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At Women’s and Children’s Hospital Adelaide for a Covid 19 test, Mother's Day eve 2020
Our local GP would not see my child unless she was Covid 19 tested and shown to be negative. We couldn't celebrate Mother's Day until the result came in but we roasted a chicken anyway and once it came back negative her grandparents were able to come for dinner! A nervous day where the Covid threat became real for our family.

Diary of trip on the 'Passat'
Diary kept by Betty Northmore of her first trip on the 'Passat'.

Diary of trip on the Killoran
Diay kept by Betty Northmore of her trip on the 'Kalloran'.

Diary of second trip on the 'Passat'
Diary kept by Betty Northmore of her second trip on the 'Passat'.

Woman wearing a sign at the Black Lives Matter - Keep up the fight rally, Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square).
Woman wearing a sign around her neck with the message, 'Racism is a virus we are the vaccine', at the Black Lives Matter - Keep up the fight rally, Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square). Organised by Sosblakaustralia SA and Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, the Black Lives Matter - Keep up the fight march was a subsequent protest to the 'Justice for George Floyd' rally held in June. The purpose of the rally, which started at the northern end of Tarndanyannga and attracted about 1000 people, "was to to fight police violence, racism, and the murder of black people in this country, in solidarity with the Aboriginal liberation struggle, with the struggle in America, and with the global struggle against systematic racism".

Woman speaking at the Black Lives Matter - Keep up the fight rally, Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square).
Woman speaking at the Black Lives Matter - Keep up the fight rally, Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square). She has young men next to her holding signs about David Dungay. Organised by Sosblakaustralia SA and Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, the Black Lives Matter - Keep up the fight march was a subsequent protest to the 'Justice for George Floyd' rally held in June. The purpose of the rally, which started at the northern end of Tarndanyannga and attracted about 1000 people, "was to to fight police violence, racism, and the murder of black people in this country, in solidarity with the Aboriginal liberation struggle, with the struggle in America, and with the global struggle against systematic racism".

Black Lives Matter bucket at the Adelaide Justice for George Floyd march, Tarndanyangga.
A woman wearing a 'Black Lives Matter' bucket on her head at the Adelaide Justice for George Floyd march in Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square). The protest, also referred to as 'Black Lives Matter' protest, was held on 6 June 2020. It started at Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square), in response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and was organised by Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, and Sosblakaustralia SA Action Group. In addition, it was a rally to protest police violence, racism, and the murder of black people in Australia, and was in solidarity with the Aboriginal liberation struggle. Attendees were instructed by the organisers to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19.

Woman at the Adelaide Justice for George Floyd march, Tarndanyangga.
Woman at the Adelaide Justice for George Floyd march in Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square). A sign with the message 'What I stand on is what I stand for' is being held in the crowd behind her. The protest, also referred to as 'Black Lives Matter', was held on 6 June 2020 and attended by more than 5000 people. It started at Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square), in response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and was organised by Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, and Sosblakaustralia SA Action Group. In addition, it was a rally to protest police violence, racism, and the murder of black people in Australia, and was in solidarity with the Aboriginal liberation struggle. Attendees were instructed by the organisers to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19.

Speaker and crowd at the Adelaide Justice for George Floyd march, Tarndanyangga.
Speaker and crowd behind her with fists in the air at the Adelaide Justice for George Floyd march in Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square). Signs being held include 'Burn the system to the ground!', 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere', and 'We are not our ancestors, we will fuck you up!'. The protest, also referred to as 'Black Lives Matter', was held on 6 June 2020 and attended by more than 5000 people. It started at Tarndanyangga (Victoria Square), in response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and was organised by Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, and Sosblakaustralia SA Action Group. In addition, it was a rally to protest police violence, racism, and the murder of black people in Australia, and was in solidarity with the Aboriginal liberation struggle. Attendees were instructed by the organisers to wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19.

Carolyn Power MP, addressing the 3rd annual 'Pay our Respects to Australian murdered women' vigil on the steps of the South Australian Parliament, North Terrace, Adelaide.
Carolyn Power MP, Assistant Minister for Domestic and Family Violence Prevention addressing the 3rd annual 'Pay our Respects to Australian murdered women' vigil on the steps of the South Australian Parliament, North Terrace, Adelaide. Brad Chilcott is standing behind her on the left.

Ella Shepherdson with her Sunday School class
"My wife with Sunday School class and interpreter". Mrs Shepherdson and Bataŋga, the interpreter with a Sunday School class in the early 1930s. The third child from the right (front) is Bandaka.

Woolen River, Northern Territory
"The tide running out over a rock bar on the Woolen River. During the war, my wife stayed in this area for a time with her Aboriginal friends".

Harold and Ella Shepherdson with children at the opening of the new Shepherdson College, Elcho Island
Children with Bäpa Sheppy and Ella Sheppy. Front centre in white dress is Garmu. From her towards the right is Wuyyatiwuy, Läpa (Kevin Rrurrambu's son), Buŋgadhuwa.

Reverend Alf Ellison with his wife, Ella Shepherdson, Maluda and Rupert Kentish
"Rev and Mrs Elleson, Ella Maluda and her husband Rupert Kentish". Possibly the Rev. Alf Ellison.

Woolen River, Northern Territory
"The tide running out over a rock bar on the Woolen River. During the war, my wife stayed in this area for a time with her Aboriginal friends".

Ella Shepherdson with emus and a wallaby
"My wife and her pets in Darwin 1927", two emus and a wallaby.

RAAF plane at Parafield
"RAAF plane at Parafield c1936 - took three men to start her by hand".

Ella Shepherdson at her house in Milingimbi
"My wife standing beside the steps of our house".

Ella Shepherdson with her car
"My wife standing alongside the car we drove from Brisbane to Adelaide on of our holidays".

Woman wearing a respirator mask at Parliament House for Emergency Protest Fund Firies
Woman wearing a respirator mask with her dog at Parliament House for Emergency Protest Fund Firies. She is wearing a sign with the message 'Country not prepared for: Bushfire threats, water shortages, food shortages, when will we be?'. Organised by University Students for Climate Justice, Emergency Protest Fund Firies was held to demand both the funding of firefighters and climate action in response to the bushfires, which swept across NSW, VIC, QLD, and SA at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020.

Australian Network for Art and Technology artist file of Elizabeth Day
Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) artist file of Elizabeth Day comprising 1 3.5 inch floppy disk containing a Word document 'Report for ANAT Funding to attend The Discovery Residency at the Banff Centre for the Arts, Oct-Dec. 2006' (BRG 391/78/1), 9 slides of installations and artworks (BRG 391/78/2), 2 articles and a CV (BRG 391/78/3), and an exhibition catalogue for 'View from the Sixty Third Floor' (BRG 391/78/4).

Australian Network for Art and Technology artist file of Sally Pryor
Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) artist file of Sally Pryor comprising a CV and notes (BRG 391/278/1), postcards (BRG 391/278/2), and 2 slides titled 'Cranston/Csuri Productions, Inc.' and 'One Nuclear Bomb Could Ruin Your Whole Day' (BRG 391/278/3).

Man at the protest for Julian Assange
Man holding a sign with the message, 'Journalism is not a CRIME! FREE Julian Assange', in Rundle Mall. The protest was held on the day British judge Vanessa Baraitser handed down her decision to not let Jullian Assange be extradited to the USA.

Women protesting to free Julian Assange
Women with signs, including 'Don't shoot the messenger', in Rundle Mall. The protest was held on the day British judge Vanessa Baraitser handed down her decision to not let Jullian Assange be extradited to the USA.

Man at the protest for Julian Assange
Man protesting against the possible extradition of Julian Assange in Rundle Mall. The protest was held on the day British judge Vanessa Baraitser handed down her decision to not let Jullian Assange be extradited to the USA.

Woman protesting the potential extradition of Julian Assange
Woman protesting against the possible extradition of Julian Assange in Rundle Mall. The protest was held on the day British judge Vanessa Baraitser handed down her decision to not let Jullian Assange be extradited to the USA.

Woman speaking at the Walk to free Assange protest, corner of King William Street and North Terrace.
Woman speaking at the Walk to free Assange protest, corner of King William Street and North Terrace. She has a 'Free Julian Assange' sign on her clothes, and is accompanied by a man with a speaker and a 'COVID Marshall' badge.

Louise Firrell speaking at the Change the Government protest, Tarndanyangga / Victoria Square.
Louise Firrell, Assistant secretery Independent Education Union, speaking at the Change the Government protest, Tarndanyangga / Victoria Square, which was organised by SA Unions. Max Adlam (Secretary of United Firefighters Union) is waving a flag behind her.

Photographs of Professor T.G.B. (Bentley) Osborn and Edith May Osborn
Members of the Osborn family at various locations in South Australia.

Letter from Helen Girdlestone to Nigel Wastell
Letter from 'F.M.' to 'My dearest Nigel', dated 25 September 1918. Letter is on Melbourne Church of England Grammar School letterhead. 'F.M.' is identified in other letters as Helen Girdlestone, and her husband the Rev. Henry Girdlestone was acting Headmaster of the school at this time. The letter includes discussion of sending tobacco and cigarettes, news of home in Melbourne and Adelaide, and reflections on the war and the role of the soldiers.