Find • 1840s • Results 1 to 30 of 1,565

Letters written by William and Thomas Hodges to family in England

Nineteen letters written 1837-1842 by William and Thomas Hodges to their aunt Mrs John Buss and her husband of Ashford in Kent, England, and to their father William Hodges of North Romney and Tenterden, Kent. A few were written while the brothers were on the 'Dumfries' en route to South Australia. There are also two letters written 1842-1843 by John Morphett and M.W. Bartley in Adelaide to the Hodges brothers' solicitor Edward Smith in Chancery Lane, London to finalise William Hodges' estate. Includes a separate summary of the letters and typescript and handwritten transcripts. NOTE: There is no original letter for No. 18 of 26 December 1840 by Thomas Hodges to his father, in which mention is made of William's death in July that year and also his cousin John's death on board the 'Royal Admiral' near the Equator en route to South Australia (it arrived 13 December 1840). An addition to this group is a letter/order to John Buss for merchandise to be sent out to South Australia: the bottom of the letter, which is not dated, has 'this order received July 1840' written across the bottom.

The New Port, 1840

The New Port, 1840

The New Port, Adelaide in 1840 showing the ship "Caleb Angas". The artist J Hitchen was a 19th century lithographer. The barque "Caleb Angas" made two journeys to Port Adelaide in 1840 and 1841

English establishment at Port Essington

English establishment at Port Essington

This image of Port Essington has a great deal of fine detail, illustrating specificities of the general flora and types of housing. The artist has included a figures in the mid-ground, perhaps to further indicate scale, which also contexualises the scene. To the far left three Indigenous people are pictured around a dead tree trunk, perhaps included as an indication of a general presence amongst white settling colony establishments of this type. Despite the subject matter being somewhat idealised in this work, the artist's technique is particulary accomplished and the work is a good point of reference for the era.

Plan of Port Adelaide Section 'A', 14th October 1840 [cartographic material] /
by G.S. Kingston, Civil Engineer

Plan of Port Adelaide Section 'A', 14th October 1840 [cartographic material] / by G.S. Kingston, Civil Engineer

Plan showing the Company's section 'A' on the east side of McLaren Reach, Port Adelaide, with the S.A. Company's wharf and warehouse on the New Road, the Government sheds and Customs House on Government Reserve. Other buildings along Marine Parade are indicated. Signed by G.S, Kingston, 14 October 1840. Scale 1 inch to 5 chains. B&W photograph of ink and watercolour on paper, ink notation.

Frank Hawson Monument

Frank Hawson Monument

Monument erected at Port Lincoln in honour of Frank Hawson. The inscription reads "Erected by public subscription through the Port Lincoln Progress Committee in memory of Frank Hawson aged 10 years who was speared by the blacks October 5th 1840. Buried in Trafalgar Street in 1840. Re-interred under this momument March 30th 1911. Although only a lad he died a hero. Gone but not forgotten." Five men and a lady are standing near the momument. For an explanatory extract from the Port Lincoln Gazette see A 410 [duplicate copy at PRG 458/1/1/72].

Eyre's Expedition

Eyre's Expedition

Eyre's expedition of 1840-41. The departure from Adelaide, 1840. Drawn by J. Neil. Reproduced from vol. 1, page 1 of Eyre's "Journals of Expeditions into Central Australia". This sketch depicts a rushed departure from Adelaide by members of the expedition. Top hatted gentlemen and soldiers on horseback can be seen galloping down a hill and round a corner. In the foreground chickens, geese, goats and dogs are running for their lives.

Old colonists 1836-1840 [mosaic]

Old colonists 1836-1840 [mosaic]

The photographic composite (mosaic) B 8235/1 holds 708 portraits. A further 27 in the upper left section are missing due to damage. (An unnamed portrait has been placed in the gap at B 8235 23E, instead of the portrait of John Moore missing due to damage .) A newspaper article that refers to the donation of the mosaic to the Public Library of South Australia in 1894 by Mr CH Hussey of Port Elliot states that it was damaged when Duryea's studio was destroyed by fire on 18 April 1875. (The Advertiser, 17 November 1910.) Mr Hussey's portrait is at B 8235/1 1A.

Gravestone of Lawrence and Elizabeth Potts

Gravestone of Lawrence and Elizabeth Potts

Gravestone of Lawrence Potts and second wife Elizabeth, formerly Lockett, at West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, photographed August 1999. Made of sandstone, the headstone was broken in two some time after 1975. It was relocated to 'Bleasdale' winery and a replacement memorial placed on the grave (Plan 3, Path 16, Plot 1) in 2004 by Potts descendants.

Photographs of the church and clergy

Photographs of the church and clergy

Photographs of the church, clergy and choirs of St John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Halifax Street, Adelaide. The clergy are variously referred to as the 'incumbent', 'rector' and 'Minister in charge'. (Dates in the contents refer to the years the clergyman was at St John's.)

Thomas Gilbert

Thomas Gilbert

Portrait of a man in a military uniform, identified on the back (in a later hand) as 'Thomas Gilbert born Camden NSW 21 October 1840'. The uniform worn by Thomas Gilbert, which includes his dress sword, is most likely that of an officer in the Adelaide Regiment of Volunteer Rifles. This regiment was raised in 1860, and was renamed Prince Alfred's Rifle Volunteers in November 1867. See also B 72997 and B 72998.

Letter to his grandfather

Letter to his grandfather

Letter written by Thomas Gemmell to his grandfather William Barr in Scotland. It describes the voyage from Scotland to Australia aboard the 'India', 1839-1840. Letter written on 24 February 1840.

Photographs of the Oldland family, Dunstan family and Oldland farm

Photographs of the Oldland family, Dunstan family and Oldland farm

Comprising photographs (the majority are digital scans of original items) of the Oldland family farm and homestead, Section 210 in the Hundred of Melville, Edithburg Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. Records include an album of ten images entitled 'Stonyfell' and inscribed 'Mildred C. Dunstan/Geoffrey R. Dunstan/1949' comprising the Dunstan family, Dunstan quarry at Burnside, Kensington family home Adelaide, and postcards and business receipts. For more details see CONTENTS which shows scanned copies of original photographs including 1 post card and original photograph (24 images in total).

Photograph album of the Dunn family and their commercial premises

Photograph album of the Dunn family and their commercial premises

Photograph album of the Dunn family and their commercial premises compiled by Leonora E.N. Dunn; some of the photographs are missing from the album. See 'contents' for more details.

Joseph Crompton and four of his five sons

Joseph Crompton and four of his five sons

Joseph Crompton and four of his five sons.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Whyte

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Whyte

Probably Thomas Whyte who arrived in South Australia in March 1840 on board the ship the "Tomatin". Farmer, Cherry Gardens.

South Australian pioneers 1840 : John Harris

South Australian pioneers 1840 : John Harris

John Harris arrived in South Australia in June 1835 on board the ship the "Adelaide" and/or in 1840 travelling overland. Whaler, boarding house keeper, timber merchant, general trader; Encounter Bay, Adelaide.

[Early settlers, Port Lincoln and Western Districts - series 2] : Alexander Henry Dunning Tolmer

[Early settlers, Port Lincoln and Western Districts - series 2] : Alexander Henry Dunning Tolmer

Alexander Henry Dunning Tolmer, 1840-1928, arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Branken Moor". Drover, station manager, orchardist, farmer; Mikkira, Talia and Arkaba stations, Paradise, Bugle Ranges.

Manuscript plan of 'The Town of Port Gawler, South Australia'

Manuscript plan of 'The Town of Port Gawler, South Australia'

Large hand-coloured manuscript plan of 'The Town of Port Gawler, South Australia', created by surveyor P.L. Snell Chauncy. The plan depicts the intended layout of the town between the two branches of the Port Gawler Creek, including a largely grid-pattern street layout, two squares and a circus, designated land for public gardens and a market, and a cemetery on the edge of the town. Allotments for sale are numbered. A small inset shows the location of Port Gawler within the Adelaide region. A scale in feet and chains is included. Some staining is apparent around the edge of the plan.

Gregurke Family, Bundey

Gregurke Family, Bundey

Members of the pioneering Gregurke family outside their home. This is almost certainly the family of Carl Gottlieb August Gregurke (born 8 Dec 1840 in Trzebiechów, Lubuskie, Poland). He married Maria Altus (born 10 December 1849 in Nechern, Bautzen, Sachsen, Germany). Carl was the only paternal Gregurke alive at the time that the photo was taken. His father and brother had died some time earlier. Carl's death certificate states his residence as Bundey - he died in Kapunda on 7 November 1912. His daughter, Emma Lydia Gregurke, married Johann August Wittwer in Bundey on 23 January 1902.

Memorial, Kingston

Memorial, Kingston

Commemorative plaque for the shipwreck of the "Maria" wrecked on Margaret Brook Reef in 1840.

Memorial, Kingston

Memorial, Kingston

Commemorative plaque detailing the wreck of the "Maria" in 1840.

Monument, Kingston

Monument, Kingston

Monument to "Maria" ship wrecked in 1840.

Monument, Kingston

Monument, Kingston

Monument to Maria, Ship, wrecked in 1840.

Monument, Kingston

Monument, Kingston

Monument to Maria, Ship, wrecked in 1840.

James Brook

James Brook

Portrait (damaged) of James Brook of 'Way and Brook', solicitors. James Brook of Unley Park was born in Edinburgh January 12, 1840. He arrived in South Australia in 1853 and is remembered as a solicitor of integrity and editor of the first volume of the South Australian Law Reports

George Charles Hawker

George Charles Hawker

Pencil on card portrait of George Charles Hawker including some painted detail in pink and in white. Artwork has been signed and dated May 1840 (when Hawker was at Cambridge).

Portrait of John Chinner

Portrait of John Chinner

Portrait in oils of John Chinner, seated in an armchair, by J. Cheney, painted in England in 1840. Signed and dated in red near middle bottom third of painting.

Lady Hindmarsh

Lady Hindmarsh

[General description] This upper body portrait of Lady Hindmarsh shows her facing the observer with an open, candid expression. She is dressed in the height of fashion. [On back of photograph] 'Lady Hindmarsh / nee Susannah Wilson Edmeades / wife of Sir John Hindmarsh / copied from an ivory miniature painted by George Milner Stephen / (Her son-in-law) / 1840 / The original is in the possession of the Glenelg Corporation / Presented by E.A. Hindmarsh Stephen'.

Jesse Brinkworth

Jesse Brinkworth

Jesse Brinkworth, born at Nailsworth 30/12/1840. He was the third son of Thomas Brinkworth who was born in approximately 1801 at Appila Yarrowie, South Australia and died at Keith, South Australia. Thomas Brinkworth arrived in South Australia in August 1839 aboard the "Somersetshire". He was a broadweaver by trade but began in South Australia by sawing wood in the government forests, later he grew wheat at Nailsworth. He was a founding trustee of St Andrew's Anglican Church at Walkerville. In 1851 he left with two of his sons to work at the goldfields near Bendigo, returning with enough gold to buy farmland at Lower Light. Thomas and his wife Elizabeth had nine children. He later moved to Manoora (Chinkford) to grow wheat. With his son-in-law he built a steam flourmill at Saddleworth

John Rogers

John Rogers

John Rogers (1840-1906).