1884, Photograph, B 17442
STRATHALBYN: Strathalbyn footballers vs. Point McLeay Aborigines in a football match, Strathalbyn 26th July 1884.
c. 1944, Photograph, B 49371
Aboriginal men working at the Mission, Swan Reach.
1908, Photograph, B 47888
TODMORDEN, MOUNT: Homestead employee with donkeys.
1908, Photograph, B 47895
Aboriginal women with donkeys.
c. 1933, Photograph, B 39119
UNDOOLYA: Two young Aboriginal women with a dead eagle.
c. 1933, Photograph, B 39120
Aboriginal women with their children outside their dwelling at Undoolya Station.
1933, Photograph, B 39122
Aboriginal woman "Nellie" and her family at Undoolya Station Camp.
c. 1905, Photograph, B 21004
Two Aboriginal men playing cricket at Victor Harbor: Harry Hewitt is the batsman, he was born in about 1864 and married Mary Unaipon at Point McLeay on 18 February 1884. He died at Milang on 23 January 1907; the wicket keeper's surname is Wagner.
1920, Photograph, B 48076
Members of the Aboriginal 'Tripp' family outside their dwelling on Kent Reserve, Victor Harbor.
c. 1921, Photograph, B 53263
A view taken at "The Pines" of a local Aboriginal woman "Elsie" who was well known and liked in the area.
c. 1889, Photograph, B 13356
WARRINA: Aboriginal camp at Warrina. Warrina is 97 kilometres north north west of William Creek on the old Ghan railway. It is nearby to Mount Younghusband and Copper Top Hill
1910, Photograph, B 31993
Aboriginal people camped at Watervale for grape picking.
1927, Photograph, B 52455
An Aboriginal family at Wooltana Station.
1927, Photograph, B 52456
Aboriginal family at Wooltana Station.
1927, Photograph, B 52457
WOOLTANA: Aboriginal men at Wooltana Station, the man in the centre is known as King Billy.
1927, Photograph, B 52458
Aboriginal family outside their dwelling at Wooltana Station.
1927, Photograph, B 52460
Aboriginal children outside their dwellings at Wooltana Station.
1927, Photograph, B 52459
Aboriginal man smoking a pipe at Wooltana Station.
1927, Photograph, B 52463
Aboriginal camping area at Wooltana Station.
1917, Photograph, B 43677/4
Nunta Nungahs, Aboriginals, probably station hands, buying rations. Fourth photograph of nine in an album of Mr George W. Murray's Yalata Station Far West Coast, S.A., 1917.
1917, Photograph, B 43677/6
Aboriginals at morning tea. Sixth of nine photographs in an album of views of Mr. George W. Murray, West Coast S.A., 1917 (in Album -Solander box).
c. 1920, Photograph, B 44495
Aboriginal boy Billy Kite was found at Muccumba Station and adopted by Stephen and Matilda Kite from Farina, who sent him to Port Augusta to be educated. He became the best stockman in the far north-west. His twin sister Naraldia married a Mr Warren from Finniss Spring near Maree. [From information provided.]
c. 1861, Photograph, B 8386
Miltinda 'Bobby' Pilti, possibly of Ngadjuri heritage, was one of the Aboriginal men convicted and executed for the murder of the Rainbird family at Kapunda. He was hanged June 7, 1861.
c. 1920, Photograph, B 14939
Portrait of Johnnie Solomon (image is featured in the book 'Celebrating a Century at Poonindie'). Poonindie was established as an Aboriginal mission in 1850 on the land of the Barngarla people
1938, Photograph, B 7326
Portrait of David Unaipon, a Ngarrindjeri man from Point McLeay Mission, writer, public speaker and inventor who made significant contributions to science and literature, and improvements in the conditions of Aboriginal people.
c. 1860, Photograph, B 648
Tommy Walker, full blood Aboriginal.
c. 1880, Photograph, B 647
King Tommy Walker, full-blood Aboriginal.
Padman, V. R., c. 1900, Photograph, B 17474
GENERAL: Tommy Holmes and a woman, possibly his wife, being the last two Aborigines of the Encounter Bay tribe, Victor Harbor, South Australia.
1911, Photograph, B 28328
GENERAL: Neighbour an Aboriginal awarded the Albert Medal for bravery.
c. 1870, Photograph, B 30903
GENERAL: South Australian Aboriginal: Jimmy Spender originally from Anna Creek, brought down from Hogarth and Warren's property, to work at Springfield near Williamstown.