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Grenfell Street near Gawler Place
Grenfell Street, south side looking east. Along the section between Commercial Place and Gawler Place the businesses seen include: SA Woollen Company Limited, tweed manufacturers, A Tileman and Company, South British Insurance Company and Staerker and Fisher Importers and Manufactueres Warehouse. Pedestrians are walking in the shade on the northern side of Grenfell Street and a horse hitching post is visible in the foreground.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, West Side. Shows the Astor Hotel. The building in te background is at 45 Grenfell Street.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, West Side. Shows the Astor Hotel with a rusting EH Holden parked outside.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, West Side.

Astor Hotel, Gawler Place
Corner of the Astor Hotel on Gawler Place, West Side.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, West Side, 3rd May 1977, frontage of Tandy Electronics is 5.5 metres.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, West Side, 3rd May 1977.

Gawler Place
Private Access Road abuts Gawler Place. Shows the side of the Astor Hotel.

Astor Hotel, Gawler Place
Astor Hotel. Gawler Place, west side, 23rd April 1982, frontage is 8 yards.

Astor Hotel, Gawler Place
Astor Hotel. Gawler Place, west side, 23rd April 1982, frontage is 8 yards.

Gawler Place
Private Access Road abuts Gawler Place.

Gawler Place, Adelaide
Gawler Place, Adelaide, looking south from Grenfell Street, on 28 September 1922. The near side of Bowen's is 23 yards south of Grenfell Street. The near side of the Enterprise Shoe Co. premises is 70 yards south of Grenfell Street. On the extreme right is Pirie Street. For a view of this street in 1953, see B 12692.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side, 14 September 1953. Left side of No. 88 is 23 yards south of Grenfell Street. Frontage of No. 88 (Hinton Jewellers premises only) is 13.5 yards. For a view of this building in 1922 see B 1073

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side.The corner of the building on the left side of the photograph is 23 yards south of Grenfell Street.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side showing the butcher shop of JA Warncken. Carcasses of meat hang outside the shop. JA Warncken is possibly the same person as Johann Anton Warncken who later became the proprietor of the Gold Diggers Hotel at Norwood

Gawler Place, Adelaide
[General description] Varcoe & Co. Ltd. is having a sale as it is removing to 80 Unley Road. Astor Television is advertised in the store window. [On back of photograph] 'Gawler Place, east side / 7th May 1965 / Right side of centre building is 84 yards north of Pirie Street / Frontage is 8 yards'

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side, 4th June 1965, left side of centre building is 37 yards south of Grenfell Street. Featured are three shops including Hintons Jewellers, Civic Cafe serving fish and chips and Arnold's Shoe Repairs

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side, 16 July 1965, left side of shop is 43 yards south of Grenfell Street and frontage is 5.5 yards. Arnolds Shoe Repairs sits in the middle of the photograph with a fish and chip cafe next door. Mr LM Arnold was the proprietor of the Supreme Shoe Repairs business at number 13 Adelaide Arcade. The premises in this photograph advise customers that the business had moved to Coromandel Place.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side, 28 November 1969, right side of building is 70 1/3 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage is 9 2/3 yards.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side, 9 July 1971, right side of Hobby shop is 70 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage is 6 yards.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side, 28th November 1979, left side of building is 55 1/3 yards south of Grenfell Street and frontage is 7 2/3 yards.

Gawler Place, Adelaide
Gawler Place, Adelaide, looking south from Grenfell Street, on 28 September 1922. The near side of Bowen's is 23 yards south of Grenfell Street. The near side of the Enterprise Shoe Co. premises is 70 yards south of Grenfell Street. On the extreme right is Pirie Street. For a view of this street in 1953, see B 12692.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, east side, March 15th 1954, right side of centre dark building is 18.5 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage is 11.5 yards.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side, 13 February 1970, right side of building is 60 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage is 10 yards.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side, 28 May 1971, right side of building is 60 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage is 8 2/3 yards.

Gawler Place
Gawler Place, East Side, 7 February 1973.