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Post Office, Murray Bridge
Post Office, Murray Bridge showing a freestone single storey building with a house attached.

Railway Station, Murray Bridge
Railway Station, Murray Bridge approximately 1890-1899. A steam engine stands at the station. Workman on bicycles running along the lines can be seen. A large pump stands besides the track. Tents can be seen in the dusty distance. The station itself is a solid stone building with an adjoining timber clad building.

Murray Bridge
Panoramic view of Murray Bridge in 1938. The town with its tree filled garden stands in contrast to the flat dry plains in the background. The dirt road which can be seen in the foreground leads to the Lutheran Church.

The 'Round House' at Murray Bridge
Cottage known as the 'Round House' at Murray Bridge used as a residence for Resident Engineer ( S.A.R.) and later by a District Foreman. Enlarged about 1916 and used as a residence first for the Resident Engineer and later for the Divisional Superintendent.

Bridgeport Hotel
Bridgeport Hotel, Murray Bridge existed from 1884 and the first propietor was Peter Hooper. The proprietor at the time of this photograph was Horace L Gardner (1927-1935)

Murray Bridge
Panoramic view of Murray Bridge.

"Etona", Mission Launch
"Etona", the Church of England Mission steam launch at Murray Bridge. It was replaced in 1899 by a new paddle steamer built at Milang also called the "Etona". The launch then named "Patroller" was purchased by the Church of England in January 1891. It was then renamed "Etona"in June 1891. The launch was sold by the Church of England as the "Alma" in 1899

Railway Bridge, Murray Bridge
The newly erected railway bridge at Murray Bridge.

Murray Bridge
River steamer at Murray Bridge.

Primary School, Murray Bridge
Murray Bridge Primary School.

Christ Church, Murray Bridge
First Christ Church, Swanport Road.

Church, Murray Bridge
Interior of St. John the Baptist Church of England.

Murray Bridge Railway Station
Murray Bridge Railway Station.

Rail accident at Murray Bridge
The scene after an accident at Murray Bridge railway station showing wreckage and damaged carriages from a runaway rail truck from Monarto which had pushed an empty carriage up on to the platform in front of the building, 12 May 1920. [A story appeared in the 'Chronicle' on 15 May 1920, and the photograph was published in the 'Adelaide Observer' newspaper 22 May 1920.]

The 'Captain Sturt' river Steamer, Murray Bridge
The 'Captain Sturt', river steamer at Murray Bridge.

Murray Bridge Quarry
Murray Bridge. Quarry.

Murray Bridge Police Station
Murray Bridge Police Station. Built c. 1890.

Soldier's Memorial Hospital
Soldier's Memorial Hospital at Murray Bridge.

Hospital Staff, Murray Bridge
Soldier's Memorial Hospital staff.

Murray Bridge Infant School
Murray Bridge Infant School.

Murray Bridge Infant School
Murray Bridge Infant School.

Murray Bridge Pre-School
Murray Bridge Pre-School.

Murray Bridge Technical School
Murray Bridge Technical School.

Murray Bridge Fire Brigade Vehicle
Murray Bridge Fire Brigade Vehicle.

Murray Bridge Post Office
Murray Bridge Post Office.

Bridges at Murray Bridge
Showing both bridges over the Murray River.

Aerial view of Murray Bridge
Aerial view of Murray Bridge.

Murray Bridge Rifle Club Team
Murray Bridge Rifle Club Rifle Team : Back: Billy Allan, Joe Pike, Hugh Patterson, R. Neumann; Front: Bert Potter, Charlie Poore, C. Parish, J. Sanders.

Murray Bridge Rifle Club
Murray Bridge Rifle Club Members on excursion.

Train derailment, Murray Bridge
Near Murray Bridge, Melbourne Express delayed by washaways.