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Prime Minister Robert Menzies visitng the Cheer Up Hut kitchen

Prime Minister Robert Menzies visitng the Cheer Up Hut kitchen

'Hon. R. G. Menzies at Cheer Up Hut with members of Executive Committee, Sunday tea ready for serving', from back. The Prime Minister visisted the Hut on Sunday 10 August 1941.

Cheer Up Society third anniversary of return to the Cheer Up Hut

Cheer Up Society third anniversary of return to the Cheer Up Hut

'Cheer Up Society 3rd birthday anniversary of return to Hut, June 1943. Mrs D. Hay HBE Organiser, Brigadier General S. Price Weir, VD DSO President, Mrs L. Playford, wife of premier', from back. Mrs Lorna Playford cutting the third anniversary cake at the Adelaide Cheer Up Hut.

Sun room and lending library, Cheer Up Hut

Sun room and lending library, Cheer Up Hut

Servicemen reading and relaxing in the sun room and free lending library at the Adelaide Cheer Up Hut. Photograph by Frank Boase Studio, 189 Hutt St, Adelaide, C 2119.

Guard of Honour at the opening of the Cheer Up Hostel

Guard of Honour at the opening of the Cheer Up Hostel

'Awaiting the arrival of His Excellency the Governor for the opening of the S.P.F. Hostel on 16.8.41. There are 5 dormitories - hot and cold showers, facilities for pressing uniforms and a court yard. The Hostel accommodates 160 men of the 3 services. Members of the Cheer Up Society come on duty at 7am to cook breakfast, serve and wash up and afterwards they go to the Hostel and make beds', from back. Volunteers in uniform, senior school girls and kindergarten girls in white dresses forming a guard of honour for the arrival of Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey at the opening of the Hostel on 16 August 1941.

Opening of the Cheer Up Hostel

Opening of the Cheer Up Hostel

'His Excellency Sir Malcolm Barclay Harvey (State Governor) opens the door of the S.P.F. Cheer Up Hostel on 16.8.41. Brigadier General S. Price Weir D.S.O., President of the Cheer Up Society accompanies His Excellency', from back.

Inspection of linen, Cheer Up Hostel

Inspection of linen, Cheer Up Hostel

'His Excellency Sir Malcolm Barclay Harvey, Brigadier General S. Price Weir D.S.O., Commander Symons RN, Wing Commander Brown RAAF, inspect the linen in store-room, 16.8.41 "SPF" Cheer Up Hostel', from back.

Second anniversary part for the Cheer Up Society Hostel

Second anniversary part for the Cheer Up Society Hostel

'Second anniversary Hostel helpers party. Mrs J. Morison, Hon. Country Organiser, Mr Dudley Mathews, Chairman Hostel Committee, Miss Adelaide Miethke, Hon Organiser SPF, and Brigadier General S. Price Weir, President Cheer Up Society, 16 August 1943', from back. Members cutting a cake to celebrate the second anniversary of the SPF Cheer Up Hostel in August 1943.

Opening of SPF Cheer Up Hostel

Opening of SPF Cheer Up Hostel

'Opening of "SPF" Cheer Up Hostel for men of 3 services. A Guard of Honour of Cheer Up helpers (in white uniforms and blue organdi veils) with senior school girls and kindergarten children dressed in white forming a guard for His Excellency Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey', from back.

British Press Delegation visit to the Cheer Up Hut

British Press Delegation visit to the Cheer Up Hut

'Sir Walter Latham, Mr. Neville Henderson, Mr. Storey, M.P., British Press Delegation visit Cheer Up Hut, Adelaide and show great interest in preparation of Tuesday evening meal', from back.

Sunday afternoon helpers, Cheer Up Hut

Sunday afternoon helpers, Cheer Up Hut

'Sunday afternoon helpers, 2.30 to 10.30 pm, Cheer Up Hut, Adelaide S.A.'. Group portrait of Cheer Up Society volunteers and some service men standing in the background.

Lord Gowrie visits the Cheer Up Hut kitchen

Lord Gowrie visits the Cheer Up Hut kitchen

'His Excellency the Governor General Lord Gowrie visited the Hut in April 1941. In picture, General Price Weir, DSO President C-U-S; Lord Gowrie; Mrs D. Hay Hon. Organiser C-U-S; Wendy Mathews, and Cheer Up members in the Hut kitchen', from back.

AIF buffet lunch before the march, Cheer Up Hut

AIF buffet lunch before the march, Cheer Up Hut

'A.I.F. buffet lunch before the march. 1700 men have been entertained at once before a march - these bigger luncheons taking place in Torrens Hall, Adelaide', from back.

Navy and Lord Gowrie at the Cheer Up SPF Hostel

Navy and Lord Gowrie at the Cheer Up SPF Hostel

'Navy booking in at the Hostel when Lord Gowrie unexpectedly arrived', from back. Sailors from the HMAS Moresby and soldiers checking in at the Cheer Up Society SPF Hostel in Adelaide and receiving a visit from Lord Gowrie, Alexander Hore-Ruthven, Governor-General of Australia.

Christmas cakes at the Cheer Up Hut

Christmas cakes at the Cheer Up Hut

Volunteers and service men with Christmas cakes donated from the country. The photograph hanging on the wall on the right side of the image is of Mrs. Alexandrina Seager, the founder of the Cheer Up Hut in 1914.

Dancing at the Cheer Up Hut

Dancing at the Cheer Up Hut

'The nightly dance for members and service men. Small dances are held on week nights and a big dance on Fridays from 8 to 11. Only men in uniform and members in uniform admitted', from back. Volunteers and service men taking part in an evening dance at the Adelaide Cheer Up Hut.

Volunteers making leis, Cheer Up Hut

Volunteers making leis, Cheer Up Hut

Volunteers making leis out of paper for a dance at the Cheer Up Hut, Adelaide.

Games room, Cheer Up Hut

Games room, Cheer Up Hut

'Rest and recreation in the games room', from back. Servicemen and volunteers playing card games, talking and resting in the games room at the Cheer Up Hut, Adelaide.

Friday evening sing song, Cheer Up Hut

Friday evening sing song, Cheer Up Hut

'Friday evening sing song, before the dance. Community singing is one of the most popular pastimes. There are Boys from four States in this picture', from back. Volunteers and servicemen gathered at the Cheer Up Hut in Adelaide for community singing on a Friday evening.

Friday volunteers wait on tables, Cheer Up Hut

Friday volunteers wait on tables, Cheer Up Hut

'Friday girls wait on tables. Three meals a day are served - everything is free. Almost everything is given by city and country supporters and all helpers are voluntary. All food is prepared and cooked in the Hut by voluntary helpers', from back. Friday volunteers serving servicemen their meals at the Adelaide Cheer Up Hut.

Tuesday volunteers preparing vegetables, Cheer Up Hut

Tuesday volunteers preparing vegetables, Cheer Up Hut

'Tuesday girls prepare vegetables. 1 bag of potatoes a day and a copperful of other vegetables are used for each meal', from back. Tuesday volunteers preparing vegetables for a meal at the Adelaide Cheer Up Hut.

German POW camp monument

German POW camp monument

View of a memorial to the prisoners who died at Kriegsgefangenen-Lager, a German POW camp at Langensalza. See also PRG 1300/15/4-7.

Evacuees at railway station

Evacuees at railway station

Civilians (women and children) evacuated from forward areas waiting to be met. They were later taken by car from the railway station to their destination.



Civilians (women and children) evacuated from forward areas being taken by car from the railway station to their destination.

Allied Works Council hostels, Alice Springs

Allied Works Council hostels, Alice Springs

View of the No. 2 hostel and the men's hostel for staff of the Alice Springs Allied Works Council. Marjorie Andrew shared a room with Eleanor, the fourth room down. Two armed forces trucks can be seen on the road in front of the hostels. Original photograph: black and white print, 7 x 11.5 cm.

Marching into El Majdal, Palestine

Marching into El Majdal, Palestine

Group of Australian soldiers entering the walled village of El Majdal, Palestine.

The midday meal

The midday meal

Australian soldiers lining up for their midday meal.

On the way to Escalon, Palestine

On the way to Escalon, Palestine

Australian soldiers en route to Escalon, Palestine, with local people also featured in the photograph.

Native village, Palestine

Native village, Palestine

Group of Australian soldiers marching past a walled Palestinian village.

Battle-damaged trucks

Battle-damaged trucks

Two overturned and damaged army trucks with Australian soldier posing in front.

Battle-damaged truck

Battle-damaged truck

Australian soldier posing in front of a damaged army truck.