Find • world war 1914 • Results 751 to 780 of 2,752

World War I : Garden of Gethsemane
Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem.

World War I : Temple Square
Temple Square, Jerusalem.

World War I : Mount of Temptation
Summit of Mount of Temptation.

World War I : Portion of interior of Monastery built on Mount of Temptation
Portion of interior of Monastery built on Mount of Temptation. The picture represents Christ being tempted by Satan during his period on the Mount of Temptation.

World War I : Church of Holy Sepulchre
Entrance to Church of Holy Sepulchre.

World War I : A street in the Holy City Jerusalem
A street in the Holy City Jerusalem.

World War I : Schneller Orphanage in Jerusalem
The Schneller Orphanage in Jerusalem. Inscription on photograph: 'German Agricultural College in Jerusalem'.

World War I : Looking across Jordan Valley from Mount Temptation
View from Mount Temptation looking across Jordan Valley and showing Jericho in the distance.

World War I : Jews wailing wall
Jews wailing wall in the Holy City.

World War I : Pool of Salome
Pool of Salome, Jerusalem.

World War I : A monastery built in the rock of Mount of Temptation
View looking up the Mount of Temptation showing the monastery built in the rock of the mountain.

World War I : View in Jerusalem
View in Jerusalem.

World War I : An Arab funeral
An Arab funeral in Port Said.

World War I : View of Beersheba
View of Beersheba.

World War I : A railway bridge in Beersheba
A railway bridge in Beersheba.

World War I : Orange groves on the outskirts of Jaffa
On the outskirts of Jaffa, showing the numerous orange groves badly neglected.

World War I : View of Jaffa from the sea coast
A view of Jaffa from the sea coast.

World War I : Entrance to a Turkish Mosque
Entrance to a Turkish Mosque.

World War I : Exterior of Mosque
Exterior of Mosque showing ruined tower.

World War I : A grave yard in Palestine
One of the many little grave yards in Palestine where lie many of our heroes.

World War I : A crop of barley growing in an old river bed
A crop of barley growing in an old river bed in Sinai.

World War I : Portion of a concrete watercourse
Portion of a concrete watercourse which is miles long and said to have been built by the Romans. Good fresh water runs in it still.

World War I : Portion of wall which once surrounded Askalon
Portion of wall which once surrounded the ancient city of Askalon 2000 years B.C.

World War I : A ruined castle
View of ruined castle built by crusaders.

World War I : Remains of a wall which once surrounded Phillistines
Remains of wall which once surrounded the old city of the Phillistines, Askalon.

World War I : The Muslim cemetery of Nebi Salah, Ramla
The Muslim cemetery of Nebi Salah, Ramle [Ramla]. Inscription on photograph: 'A native cemetery near Ramlek'

World War I : Remains of an ancient castle
Remains of an ancient castle built by the crusaders in Palestine.

World War I : A lock of the Barrage on the River Nile
A lock on the Barrage on the River Nile.

World War I : A view on Tower Bridge of the Nile
A view on Tower Bridge of the Nile.

World War I : Native barges on the Nile
Native barges on the Nile, Egypt.