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Low river at Swan Hill with three river boats laid up
Three boats laid up at low river, Swan Hill, the bridge and water tower at rear, the river bed exposed and the wharf high and dry, far right.

Swan Hill wharf with two women on unidentified paddle steamer
Swan Hill wharf, high river, with side view of a paddle steamer with two women on board, next to a barge loaded high with wool bales, crew on top, and other shipping at rear. According to a researcher, the paddle steamer at the centre is the 'Maggie', the vessel to the far right is the 'Invincible'.

Barge D26 seen through trees by the river bank at Swan Hill
Barge 'D26' seen through trees by the river bank at Swan Hill, where it was brought by A. Moritz from Echuca, using an outboard motor. Crew: Jack Norris of Echuca; John Norris of Adelaide. Owner: A. Moritz and two sons.

Swan Hill in low river above the bridge
Swan Hill above the bridge, with very low river level, and a mixed group standing on part of the river bed, the main channel behind them.

Country near Swan Hill Plains
Country near Swan Hill Plains, showing Beveridge Island, Little Murray, Swan Hill.

Swan Hill Plains
Swan Hill Plains, showing the river flats.

Swan Hill Flats during flood
Swan Hill Flats showing extensive flooding.

Murray Downs Station homestead opposite Swan Hill
Murray Downs Station homestead, the historic sheep station on New South Wales side of the river, opposite Swan Hill, with two men chatting on a garden path and a woman close to the house.

Barge being towed towards the raised Swan Hill bridge
Stern view of a loaded barge being towed by unidentified paddle steamer towards the raised Swan Hill bridge.

Bullock teams passing through Koondrook
Bullock teams passing through Koondrook town, with railway line running through the main street, and several stores and homes.

Delivery of logs to Koondrook sawmill
Delivery of logs to Koondrook sawmill, with a man standing on an outrigger barge carrying logs to the mill. Outrigger barges had large slender logs laid across them, extending over the side 2 - 3 metres and it was from these outriggers that the mill logs were suspended in the water, the water taking quite a lot of the weight of the logs, the outriggers taking some of the weight and holding the logs alongside the barge. The barges were then drifted downstream to the mill, to be taken in tow and moved to near the mill when they arrived. Two or three men manned the outrigger barges, armed with long poles to push off snags and the like. The barges dragged heavy chains to keep them in the main channel of the river. They had no rudders.

Koondrook barge on river bank by the Barham Sawmills
Koondrook barge tied up by the Barham Sawmills.

Constructing a paddle steamer at Koondrook
Constructing a paddle steamer at Koondrook, March 1914, with workers and others posed in foreground for group photograph. [This is probably the PS 'Murrabit' which was built at Koondrook in 1914 to replace the PS 'Arbuthnot' which was destroyed by fire at Kyalite, Wakool River, in 1913. (Information supplied by Frank Tucker, 2008.)].

Point McLeay Aboriginal man with spear and throwing stick
Point McLeay Aboriginal man with throwing stick, spear, shield and kangaroo skin cloak, photographed by Captain Sweet, presumably in Point McLeay area.

Aboriginal man with spear and spearthrower
Aboriginal man with spear and spearthrower, waddy and kangaroo skin rug, presumably from Point McLeay area, possibly photographed by Captain Sweet.

Reverend George Taplin founder of Point McLeay Mission Station

Point McLeay Mission House with Taplin family on verandah
Mission House, Mr and Mrs Taplin and family on verandah, and school children by front wall.

Point McLeay Mission buildings
Point McLeay Mission with distant view of buildings and people.

Children swimming at Point McLeay Mission Station
Smiling children swimming with a young woman at Point McLeay Mission Station.

Distant view of Point McLeay Jetty
Distant view of Point McLeay Jetty taken from the shore.

Point McLeay School
Point McLeay School at the time of W. T. Lawrie's appointment as headmaster (for 37 years), with schoolchildren outside on the path and sitting nearby. The mast of old mission schooner 'Teen minnie' was used as a flag pole at school.

Group portrait of Aboriginal people at Point McLeay Mission
Group portrait, including mission staff and Aboriginal people, at Point McLeay Mission, taken outside a mission building. According to a researcher, this photograph was taken by a photographer named Mr. Freeman who visited Point McLeay in October 1878. Another researcher has provided this additional information: 'John Andrew Ophel is 3rd from left in 2nd from top row (standing next to George Taplin). John Ophel worked at the Mission from 1866 to 1885 as School Master, Preacher, Marriage Registrar, Postmaster and for a brief period Acting Superintendent.'

Young girls skipping at Point McLeay Mission School
Young girls skipping rope at Point McLeay Mission School.

Construction of 21 foot boat at Point McLeay by Wilfred T. Lawrie
Construction of 21 foot boat at Point McLeay by Wilfred T. Lawrie, headmaster of the Point McLeay Aboriginal Mission School. Mrs Edith Lawrie is holding the dolly for copper nails. The boat had twenty five years of continuous use, before being transported to Port Adelaide.

Picnic group at Point McLeay
Mixed picnic group including adults and children, with flag held up at the back, at Point McLeay, about September 1885.

Raukkan Football team Narrung
Group photograph of Aboriginal football team Raukkan at Narrung, possibly with onlookers in a shelter behind left. Back row (left to right): Pompey Jackson, Phillip Sumner, Matthew Kropinyeri, Mark WIlson, and Henry Hunter. Middle row: Archie Blackmore, Tom Lawson, John Wilson, Philip Rigney, Richard Disher, Daniel Wilson, John Davidson, and Frank Blackmore. Front row: William Young, Joseph Koolmatrie, Alf Stokes, Donald or Gollan Seymour, Bertie Tripp, Henry Yulimba, Albert Karloan, and Ephriam Tripp.

Point McLeay Mission Station
Mission Station, Point McLeay, showing church at centre and other buildings left and right, with garden in foreground. No people in photograph.

Launching Kio Bay mission boat
Side view of the launching of mission sailboat 'Kio Bay', using two horses to drag it into the water, one man standing to drive the horses, another leading them, in waist deep water. 'Kio Bay' was named after a milepost indicating distance to Kadina is ten miles, ie. 'K10'. 'Kio Bay' was built by W.T. Lawrie at Point McLeay Mission, and the motor was installed about 18 months later.

Point McLeay Mission House
Point McLeay Mission Station, showing Mr Taplin's house, with people on the verandah and a woman and child at the front gate, possibly Taplin family.

Aboriginal campsite in Point McLeay region
Aboriginal campsite, with men and children in foreground and dwellings behind. Photograph presented to Mr Blackwell, September 1892. Caption lacks identification of personal names.