Find • yacka • Results 181 to 210 of 306

Man playing an accordion
A man playing a push button accordion, possibly at Yacka.

Three men in a cart pulled by a horse
Three men in a cart pulled by a horse, in front of a farm building, possibly at Yacka.

A group of men loading wheat bags
A group of men loading bags of wheat onto a wagon, possibly at Yacka.

A man stepping up into a cart
A man stepping up into a cart, where two men are sitting, possibly at Yacka.

A group of people at a picnic
A group of people at a picnic, possibly at Yacka.

A woman standing in a vegetable garden
A woman standing in a vegetable garden, possibly at Yacka.

A boy and his dog
A boy and his dog walking in front of a fence, possibly at Yacka.

A dog standing on its hind legs
A dog standing on its hind legs in front of steps to the verandah of a house, possibly at Yacka.

A group of women under a verandah
A group of women standing in the shade of a house verandah, with a boot scraper visible beside a verandah post, possibly at Yacka.

A young man and his dog swimming in a river
A young man and his dog swimming in a river, probably the Broughton near Yacka.

A man holding a young child
A man holding his young child, standing beside the wall of a house, possibly at Yacka.

A group of people at a picnic
A group of people sitting in the grass at a picnic, possibly at Yacka.

A group of people
A group of people standing in an open area, possibly at Yacka.

Hazel Langrehr sitting on a seat
Hazel Langrehr sitting on a wooden seat under a palm tree, possibly at Yacka.

Two young women
Two young women, one in a Middle Eastern costume, standing in a garden under a palm tree, possibly at Yacka. A researcher believes that the woman in the left is Hazel Langrehr.

A man standing under a tree
A man in suit and hat standing under a tree, possibly at Yacka.

A policeman in uniform
A policeman walking, possibly at Yacka.

A man dressed in a sailor's costume
A man dressed as a sailor with a pet dog sitting in front of him, possibly at Yacka.

A young woman
A young woman dressed in a white short dress with white short stockings, possibly at Yacka. A researcher believes that this is Hazel Langrehr.

A young woman in Middle Eastern costume
A young woman dressed in a Middle Eastern costume, possibly at Yacka.

A group of people in a motor car
Three people sitting in a motor car with a young boy standing on the running board, possibly at Yacka.

A woman in fancy dress costume
A woman in fancy dress costume, possibly at Yacka.

A young woman in black dress
A woman in a black dress, standing inside a building, possibly at Yacka.

A young woman in a Middle Eastern costume
A woman in a Middle Eastern costume, standing in a garden under a palm tree, possibly at Yacka.

A young man sitting on the ground
A man sitting on the ground beside a dog, possibly at Yacka.

A man standing, holding a garden fork
A man in a striped shirt standing in a garden and holding a digging fork, possibly at Yacka.

A woman wearing trousers standing on a verandah
A woman wearing mid-calf length trousers and holding up an item of clothing, standing on a house verandah, possibly at Yacka.

A dog
A dog looking sideways, possibly at Yacka.

Two young men playing tennis
Two young men playing doubles tennis (the other two players out of the picture), on a farm, possibly at Yacka.

Three men standing in the Broughton River
Three men standing in the Broughton River near Yacka, their trouser legs rolled up below their knees, piling jarrah sleepers on to one another to build a platform. (This may be connected to the building of the new railway bridge.).