on a book on a small table.

Pulteney Street, Adelaide
West corner of North Terrace and Pulteney Street, Adelaide. Chalmers Church, later to become Scots Church.

Premier Mike Rann and Lord Mayor Michael Harbison at the Light letter unveiling
The Premier of South Australia, Hon. Mike Rann MP and the Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide, The Right Honourable Mr. Michael Harbison look at the Light letter at the unveiling in the Mortlock Wing on the Proclamation Day holiday on 27th December 2005.

Premier Mike Rann and Lord Mayor Michael Harbison at the Light letter unveiling
The Premier of South Australia, Hon. Mike Rann MP and the Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide, The Right Honourable Mr. Michael Harbison in conversation at the Light letter unveiling in the Mortlock Wing on the Proclamation Day holiday on 27th December 2005.

Newsreader Deanna Williams at the Light letter unveiling
Newsreader Deanna Williams and the film crew of Channel 7 record a story with Premier Mike Rann about the Light letter unveiling in the Mortlock Wing on the Proclamation Day holiday on 27th December 2005.

Premier Mike Rann at the Light letter unveiling
Premier Mike Rann discusses the significance of the Light letter with newsreader Deanna Williams and the film crew of Channel 7 at the unveiling in the Mortlock Wing on the Proclamation Day holiday on 27th December 2005.

Floods at Mannum
Sandbags piled up in front of Garrett's Grocery Store and D.C. Jones, motor body repairers, after the flood.

Album of photographs relating to Kerr and Collins families
Album of 98 carte-de-visite, cabinet and tintype photographs of the Kerr and Collins families. Many are named; other surnames are Farnham, Congdon, Parsons, Sabey, Shepherd, Colbey, McCabe, Leonard, Kelly, Walter, Eime, Ball, Pegler, Eames, Parker, Frinsdorf, Miss Talbot (school teacher), McKenzie. Cover is ornate with gilt decoration on leather with brass clasp.

Seaton graphic artists with some of their designs. Left to right: Scott Groves, Sparky (Robert Jones), Gary Bond, Lyn Easton (Community Youth Worker), Angela Riccica and George Hatzielenis (Drake). 1989.