Find • world war 1914 • Results 2,431 to 2,460 of 2,752

Anzac Cove, near Gallipoli, Turkey

Anzac Cove, near Gallipoli, Turkey

Medical tents near the landing jetty used by the 4th Australian Field Hospital at Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, Turkey; soldiers and landing craft appear in the background.

Fire Brigade at Unley, South Australia

Fire Brigade at Unley, South Australia

Five firemen of the Unley Brigade with a horse-drawn appliance participating in the Gallipoli Day procession, 15 April 1916.

South Australian soldiers

South Australian soldiers

South Australian soldiers at an army camp before World War 1. The hat badges include '23' and '24' Light Horse post 1912 (Militia) indicating these are the 23rd (Barossa) and 24th (Flinders) Light Horse Regiments.

Soldiers of the 76th Infantry in camp

Soldiers of the 76th Infantry in camp

Seven soldiers dressed in full kit described as being members of the main camp guard, possibly at a South Australian army camp. A researcher has suggested that these are members of the 76th Infantry (the '76' badges can be seen on their hats), who were part of the militia, or Army Reserve. Due to their youthful appearance they may possibly be under 18-year-olds during World War One, and are unlikely to be 'guards'.

Soldiers returning to Adelaide, South Australia

Soldiers returning to Adelaide, South Australia

Crowds welcoming returned soldiers as they are taken by car to the Cheer Up Hut in Adelaide.

British troops in France

British troops in France

British soldiers marching along a roadway in France.

Colonel Hurcombe

Colonel Hurcombe

A head and shoulders view of a South Australian soldier. Caption reads: 'Colonel Hurcombe'.

Steamship 'Vigilant' transporting soldiers

Steamship 'Vigilant' transporting soldiers

The steamship 'Vigilant' carrying a contingent of returning troops from overseas to the South Australian quarantine station, possibly at Torrens Island.

Private Patrick Weir

Private Patrick Weir

An 'In Memoriam' card for Australian soldier 3697 Private Patrick Weir of the 27th Battalion, A.I.F. Patrick Weir, a Boilermakers Assistant, was born 16 December 1882 at Birkenhead, the eldest son of Captain Patrick Weir, Port Adelaide Harbourmaster, and Helen Weir. He was killed in action in France on 2 September 1918 when hit by a German machine gun bullet.

A parade of returned soldiers at Hindmarsh

A parade of returned soldiers at Hindmarsh

Crowds watching a cavalcade of cars carrying returned soldiers proceeding along the Port Road at Hindmarsh, South Australia.

Welcome home for a wounded soldier

Welcome home for a wounded soldier

A welcome home group for a returned wounded soldier photographed in a garden decorated with patriotic flags, a contented dog sits in the foreground; names not known.

Soldiers practising trench warfare

Soldiers practising trench warfare

A group of Australian soldiers practising trench warfare; possibly a rifle shooting exercise, in practice trenches at Mitcham Camp.

Sir Archibald Weigall at the Soldiers' Memorial Service

Sir Archibald Weigall at the Soldiers' Memorial Service

Sir Archibald Weigall, Governor of South Australia with family and staff attending a Soldiers' Memorial Service at Elder Park, Adelaide, South Australia.

Memorial service at the Cross of Sacrifice, North Adelaide

Memorial service at the Cross of Sacrifice, North Adelaide

A large crowd attending a memorial service at the Cross of Sacrifice, Pennington Gardens. The cross is covered with several Australian and Union Jack flags.

Soldiers disembarking at Cape Town

Soldiers disembarking at Cape Town

Soldiers, including General Botha disembarking from the steamship 'Ebani' at the wharf at Cape Town, South Africa.

Australian troops in Egypt

Australian troops in Egypt

Australian troops negotiating a price for the hire of donkeys near the pyramids at Giza, Egypt.

Australian army headquarters at Anzac Cove

Australian army headquarters at Anzac Cove

Soldiers at the headquarters of the Australian army camp at Gallipoli where it is constructed on top of a cliff overlooking Anzac Cove landing jetty.

Australian soldiers on a beach in Egypt

Australian soldiers on a beach in Egypt

Australian soldiers swimming and relaxing on the beach at Sidi Bishr, Egypt.

Australian soldiers in Egypt receiving mail

Australian soldiers in Egypt receiving mail

Australian soldiers based in the Sinai desert, Egypt receiving the latest mail from Australia.

Military procession in Sydney, New South Wales

Military procession in Sydney, New South Wales

Crowds watching a military procession which includes a horse drawn Red Cross ambulance and marching soldiers passing along the streets of Sydney, on January 19th, 1915. This is in Elizabeth Street, Sydney, near Park Street.

Army nurses in training

Army nurses in training

Women nurses marching behind an army reserve officer during training in Sydney, New South Wales.

Home Defence volunteers in Sydney

Home Defence volunteers in Sydney

Home Defence volunteers marching during training near Sydney in New South Wales.

Home Defence volunteers near Sydney

Home Defence volunteers near Sydney

A group of Home Defence volunteers attending a rifle training exercise in bushland near Sydney, New South Wales.

Army recruits in Sydney

Army recruits in Sydney

Army recruits still wearing civilian clothes standing in lines receiving instruction from two army officers in Sydney, New South Wales.

Recruiting officers in South Africa

Recruiting officers in South Africa

Two army recruiting officers talking to young civilian men in a street in Cape Town, South Africa.

Number 2 General Hospital, Egypt

Number 2 General Hospital, Egypt

Two men wearing Arab dress standing in a corridor of the Number 2 General Hospital at Ghzorah, Egypt.

Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Torrens Park

Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Torrens Park

Interior view of Number 1 Hut medical ward at the Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Torrens Park; the furnishings were supplied by the Malvern Red Cross Society.

Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Torrens Park

Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Torrens Park

Premises of the Red Cross recreation hut at the Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Torrens Park, South Australia; a group of military officers and a nursing sister stand on a road in front of the new building.

Australian wounded at a hospital in Egypt

Australian wounded at a hospital in Egypt

A group of Australian wounded soldiers and two nurses photographed outside the Number 2 General Hospital at El Gezira, Cairo, Egypt.

Anzac service at Melbourne cricket ground

Anzac service at Melbourne cricket ground

Crowds of spectators attending an Anzac memorial service held at the cricket ground in Melbourne, Victoria on April 29 1917.