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![King William Street, Adelaide](
King William Street, Adelaide
King William street, Adelaide, east side. The left side of the Royal Exchange is 45.5 yards south of Grenfell Street and the frontage is 23 yards.
![Grenfell Street, Adelaide](
Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Grenfell street, Adelaide, south side. The right side of the Register office is 35 yards east of King William Street.
![King William Street, Adelaide](
King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide,east side. Pedestrians stroll across the street in front of the Royal Exchange building. On the extreme left is the Napoleon Hotel. The left side of the Exchange building is 47 yards south of Grenfell Street. On the right is Pirie Street.
![King William Street, Adelaide](
King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide, east side, on April 11th, 1893. The Royal Exchange building has recently undergone some changes. See B 2916 for an earlier view which includes a verandah. On the left is Aldridge's Napoleon Hotel. The left side of the Royal Exchange is 45.5 yards south of Grenfell Street and its frontage is 23 yards.
![King William Street, Adelaide](
King William Street, Adelaide
[General description] Men and their trusty horses are hard at work as the site for the new National Mutual Building is being prepared. Wooden props are being used to support the walls of the building next door. (See B 5300 for the completed building.) The Stock Exchange buildings and the Napoleon Hotel, with a banner advertising 'East Adelaide Ales', can be seen on the opposite side of the street. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 141 / King William Street, east side / Looking from the west side of the street, from the site of the National Mutual Building. April 14th, 1898 / Left side of Napoleon Hotel is 34 yards south of Grenfell Street.'
![King William Street, Adelaide](
King William Street, Adelaide
[On back of photograph] 'Acres 141 & 170 / King William Street, east side / Dec. 1907 / Left side of Royal Exchange is 45.
![King William Street, Adelaide](
King William Street, Adelaide
[General description] A crowd of men has gathered outside the Stock Exchange building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 141 / King William Street, east side / Stock Exchange. / 1895-1896 / Right side of Comstock Chambers is 35 yards south of Grenfell Street.'
![Grenfell Street, Adelaide](
Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] A lively street scene with city buildings, horse transport and a crowd of men and boys which has assembled outside the Register Building. The photograph has been taken from the opposite side of the road and includes in the foreground onlookers who are sitting and standing at the kerb. In the centre a man is pushing a large hand barrow. To the left of the Register Building is H.Hampton's Advertising Agency, then C.G. Gurr's Auctioneers. Next along is Cowra Chambers with its classical columns. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 141 & 142 / Grenfell Street, south side / About 1896 / Extreme right is 35 yards east of King William Street. / Brighton Lime Depot (low building on left) is on the west corner of Commercial Place.'
![Grenfell Street near King William Street](
Grenfell Street near King William Street
Grenfell Street, south side, left side of Register office is 57.5 yards east of King William Street. There are boards outside the South Australia Register Office announcing results of votes in an election. The first polling day in Australia which included women voters was in South Australia on 25 April 1896. Women turned out to be enthusiastic voters: the percentage of those women enrolled who went to the polls was marginally higher than the percentage of enrolled men who voted. Some of the Councils mentioned include Light, Albert, Encounter Bay, Barossa, Stanley and Flinders. A crowd of onlookers is watching the results. A mounted policeman is watching the proceedings.
![Grenfell Street near King William Street](
Grenfell Street near King William Street
Grenfell Street, south side, September 29th 1898, left side of Register office is 57.5 yards east of King William Street. The Register building has two storeys and the South Australian coat of arms adorns the eaves above the main entrance. The Liverpool and London Globe Insurance Company is housed within the Register Building. Hardy's Wine Bar stands next door on the King William Street side.
![Grenfell Street, Adelaide](
Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[On back of photograph] 'Acre 142 / Grenfell Street, south side / Brookman Building / Dec. 5th, 1907 / West corner of Commercial Place. Fontage:16.5 yards.' [General description] The Brookman Building was designed by Alfred Wells, and built for Sir George Brookman. It was completed in 1896. See B 1265 for the Commercial Hotel which was originally on this site and gave its name to Commercial Place.
![Grenfell Street, Adelaide](
Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] City buildings, unsealed road and horse transport: horses are ridden and drawing trams, buggies and carts. In the foreground a two wheeled cart is being drawn by two horses in tandem ie. one horse following the other. Pedestrians stroll along the footpath At the kerbside telegraph poles recede into the distance. [On back of photograph] 'Grenfell and Currie Streets, looking west from James Place. About 1896. Near side of Cowra Chambers (on left) is 2 yards east of the west side of James Place'.
![Grenfell Street near Commercial Place](
Grenfell Street near Commercial Place
West corner of Grenfell Street and Commercial Place, frontage of Brookman Building is 18.5 yards. Sir George Brookman KBE (15 April 1840 - 20 June 1927) was a South Australian businessman who made a fortune from a gold discovery in Western Australia, and is remembered as a generous benefactor of the South Australian School of Mines and Industries and the University of Adelaide. The ornate three storey building has a central turret over the main entrance. A glimpse of Alma Chambers can be seen behind the Brookman Building.
![Grenfell Street, west of Commercial Place](
Grenfell Street, west of Commercial Place
Grenfell Street, south side, left side of Victoria building is 28.5 yards west of Commercial Place and frontage is 10 yards. The Victoria Buildings house The Great Boulder Proprietary Gold Mines Limited. The Imperial German Consulate is located on the ground floor along with Nord Deutscher Lloyd (NDL) H Muecke and Company. A statue of two women adorn the flag pole on the roof above the sign 'Fidem Teneo' (keeper of the faith).
![Grenfell Street, west of Commercial Place](
Grenfell Street, west of Commercial Place
Grenfell Street, south side, May 1st 1903, left side of Victoria Buildings is 28.5 yards west of Commercial Place and frontage is 10 yards. The Victoria Buildings house H Muecke and Company, NDL (Nord Deutscher Lloyd), C Fox Ward wholesale druggists. Next door stands George Wills and Company.
![Grenfell Street near Commerical Place](
Grenfell Street near Commerical Place
Grenfell Street, south side, March 9th 1904, left side of Cavendish Chambers is 18.5 yards west of Commercial Place and frontage is 10 yards. For a view of this building taken in 1953 see B 12680. Cavenish Chambers houses RC Dunn and Company the Mercantile Agency, Cholmondeley Bosanquet Wine Vendors and George Wills and Company. An advertising board stands near the doorway selling passages to London on the New Zealand ship 'Turakina'.
![Grenfell Street corner of Commercial Place](
Grenfell Street corner of Commercial Place
West corner of Grenfell Street and Commercial Place, September 14th 1896, frontage of the Lime Depot is 18.5 yards. This building was originally the Commercial Hotel, see B 1265. It is about to be demolished to make way for the Brookman Building. See B 5406. Alma Chambers can be seen in the background of the Lime Depot. A sign states that the Brighton Lime Depot has been removed to Waymouth Street.
![Gawler Place, south west corner of Grenfell Street](
Gawler Place, south west corner of Grenfell Street
South west corner of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street, Gawler Place frontage is 43.5 yards and Grenfell Street frontage is 37 yards. This newly built two storey building has rooms to let. On the Gawler Place side stands H Schulz Hairdresser, and London House. Ladies with parasols are walking by. The flag on top of the building appears to be flying at half mast.
![Grenfell Street near Commercial Place](
Grenfell Street near Commercial Place
Grenfell Street, south side, frontage of Paper & Bag Co. is 10 yards and frontage of Goode, Durrant's is 16.5 yards. On the right is Commercial Place and on the left is Gawler Place.The four storey building is the warehouse for Goode, Durrant and Company Limited. Sir Charles Henry Goode (26 May 1827 - 5 February 1922) was a merchant, businessman, politician and philanthropist in the early days South Australia. He founded Goode, Durrant and Company in 1882. The smaller two storey building next door houses the SA Paper and Bag Company and also importer, indentors and manufacturers agent ARB Lucas and Company.
![Grenfell Street corner of Gawler Place](
Grenfell Street corner of Gawler Place
Grenfell Street, south side. On the left is Gawler Place and on the right is Commercial Place. The corner building at number 40 houses Castle Salt Co-operative Company Limited.
![Grenfell Street near Gawler Place](
Grenfell Street near Gawler Place
Grenfell Street, south side looking east. Along the section between Commercial Place and Gawler Place the businesses seen include: SA Woollen Company Limited, tweed manufacturers, A Tileman and Company, South British Insurance Company and Staerker and Fisher Importers and Manufactueres Warehouse. Pedestrians are walking in the shade on the northern side of Grenfell Street and a horse hitching post is visible in the foreground.
![Grenfell Street near Commerical Place](
Grenfell Street near Commerical Place
Corner of Grenfell Street and Commercial Place, October 20th 1896. Alma Chambers stand on the northern boundary of the site. The main building depicted is the South Australian Woollen Manufacturing Company Limited, 'Onkaparinga' Clothing Factory.
![Grenfell Street, Adelaide](
Grenfell Street, Adelaide
Grenfell Street, Adelaide, looking west from a point about 30 yards east of Gawler Place. The left side of Staerker & Fischer's is 8 yards east of Gawler Place. A man trots past on his horse, and along Grenfell Street a large number of horse trams are lined up.
![Grenfell Street, looking west near Chesser Street](
Grenfell Street, looking west near Chesser Street
Grenfell Street, left side of Grasby's is 24 yards west of Chesser Street. Staerkner and Fischer is on the east corner of Gawler Place. Buildings seen include: JW Grasby and Company who are wholesale grocers, importers and merchants. Nearby stands A and WD Thomas who are bakers and grocers. The business was established in 1846. For a view of A & WD Thomas' site in 1957 see B 13897. At number 18 is the small doorway to W Lucas tailor and outfitter. Felstead and Company is the importers of British, American, continental merchandise. Guardian Fire and Life Insurance, Royal Exchange Assurance, Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance all share the four storey building next door. A shop selling pianos and organs follows and then Staerkner and Fischer stands on the corner of Gawler Place. The buildings can be seen continuing along the south side of Grenfell Street as it crosees King William Street into Currie Street. The intersection of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street is busy with pedestrians. A fire hydrant, hitching post, horses and carriages all make up this scene in Grenfell Street in 1901.
![Gawler Place, corner of Grenfell Street](
Gawler Place, corner of Grenfell Street
South East corner of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street, July 1st 1902, Gawler Place frontage of Hill's is 20 yards and Grenfell Street frontage is 9.5 yards. At No. 63 the four storey brick building houses the businesses of James Hill and Sons merchant engineers and warehousemen (established in 1854) and Crossleys Oil and Gas Engine Depot. The building also houses Imperial Life Insurance. Kauffman Organs stands at the east of the building. At the side of the building in Gawler Place is the business of Lykke's paperhangers, painters and sign makers.
![Grenfell Street corner of Coromandel Place](
Grenfell Street corner of Coromandel Place
Grenfell Street, south side, April 19th 1904, frontage of building is 9.5 yards. This four storey building on the western corner of Coromandel Place and Grenfell Street houses H T Slatter and Son shoe factors, importers and indentors. This new building has many available rooms for rent.
![Grenfell Street, Adelaide](
Grenfell Street, Adelaide
[General description] The newly completed Bible House, built as the headquarters for the British and Foreign Bible Society, was designed by architect Alfred Wells and is a fine example of the secular Gothic Revival style. It is built from red brick and features a corner oriel window with stained glass. It was sold in 1962 to A. Bertram Cox for use as an accountant's office and the name of the building was changed to Bertram House. It was heritage listed in 1984 [On back of photograph] 'Acre 144 / Grenfell Street, south side / May 26th 1898 / British and Foreign Bible Society's Bible House / The right side of Bible House abuts Coromandel Place / Grenfell Street frontage is 6.5 yards and Coromandel Place frontage is 19.5 yards'.
![Hindmarsh Square, west side](
Hindmarsh Square, west side
Hindmarsh Square, west side, November 1st 1901, right side of the Y.W.C.A. is 30 yards south of Grenfell Street and frontage is 13 yards. The Young Woman's Christian Association is housed in an attractive two storey red brick building decorated with a small tower on one corner. Stone plaques either side of the front steps state 'Lady Colton Memorial' and 'YWCA This stone was laid by Miss Colton July 12th 1900'. The building has numerous stone carvings including coats of arm.
![Grenfell Street near Hyde Street](
Grenfell Street near Hyde Street
Grenfell Street, south side, east corner of Hyde Street, September 26th 1896, frontage of Import Company is 11 yards. On this corner at Number 131 stands the building housing The Import Company of Australasia. Some of the imported products include Ceylon Teas (sole importers of the Wild Rose brand) Indian and China teas, groceries, patent medicines, colonial wines, imported spirits, ales and stouts and roasted coffee. The Company also stores furniture at current rates.
![Hyde Street near Gawler Place](
Hyde Street near Gawler Place
Hyde Street, east side, October 31st 1901, left side of Y.W.C.A. is 30 yards south of Grenfell Street and frontage is 13.5 yards. The Young Women Christian Association founded in 1900 owns this two storey red brick building dedicated to Lady Colton.