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The 'Lightning' burning off Corio Bay, Victoria
The wooden ship 'Lightning', 1468 tons, burning off Corio Bay, Victoria [wooden ship, 1468 tons. Built 1854 Donald Mackay, Boston, USA. 244.0 x 44.0 x 23.0 Owners James Baines, registered Liverpool. Destroyed by fire while loading wool at Geelong 31 Oct. 1869. Scuttled in Corio Bay and the remains later blown up. Reputed to be one of the fastest sailing ships. Famous in the Australian passenger trade. An early Captain was 'Bully' Forbes].

The 'Schomberg' at Aberdeen
The wooden ship 'Schomberg', 2284 tons, at Aberdeen [ wooden ship, 2284 tons, 262.0 x 45.0 x 29.2. Built 1855 A Hall and Co. Aberdeen. Owners James Baines and Co., registered Liverpool. In charge of Captain James 'Bully' Forbes she left Liverpool on her maiden voyage in October 1855 flying a signal 'To Melbourne in 60 days' but she was a very heavy ship carrying railway iron etc., and was proving rather slow. She was wrecked on her maiden voyage on the Victorian coast 27 Dec. 1855, at a spot near Curdie's Inlet, now called 'Schomberg Reef'. Her captain was charged with wrecking her, and other offences in Melbourne as a result of the accident. He was cleared but it was the end of his career as a commander of fast sailing clippers. The Christchurch NZ paper Sun, 15 March 1975 published an article stating that the remains of a large portion of this ship had been discovered on the West Coast of New Zealand. It is claimed that the major portion of the upperworks had broken free from the bottom of the ship and had been carried across the Tasman as a partically submerged wreck].

The 'Young Australia' wrecked at Moreton Island, Queensland
The wooden ship 'Young Australia', 1020 tons, wrecked at Moreton Island, Queensland on 31.5.1872 [wooden ship, 767 tons, ON42591. Built 1853, Portsmouth, Virginia. Run under the direction of the Black Ball Line. Owners 1870 John Taylor, registered London. Regular trader to Brisbane from England. Wrecked at the commencement of her homeward passage, 31 May 1872. All the crew and her thirty one passengers were landed safely].

The 'Forrest Hall' in an unidentified harbour
The iron ship 'Forrest Hall', 2052 tons, in an unidentified harbour iron ship, 2052 tons, ON87889, 276.6 x 40.1 x 24.2. Built 1883 (9) WH Potter and Sons, Liverpool. Owners: Herron, Dunn and Co., registered Liverpool, later Globe Shipping Co. Ltd and finally Charles G Dunn, registered Liverpool. Wrecked on the morning of Feb. 27, 1909 on the coast of the North Island of New Zealand, near Cape Maria van Diemen].

The 'Forrest Hall' wrecked near North Cape, New Zealand
The iron ship 'Forrest Hall', 2052 tons, wrecked near North Cape, New Zealand iron ship, 2052 tons, ON87889, 276.6 x 40.1 x 24.2. Built 1883 (9) WH Potter and Sons, Liverpool. Owners: Herron, Dunn and Co., registered Liverpool, later Globe Shipping Co. Ltd and finally Charles G Dunn, registered Liverpool. Wrecked on the morning of Feb. 27, 1909 on the coast of the North Island of New Zealand, near Cape Maria van Diemen].

The 'Hutton Hall' at anchor
The iron ship 'Hutton Hall', 2052 tons, at anchor [iron ship, 2052 tons, ON87954, 277.0 x 40.1 x 24.2. Built 1884 (3) WH Potter and Sons, Liverpool. Owners: Herron, Dunn and Co., registered Liverpool. Then Globe Shipping Co. Ltd., then Charles G Dunn and Co. Liverpool. Finally became the Italian ship 'Po' being broken up c.1923. Has been incorrectly referred to as 'Haddon Hall'].

The 'Crofton Hall' in a hilly harbour
The four masted iron barque 'Crofton Hall', 2123 tons, in a hilly harbour [iron 4 mast ship, 2127 tons. ON87835 301.7 x 39.1 x 23.6. Built 1883 (4) WH Potter and Sons, Liverpool. Owners Herron Dunn and Co. registered Liverpool. Later Golbe Shipping Co. Ltd, registered Liverpool. Reported wrecked Cape Sable 1899. However the wreck took place April 17, 1898].

The 'Afon Alaw' under tow
The four masted steel barque 'Afon Alaw', 2052 tons, under tow. [S 4 m bq, 2052t, ON99346, 284.4 x 41.0 x 23.7, B. 1891 (12) A Stephens & Sons, Glasgow, Owners: Hughes & Co, reg. Liverpool. 1904 W. Thomas Sons & Co. Sunk during WWI under the name of 'Storebror', reg in Norway.]

The 'Montgomeryshire' wrecked at Tonga
The iron barque 'Montgomeryshire', 886 tons, wrecked at Tonga [iron ship, 1452 tons, ON76520. 235.4 x 38.1 x 23.0 Built 1877 (6) T Royden and Sons, Liverpool. Owners: Hughes and Co., registered Liverpool later sold to Norwegian owners without change of name. Wrecked on her voyage from Peru to Sydney 12 February 1907 at Tonga. No lives lost].

The 'True Briton' moored at Gravesend, U.K.
The wooden ship 'True Briton', 1365 tons, moored at Gravesend, U.K. [R. Beckett suggests since the vessel has a Thames Barge alongside it was probably taken at Gravesend, Kent in the River Thames.] [wooden ship, 1401 tons, ON51542, 204.0 x 38.0 x 24.2. Built 1865 (6) Dinning, Quebec. Owners: 1870 Robert Davies, registered Liverpool in the 1880s. R Hunter].

The 'Carnarvonshire' wrecked on a rocky shore
The iron ship 'Carnarvonshire', 1274 tons, wrecked on a rocky shore. [iron ship, 1274 tons, ON76380, 234.1 x 36.8 x 21.8. Built 1876 (10) T. Royden and Sons, Liverpool. Owners Hughes and Co. registered Liverpool. Wrecked Irish coast, near Castletownshend, while on a voyage from San Francisco to UK with wheat, 11 April 1896.]

The 'Afon Cefni' in an unidentified harbour
The four masted steel barque 'Afon Cefni', unknown tonnage, in an unidentified harbour.

The 'Arizona' and 'Ansdell' at Circular Quay, Sydney
The wooden ship 'Arizona' (left), 1302 tons, and the 'Ansdell' (right) at Circular Quay, Sydney.

The 'Dolbadern Castle' in an unidentified harbour
The iron ship 'Dolbadern Castle', 989 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, 989 tons. ON48593, 198.9 x 34.1 x 20.9. Built 1863 (11) TR Oswald, Sunderland, Owners Robert Davies registered Liverpool, later Hughes and Co. Liverpool. Converted into a hulk at Delagoa Bay, Nov. 1896].

The 'Edinburgh' at Hobart
The wooden barque 'Edinburgh', 1336 tons, at Hobart [wooden barque, 1336 tons. ON85741. 203.5 x 38.6 x 23.9. Built 1883. W Charland jnr. Quebec. Owners J Herron, registered Quebec].

The 'Edinburgh' at Hobart
The wooden barque 'Edinburgh', 1336 tons, at Hobart [wooden barque, 1336 tons. ON85741. 203.5 x 38.6 x 23.9. Built 1883. W Charland jnr. Quebec. Owners J Herron, registered Quebec].

The 'Merioneth' at anchor
The iron ship 'Merioneth', 1366 tons, at anchor [possibly the following details apply = iron ship, 1408 tons, ON74486. 231.4 x 38.9 x 23.6. Built 1875 (11) T Royden and Sons, Liverpool. Owners: Hughes and Co. registered Liverpool. c.1900 to Italian owners, who in 1917 fitted auxiliary diesel engine. Breakers c.1922.

The wreck of the 'Bacchus'
The iron ship 'Bacchus', 1250 tons, wrecked at Dublin Bay. Also refer to the print PRG 1373/5/21.

The 'Flintshire' in an unidentified harbour
The iron ship 'Flintshire', 1273 tons, in an unidentified harbour. Also refer to the print PRG 1373/5/26 [iron ship, 1273 tons, ON74557. 224.1 x 36.8 x 21.8. Built 1876 (8) T Royden and Sons. Liverpool. Owners Hughes and Co. registered Liverpool].

The 'Fulwood' under sail
The iron ship 'Fulwood', 2170 tons, under sail [iron ship, 2170 tons, ON91270, 279.0 x 40.2 x 24.4. Built 1885 (1) Oswald, Mordaunt and Co. Southampton. Owners: RW Leyland and Co (later Sailing Chip Fulwood Ltd., managed by Leylands) registered Liverpool. c.1910 to Norwegian owners without change of name. When under Norwegian flag went missing in 1919 on a voyage from Buenos Aires to Korsor].

The 'Toxteth' anchored in Antwerp
The iron ship 'Toxteth', 2585 tons, anchored in Antwerp [iron ship, 2585 tons, ON93721, 305.5 x 41.7 x 24.4. Built 1887 (3) Oswald, Mordaunt and Co., Southampton. Owners: RW Leyland and Co. (sometimes Sailing Ship Toxteth Ltd.) registered Liverpool. Missing off Cape Horn in 1908].

The 'Halewood' anchored near pine forests
The iron ship 'Halewood', 2153 tons, anchored near pine forests [iron ship, 2153 tons, ON91230, 274.3 x 40.1 x 24.9. Built 1885 (5) Oswald Mordaunt and Co. Southampton. Owners: RW Leyland and Co. Registered Liverpool. c.1910 to Norwegian owners without change of name. Renamed 'Songvig' in 1914. Loss on the Skerries 14 Feb. 1920].

The 'Leyland Brothers' at anchor
The iron ship 'Leyland Brothers', 2291 tons, at anchor. Also refer to the print PRG 1373/5/50 [iron ship, 2291 tons, ON93707, 284.0 x 40.0 x 24.2. Built 1886 (10) Oswald Mordaunt and Co., Southampton: Owners: Sailing Ship Leyland Brothers Ltd. (RW Leyland and Co.) registered Liverpool. 1912 sold Portugese and renamed 'Empreza Nacionale' and made a hulk c.1920. Converted to Motor ship during WW2 and renamed 'Navala'. Scrapped in 1967].

The 'Cressington' at anchor
The iron ship 'Cressington', 2208 tons, at anchor [the photograph is of the vessel under the name Songvand] [iron ship, 2208 tons, ON87909, 289.5 x 40.4 x 24.5. Built 1883 (10) Oswald Mordaunt and Co. Southampton. Owners Sailing Ship Cressington Ltd (RW Leyland), registered Liverpool c.1910 to Italian owners without change of name c.1914 to Norwegians and renamed Songvand. 1902 sold to Italy, 1913 sold to SO Stray Norway and renamed Songvand. Sunk 4 June 1917 off Scilly Isles by German submarine on a voyage Cardiff to Santon]. The ship has painted neutrality marks on the side, indicating that it was taken during World War I.

The 'Speke' after being wrecked
The steel ship 'Speke', 2875 tons, after being wrecked [steel ship 2875 tons, ON97847, 310.3 x 42.2 x 25.6. Built 1891 (3) TR Oswald and Co. Ltd., Milford Haven, Owners: Sailing Ship Speke Ltd. (RW Leyland and Co.) registered Liverpool. Wrecked Phillip Island, 23 Feb. 1906].

The 'Allerton' at anchor
The iron ship 'Allerton', 2088 tons, at anchor. [iron ship, 2088t. ON91175. 272.1 x 40.1 x 24.6. Built 1884 (12) Oswald Mordaunt and Co. Southampton. Owners. Sailing Ship Allerton Ltd. (RW Leyland and Co.) reg. Liverpool c.1910/1 sold to Chilean Government without change of name. Converted into a hulk at Valparaiso in 1910.]

The 'Gitana' in an unidentified harbour
The iron ship 'Gitana', 1367 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, later barque 1367 tons, later 1401 tons. ON29626. 220.5 x 36.0 x 24.9. Built 1861 (2) Nathaniel Cox, Chester. Owners: Robert Carlyle, registered London, then Edward Bates, registered Liverpool. c.1880 RW Leyland and Co. registered Liverpool. Foundered off Cape Horn, 23 April 1896, when taking a cargo of nitrate from Iquique to Hamburg].

The 'Speke' wrecked at Phillip Island, Victoria
The steel ship 'Speke', 2875 tons, wrecked at Phillip Island, Victoria on 23.3.1906 [steel ship 2875 tons, ON97847, 310.3 x 42.2 x 25.6. Built 1891 (3) TR Oswald and Co. Ltd., Milford Haven, Owners: Sailing Ship Speke Ltd. (RW Leyland and Co.) registered Liverpool. Wrecked Phillip Island, 23 Feb. 1906].

The 'Leyland Brothers' in the Puget Sound
The iron ship 'Leyland Brothers', 2291 tons, in the Puget Sound. Also refer to the print PRG 1373/5/37 [iron ship, 2291 tons, ON93707, 284.0 x 40.0 x 24.2. Built 1886 (10) Oswald Mordaunt and Co., Southampton: Owners: Sailing Ship Leyland Brothers Ltd. (RW Leyland and Co.) registered Liverpool. 1912 sold Portugese and renamed 'Empreza Nacionale' and made a hulk c.1920. Converted to Motor ship during WW2 and renamed 'Navala'. Scrapped in 1967].

The 'Ranee' wrecked at New Zealand
The iron barque 'Ranee', 1292 tons, wrecked at New Zealand [formerly Cowasjee Jehangeer] [note from Ron Parsons 'caption says wrecked in New Zealand but there is no reference to such an incident in standard reference works] [iron ship, later barque, 1292 tons, later 1258 tons, ON50282, 217.5 x 34.5 x 22.4. Built 1864 (6) Hart and Sinnnott, Liverpool as 'Cowasjee Jehangeer'. Owners: Benjamin C Nicholson, registered Liverpool 1870, later Nicholson and McGill].