1921, Photograph, PRG 458/1/2/71
Group view of the first Port Lincoln District Councillors. According to a researcher, this photograph was reproduced in the Special Collectors' edition of the 'Port Lincoln Times', January 1, 2000, bearing the following caption: 'The first Port Lincoln town council pictured in August 1921. Pictured are (back) A.E. Hassell (town clerk), J.H. Dennis (Kirton ward), Arthur Leech (Kirton ward), Arthur Garrett (Boston Ward, A.R. Walter (Tod ward), A.G. Laidlaw (Boston ward); (front) D.R. Myers (Flinders ward), J.S. Shepherd (Mayor), E.D. Swaffer (Tod ward) and Walter Hartley (Flinders ward). The council had been preceded by the Port Lincoln District Road board formed in the 1860s under the chairmanship of Henry Holroyd. Photograph from the Eric O'Connor historical collection.'