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![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Emma Illman](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Emma Illman
Probably Emma Illman, 1841-1920; nee Leak, married John Illman. Arrived in South Australia in August 1853 on board the ship the "Magdalena". Resided in Yankalilla, Delamere, Adelaide.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Johnson](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Johnson

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Irish](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Irish
Mary Irish, c. 1837-1891; nee Batt, married John Irish. Arrived in South Australia in August 1840 on board the ship the "William Mitchell". Resided in Bowden, Goodwood.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jackson](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jackson

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Anne Jackson](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Anne Jackson
Mary Anne Jackson, 1803-1879; nee Girling, married Samuel Somerville Jackson. Arrived in South Australia in February 1841 on board the ship the "Cygnet". Resided in Macclesfield, Woodside.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jones](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jones

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jackson](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jackson

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jarvis](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jarvis

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sarah Jury](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Sarah Jury
Probably Sarah Jury, c. 1803-1879; nee Munn, married James Jury. Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Moffatt". Resided in Magill.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jane Ingham](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jane Ingham
Jane Ingham, c. 1818-1894; nee Basham, married John Thomas Ingham. Arrived in South Australia in June 1838 on board the ship the "Eden". Resided in Campbelltown, Thebarton.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Amelia Ingram](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Amelia Ingram
Amelia Ingram, 1840-1922; nee Pomery, married William Ingram. Born in Brownhill Creek, South Australia to Amelia Pomery, nee Pomery, and Richard Pomery. Resided in Willunga, Sturt.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Emma I'Anson](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Emma I'Anson
Emma I'Anson, 1842-1913; nee Nourse, married Leonard I'Anson, Jnr. Born in Gawler, South Australia to Mary Ann Nourse, nee Bickford, and Richard Nourse. Resided in Steelton, Peterborough, Waterloo, Gumbowie, Lancelot, Semaphore.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jacobs](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jacobs

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jamison](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jamison

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jones](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Jones

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Ann Jellett](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Ann Jellett
Probably Ann Jellett, c. 1807-1884; nee Gorman, married [unknown] Russell, then James Jellett, Snr. Arrived in South Australia in March 1839 on board the ship the "Buckinghamshire". Resided in Goodwood Park, Adelaide, Hyde Park.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : James](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : James

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Tucker](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Tucker

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Harrison](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Harrison

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Ann Haynes](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Ann Haynes
Ann Haynes, 1826-1902; nee Abbott, married Thomas Haynes. Arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Resided in Middleton.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hughes](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hughes

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Eliza Mary Hoad](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Eliza Mary Hoad
Eliza Mary Hoad, 1836-1911; nee Lockyer, married Alfred Hoad, then Charles Jolly. Arrived in South Australia in December 1839 on board the ship the "Duchess of Northumberland". Resided in Chain of Ponds.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Martha Hart](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Martha Hart
Martha Hart, c. 1827-1912; nee Fry, married Richard James Hart. Arrived in South Australia in September 1838 on board the ship the "Winchester". Resided in Nailsworth, Prospect.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hart](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hart

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hudson](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hudson

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Maria Eleanor Dundas Beatson Hersey](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Maria Eleanor Dundas Beatson Hersey
Maria Eleanor Dundas Beatson Hersey, 1840?-1922; nee Mottley, married William Lysander Hersey. Probably arrived in South Australia in December 1862 on board the ship the "Aurora Australis". Resided on Carriewerloo, Warrakimbo stations; Walkerville.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Ann Hoskins](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Ann Hoskins
Ann Hoskins, c. 1815-1886; nee Foot, married Andrew Hoskins, then William Roberts. Arrived in South Australia in February 1840 on board the ship the "Rajasthan". Resided in Nailsworth, Prospect.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hart](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Hart

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Harward](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Harward
Elizabeth Harwood, c. 1806-1888; nee Holtum (also recorded as Holton and Hilton), married Peter Harwood. Arrived in South Australia in November 1839 on board the ship the "Singapore". Resided in Reedbeds, Fulham.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Halliday](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Halliday
Mary Ann Halliday, 1842-1908; nee Fielder, married John Roger, then Albert James Halliday. Born in Reedbeds, South Australia to Margaretta Fielder, nee Debney, and John Edward Fielder. Resided in Angle Vale, Kent Town, Adelaide.