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NAIDOC presentation at the State Library
Presentations and events at the State Library of S.A. during NAIDOC week, including talks, artist demonstrations, people, and a didjeridoo performance. The theme for the 1991 event was "Community is unity". Many of the photographs feature Des Ross (former Chairman of the Libraries Board of South Australia). Photographs taken by the Aboriginal Unit of the State Library of S.A.

Presiding Officer's Conference, Perth
Group photo of 34 people on steps of building (Parliament House) for the Presiding Officer's Conference in Perth. Front row L-R: C. George, Sir David Nicholson, W. Nickel, Mrs. T.F. Phillips, Hon. L.C. Diver, Hon. D. Norton, Hon. P. Kwan, D.J.Ayling, V. Eoaeo, P.D. Cook, P.T. McKay. Middle row L-R: J.B. Roberts, A.W.B. Saxon, A.R.B. McDonnell, G.D. Combe, Hon. A.G.W. Greatorex, J.R. Odgers, J.C. Bartlett, Hon. T.S. McKay, F.H. Walker, N.J. Parkes, Sir Magnus Cormack, P.C.W. Howard. Back row L-R: J.H. Campbell, Hon. R.E. Hurst, I.P.K. Vidler, L.A. Punch, Hon. R.L. Munro, Sir Vernon Christie, Hon. R.W. Garrett, Sir Lyell McEwin, I.J. Ball, Hon. H. McFie, G.B. Edwards.

Mrs Ann Warner
Mrs Ann Warner, pioneer of Lower Hermitage, nee Anne Neale. Christened 25 Dec 1831 Mixbury Oxfordshire, died 12 Dec 1912 Hermitage; Married 23 May 1848 Adelaide SA. Daughter of Thomas Neale and Elizabeth Savage. Anne emigrated on 10 Dec 1838 to Adelaide from Launceston.

The Country Carnival Cricket Association competition
Team photograph of the Gilbert Association: Back row, left to right: D. Ross (former member of the Libraries Board); A. Wall; M. McKenzie; W. Edwards; C.K. Harkness. Front row, left to right: K. Harkness; H. McKenzie; M. Snook; J. Harkness (Capt.); D. Dow; G. Uppill.

![Phantom [plane] on way to bombing and strafing mission](
Phantom [plane] on way to bombing and strafing mission
'Phantom [plane] on way to bombing and strafing mission on North Vietnam border with South Vietnam.' See D 8182/3(Misc) for further comment.

USA Army river boat underway
See D 8182/12(Misc) for further information.

Netball in South Australia: photographs
South Australian netball teams and players, photographed by Messenger Press.

Football Team, Auburn
Auburn Football Team, A Grade. Back row: G. Blatchford (Boundary Umpire); S. Michalanney; R. Smith (Goal Umpire); E. Gaerth; H. Ireland; K. Bellman; M. Vandeler (Captain); L. Schober; D. Kimpton; K. Holmam; D. Lambert; K. Dunstan (Boundary Umpire). Middle row: F. Mintern; E. Catford; K. Cater (Central Umpire); L. Catford; G. Baum; G. Edwards (Vice Captain); N. Schrubsole. A. Hean (Trainer); M. Bennett; R. Garrard; A. Kench (Secretary); E. Fitzgerald; W. Long; M. Nicolai; C. Helbig.

Afternoon Tea Party
An afternoon tea party at Oodnadatta: l-r: ? Mrs.F.Jones; N.Brown, A.Giles; E.Roper; D.Simpson, D.Brown, V.Marousen, M.Roper, Toby Jones. According to the researcher M. Miller, this photo was taken at a fundraising event organised by the little girls in the photo. The event was on 26 October 1914, and it raised money for the "Patriotic Fund", that is, to support the war effort. The event was reported in the Adelaide Advertiser on 4 November 1914, at page 12, in a column summarising social events in "The Country". The item in the Advertiser read as follows: "OODNADATTA, October 26.-On Saturday evening a concert, arranged by nine little girls of Oodnadatta, was held. Through the efforts of these little girls, the eldest of whom is only 14, the substantial sum of £18 7/6 was added to the patriotic fund. The whole performance, including two one-act plays, "Afternoon Tea" and "The Little Angels" was well presented, and encores were numerous. The performers were:- Misses Winnie Lyle, Rita Rook, Vera Marousen, Andrew Giles, Grace Ellis, Dorothy Simpson, Rosie Ah Chee, and Doreen Brown. The efforts of the little folk were so much appreciated that a social was tendered to them on Monday evening.

George Giffen and other South Australian cricket players
South Australian cricket team which played Fiji at Adelaide Oval in season 1907-08. Back row L-R: Syd Edwards (umpire), A.S. Toms, D. McCrae, A.J. Richardson, H.B. Dewar, A.E. Hewett, W.S. Stirling, Phil Argall (umpire, who died in April 1912). Front row L-R: J.S. Rees, F. Von Doussa, veteran Test batsmen George Giffen, A.H. Woolcock, S.D. Gooden [information provided by a researcher].

Officers under training during World War I
Men of a 32nd Battalion officers training camp held at Cheltenham under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Coghill. [See PRG 280/1/8/436 for details]. This photo appeared in 'The Observer', Saturday 13 November 1915, page 28, with the generic caption 'six platoons of the 32nd Battalion in camp at Cheltenham, which will shortly leave for the front'.

Renmark group
A group from the congregation of the Union Church in Tarcoola Street at Renmark West, built 1919-1920 on donated land on the south side of the Renmark West [primary] School. It is believed that it was taken in rlation to the laying of the foundation stones (see reports in the 'Murray River and Australian River Record', 14 November 1919, page 6 and 5 November 1920, page 5).

Adelaide Glee Club
Members of the Adelaide Glee Club. Back row: G. May; A. Shorthose; N.H. Rix; S.H. Bower; A.R. Holthouse; C.R. Bruer; H.G.M.Cole; A.L. Foreman. Fourth row: L.H. Wilson; H. Brooks; B. Pomeroy; A.E. Box; R.S. Leaney; L. Dixon; A.E. Blunt; T. Cook; E.M. Dale; C.H. Rowe; J.R. Dewar; A. Hackett; L.A. Sands. Third row: J.G. Wilson; A.C. Attiwell; N.F. Taylor; R.J. Baker; K.R. Schneider; W.R. Russell; S. Tattersall; E. Jacka; G.H. Cotton; A. McKechnie; W. Sullivan; F.K. Seymour; T.C. Hubbard; A.S. Lewis. Second row: J. Anderson; T.H. Prince; J.A. Dale; W.J. Nettle (Committee); H. Pomeroy (Committee); A.H.G. Edwards (Hon. Secretary); A. Walmsley (Hon. Conductor); F.S. Dorman (Librarian); W.O. Haslam (Committee); W.W. McLellan (Committee); J. Christie; H.J. Heinemann. Front row: J. Keogh; H. White; S. Bradshaw; D.D. Coleman; C.H. Ulbaich; P. Spicer; A. Robertson; A.H.L. Steele.

Keith Masters
Keith Masters hands over the diary of his great-grandfather Charles Masters to State Library staff members Diana Honey, second from left, and June Edwards, right, on 30th June 2008. For a transcript of the diary see D 6070(L).

Members of the Sturt football team, 1920
Members of the Sturt football team standing with other men on a football ground. They hold the 1919 Premiership pennant unfurled on the day of May 1st which was round one of the 1920 season. On that day Sturt 7-12 d West Torrens 5-8 at Unley Oval. Back Row (players only): - Carl Jorgenson; Alfred Odgers; Reg Whitehead; Stan Scrutton; Ivor Nicolle; Owen Beatty; John Bannigan; Edward Colquhoun; Clarence Ryan; Harold Bruce; Ernest Venus; Jack Kappler; Frank Golding; David Sharp; Victor Richardson (Captain); Bill Mayman. Seated: - Sam Sellick; Leslie Smith (19th man John Probert not in photo.)

West Adelaide Grand Final Side 1922
Members of West Adelaide Football Club 1922 Grand Final football team. Back Row - Harry Lee; Jack Kearns; Matt Huxtable; Fred Bailey. Third Row - Joe Brown; Joe Lukeman; Bill Martin; Albert Wright; Jack O'Dea; Charles Shea. Second Row - Bobbie Barnes; George Cooper; Bert Edwards MP (Chairman); Vic Peters (C); Gordon Dreyer (Secretary); Len Cossey (VC); Snowy Hamilton. Front Row - Bill Bishop; Sid Simmons; Jim Bishop (Shine Hosking was West Adelaide's coach. Not pictured). Bobbie Barnes won the Magarey Medal that year and it is Snowy Hamilton's seventh (and final) game in red and black after waiting half the season to get a transfer. He went to Subiaco Football Club in Western Australia in 1923. 1922 SAFL Grand Final, 30th September 1922. Adelaide Oval. Attendance 31,000 Norwood 9-7 (61) d West Adelaide 2-16 (28)

Parkside Hospital medical staff, Adelaide, 1965
Photograph of staff members from the Glenside Hospital, then the Parkside Mental Hospital, standing on the steps of the Hospital building. Caption reads 'Parkside Hospital Medical Staff 1965. Back Row: DRS. Fredericks, Lorbeer, Barrow, Stanbury, Edwardes, Curnow. Third Row: DRS. Fielding, Halwax, Jagermann, McKinnon. Second Row: DRS. Clayer, Moore, Fritsch, Fox, Dracup. Front Row: DRS. Gabrynowicz, Meyler, Hoff, Kent, Covernton.

Items comprising various jewellery pieces, an opal, seed pearl and gold bracelet and matching brooch, bracelet with matching stones, and gold pendant coin recepticle and chain. Digital images available.

Pipe Band, Mount Gambier
Highland pipe band, Mt Gambier Scottish G. Company, S.A. Infantry Regiment. Back row, left to right: George Bowd; Perce White; Bert Bishop; George Robinson; A. Edward. Middle Row, left to right, (seated): W. Rohan. Pipe Sgt. William McIntyre; 1st Lt. J.J. Harrington (Drum Major); Bob Thompson; Fred Clayton. Front row: Roy Chesterfield; Pat Kelly. Information supplied by Mr D.W. Pedler.

Elder Smith Staff
Group of staff of Elder Smith & Co. Ltd., Adelaide taken at the rear of the building adjoining the original Elder House. Front row (left to right): Franklin, Gerny, A.H.Chapman, Rutherford, Crisps, Young, A.S.Chapman, Cooper, Richards, Gwynne, Gurner, Field, Fry, Edwardes. Second row: Hack, Cussen, Ray, Longrigg, Wilkie, Ramsay, Dickenson, Ward, Anders, Hardy, Boucaut, Horword, Ridings, Rymill. Third row: Love, Langsford, Willcox, Dixon, Daw, Edmunds, Canaway, Corbin, Ambrose, Ford, Goodhart, P.L.Smith, Rees, Mueller, N.H.McBride, Thorpe. Fourth row: Walkley, Weston, Loessel, Farndell, Gryst, Humphreys, Puttmann, Stephenson, Page, Berridge, Rossi, Thompson. Back row: Syme, Shuttleworth, Joyner, Patterson, Hammond, Pickering, Woodfield, Royal, D.H.Watson.

Graham McInerney in Blackwood Hospital
Graham McInerney recuperating in Blackwood Hospital after being repatriated to Australia via Richmond RAAF base in NSW.

Graham McInerney being wheeled out to the Hercules at Vung Tau
Graham McInerney being wheeled out to the Hercules plane at Vung Tau, prior to his evacuation back to the RAAF base at Richmond, NSW.

Press group in Vietnam
Press group in Vietnam - Graham McInerney on left, and John Burrowes in front.

Assault boats on the Vam Co Dong River
Assault boats on the Vam Co Dong River. 'American forces. Very young men - leader was 22 years old. Fast boats as Viet Cong often on the banks of the river and attacked them'. [This was the same trip as photographs 10, 12 & 14.]

US marines and Vietnamese peasants
'US marines watch as peasants go about their business during an operation just south of Da Nang.'

Vung Tau beach scene

On Vung Tau beach
'Boy leaning over his brother who had drowned. Vung Tau beach. Australian soldier tried to give him mouth to mouth.'

Jeanette, Leanora and Paul McInerney
Graham McInerney's family (from left) Jeanette, Leanora and Paul.

South Australian football team
South Australian Football League Interstate Team 1906. Played Victoria at the East Melbourne football ground on 11 August 1906.

Major Honner in Vietnamese swamp
'Fri 6 Dec 1968. In the jungle Hat Dich area of Phuc Tuy province. Diary reads - "Up at dawn - 5.30am - made tomato soup for breakfast. Off again this time in front of tanks. Linked with A coy and then terrible slog through jungle and swamp to find Firestone trail. Got back to Julie FSB on APC then chopper to Nui Dat. Lovely shower and clean clothes. Wrote long letter to Lea. Bed at 11.30pm very very tired." This was with C Coy IRAR Co Major Honner. Note the towel under pack straps. these had made shouldes red raw over the three days. Also made good additional sweat cloth.'