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House at Stonyfell
Interior view of living and dining area of house at Stonyfell designed by Brian Snowden.

House at Stonyfell
Exterior view of driveway entrance to two-story house with ground-floor carport and entrance with external stepped access to first floor at Stonyfell designed by Tochel & Co.

House at Stonyfell
Exterior view of driveway entrance to two-story house with ground-floor carport and entrance with external stepped access to first floor at Stonyfell designed by Tochel & Co.

House at Stonyfell
Interior view of kitchen area of two-story house at Stonyfell designed by Tochel & Co.

House at Stonyfell
Exterior view of back of house at Stonyfell showing two levels, side and upper level windows

House at Stonyfell
Interior view of house at Stonyfell showing living and dining areas, stairs and casual seating area on mezzanine floor

South Australian wines
Twenty miniature bottles of South Australian sherries, ports and muscats.

Series 060: Wattle Park Reservoir
Aerial views of Wattle Park Reservoir showing the construction process and final completed reservoir.

Photographs of W.A. Robjohns
The series comprises 15 albums housing 1,973 photographs, most of which were taken by photographer W.A. Robjohns ca.1920-1966. Album covers were numbered and labelled by Robjohns. The sequence is incomplete, however, as only volumes 1-9, 12-14, 15, 20 and 23 have been donated. Robjohns' brief descriptions of content on the covers and spines are incomplete. For further descriptions of place names and subjects contained in each album, SEE details below. The albums contain small black and white prints, mostly undated, with captions by W.R. Robjohns. Also sepia and postcard prints, and a few hand-tinted prints. A small number of images were taken by other photographers, several of whom have been identified by Robjohns. Images depict Adelaide suburbs, city scenes and country towns, with an emphasis on rural landscapes, parks and reserves, rivers, reservoirs, streets, houses, churches, businesses and shop fronts, and public celebrations and processions. Also included are images of the Robjohns family on picnics and holiday outings, and their homes, cars and pets. A number of photos were duplicated or enlarged by Robjohns and appear in more than one album.

Joseph Crompton and four of his five sons
Joseph Crompton and four of his five sons.

Cockatoo on a stand
Cockatoo on a stand, presumably outside Stonyfell House. In an article in 'S.A. Ornithologist' April 1, 1934, Alfred Crompton states that 'At Stonyfell there is still living a White Cockatoo (Kakatoe galerita), which was given to Miss Crompton as an unfledged nestling in October, 1876. The bird is now say 57 years! and four months old*'.

Susan Mary Crompton
Susan Mary Crompton, nee Clark. On the reverse has been written: (Granny Susan Mary Crompton, nee Clark about 1930). A duplicate copy of this photograph indicates that it was taken at Christmas, 1931.

Alison (left) from Stonyfell and Esther from Magill with their creations. 18 June 1986.

Photographs of motor car racing in South Australia
Collection of black and white photographic prints, collected by Max Meaker and taken by a variety of photographers.They all relate to motor car racing in South Australia. There are also a number of photographs from newspapers and magazines.

Hayley Brown of Stonyfell plays Snoopy in "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown".

At Stonyfell, Scouts on a mission to raise money for Scouts Job Week are (left to right) Nick Colebatch (8), Kenny Body (9), James Maschmedt (8) and Luke Atwell (9). 9th October 1991.

Actors, dancers, musicians
Elleni Zogopoulos, 8, Stonyfell, Mrs Myrtle Production.

Wattle Park
A house with a deep verandah nestled in grassland at Wattle Park. The Adelaide Hills are to the east and large trees dot the foreground. The quarry at Stonyfell can be seen scarring the hillside.

'Old Quarry - Sunset Rock'
This old quarry face is possibly located at Stonyfell in the Adelaide Foothills near Wattle Park. A man and a lady are standing on the rocks at the top of the quarry partially hidden by trees. A researcher suggests that the photographer may have been referring to the Sunset Rock quarry near Stirling. He visited that area of the Hills fairly often.

'Old Quarry - Sunset Rock'
A lady standing on Sunset Rock in the Old Quarry possibly at Stonyfell in the Adelaide Foothills. A researcher suggests that the photographer may have been referring to the Sunset Rock quarry near Stirling. He visited that area of the Hills fairly often.

'Bullock Track'
The view from the Bullock Track appears to be over the eastern plains of Adelaide. This would position the track approximately at Wattle Park, Stonyfell or Auldana.

'Wattle Park. May 1946'
Red brick house with a tiled roof at Wattle Park in May 1946. The scar of the quarry at Stonyfell can be seen on the hillface in the distance.

Bend in the road at Simpson Road, Wattle Park
Untitled photo of street sign pointing to Simpson Road at Wattle Park. This runs between Penfold Road and Stonyfell Road. No houses can be seen and thick scrub lines the road.

Adelaide foothills, possibly near Stonyfell
Uncaptioned photo of large gum tree next to a rough road in the Adelaide foothills. A quarry face and part of a house can be seen in the distance through the woods.

'2nd Creek at Bonnie View'
Pipelines leading from Second Creek at Bonnie View. This is possibly in Stonyfell near the Adelaide foothills.

Inter-school sports winner
The captain of St. Peter's Collegiate Girls' School sports team holding the winning shield and cup after an inter-school sports day in Adelaide; she is standing in a grandstand next to the presenter with smiling women, possibly teachers, and schoolgirls around her.

St. Peter's Collegiate Girls' sports captain
The sports captain from St. Peter's Collegiate Girls' School photographed holding a silver trophy and shield after winning an inter-collegiate sports competition; name not known.

St Peter's Collegiate Girls' School hockey team
Members of the St Peter's Collegiate Girls' School hockey team; Standing L to R: Marjorie Cowan, Loriot Warwick, Joyce Lillecrapp, Trevie Scott, Eulalie Browne, Nina Seager. Sitting L to R: Elsie Wigan, Doreen Burdett, Elizabeth Auld, Louie Hardy, Edna Cowan.

St. Peter's Collegiate Girls' School hockey team
Members of the St. Peter's Collegiate Girls' School hockey team, Adelaide, South Australia, 22 August 1919. Back row L-R: Nina Seager (centre half), Louie Hardy (outer left), Molly Duffield (goal), Trevie Scott (inner left), Elsie Wigan (left full back), Edna Cowan (right outer). Front row L-R: Joyce Lillecrapp (right half-back), Doreen Burdett (Vice-Captain)(inner right), Elizabeth Auld (Captain)(centre-forward), Doreen Browne (Secretary)(right full back), Eulalie Browne (left half back).

South Australian Landmarks
A postcard composite view of South Australian landmarks which include a viaduct on the Hills railway, Outer Harbor, artesian bore at Stonyfell, the Barossa dam, Cape Jaffa lighthouse, School of Mines, Adelaide.