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Queen's visit

Queen's visit

Photograph of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh with the Mayor and Lady Mayoress outside Elizabeth Park on 26th February 1954, Mount Gambier.

Royal visit

Royal visit

Photograph of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh photographed at the Returned Soldiers' Memorial at Vansittart Park, Mount Gambier, on 26 February 1954.

The Queen's visit to Adelaide

The Queen's visit to Adelaide

Queen Elizabeth II standing on a platform with other dignitaries, addressing the crowd outside the Adelaide Town Hall during her official visit in 1954.

Photographs of W.A. Robjohns

The series comprises 15 albums housing 1,973 photographs, most of which were taken by photographer W.A. Robjohns ca.1920-1966. Album covers were numbered and labelled by Robjohns. The sequence is incomplete, however, as only volumes 1-9, 12-14, 15, 20 and 23 have been donated. Robjohns' brief descriptions of content on the covers and spines are incomplete. For further descriptions of place names and subjects contained in each album, SEE details below. The albums contain small black and white prints, mostly undated, with captions by W.R. Robjohns. Also sepia and postcard prints, and a few hand-tinted prints. A small number of images were taken by other photographers, several of whom have been identified by Robjohns. Images depict Adelaide suburbs, city scenes and country towns, with an emphasis on rural landscapes, parks and reserves, rivers, reservoirs, streets, houses, churches, businesses and shop fronts, and public celebrations and processions. Also included are images of the Robjohns family on picnics and holiday outings, and their homes, cars and pets. A number of photos were duplicated or enlarged by Robjohns and appear in more than one album.

Colin James Ellis, World War II photograph album, Darwin.

Colin James Ellis, World War II photograph album, Darwin.

Comprising a World War II photograph album of 49 pages created by Private Colin James Ellis 'S21513', during his service in Darwin, in the 27th Infantry Battalion (South Australian Scottish Regiment) 20/11/1941-18/8/1943. The album consists of 49 composite pages, each page with an average of 4 individual photographs, which document Ellis' war service in Darwin and surrounding regions whilst serving in the 7MD Field Postal Unit. Included are images of everyday life in service, servicemen and military scenes in Darwin and Larrakeeyah (Northern Territory), Japanese Air Raid scenes during and after the attacks, damage caused by air raids including sunken ships and burned out buildings, Adelaide River headquarters, general landscape and leisure scenes, scenes of men and women off-duty. There is a section of pages at the end which illustrate Army troupes marching though Wagga Wagga (New South Wales) Labour Day 7/10/1943. Much of the photograph album is captioned. See CONTENTS and NOTE for more information and details.

Theatre designs created by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski

Theatre designs created by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski

The series consists of artworks, photographic material, correspondence, press clippings and a model of a set design relating to theatre productions where JS Ostoja-Kotkowski designed the sets and/or the costumes. They include plays, operas and ballets. The series is organised by production and see also references have been included where material is in more than one sequence. Chronology:. c1949-1953 Melbourne theatre (PRG919/26/3440-3462). 1956 The Prisoner (PRG 919/26/2252-2261); Swan Lake (PRG 919/26/3102). 1957 King Lear (PRG 919/26/1479-1480) Six characters in search of an author (PRG 919/26/3123-4); Three's Company (PRG 919/26/3466). 1958 Elixir d'Amor (PRG 919/26/888-9); Il Matrimono (PRG 919/26/1336); Waiting for Godot PRG 919/26/3784-3790); Pas Noir et Sentimentales (PRG 919/26/4103-4). 1959 Cavalliera Rusticana (PRG 919/26/289-302); The Two Widows (PRG 919/26/3488-3495). 1960 The Turn of the Screw (PRG 919/26/3470-3487); Faust (PRG 919/26/890-904); Orpheus (PRG 919/26/2057-2060, 2609-2731); Marriage of Figaro (PRG 919/26/905, 1560-1561, 2414-2417); Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (PRG 919/26/1562-1563A); School for Scandal (PRG 919/26/3098-3100); Teahouse of the August Moon (PRG 919/26/3155-3180). 1961 Don Carlos (PRG 919/26/392-410); Don Pasquale (PRG 919/26/411); Ham Funeral (PRG 919/26/918-928); The Entertainer (PRG 919/26/414-417); Lysistrata (PRG 919/26/1478); Music Recital (PRG 919/26/1564-1565); Opera Workshop (PRG 919/26/2418); Swamp Creatures (PRG 919/26/3103-3121. 1962 The Caretaker (PRG 919/26/141-158; The Cousin from Fiji (PRG 919/26/366-382, 3987; Gentleman's Island (PRG 919/26/917, 1364-6, 1383-5); Dinner Engagement (PRG 919/26/391); The Telephone (PRG 919/26/391, 3463-5, 4049); The Scarf (PRG 919/26/391, 3101, 3463-5, 4048); Prima Donna (PRG 919/26/1364-7, 2262); La Voix Humaine (PRG 919/26/1364-6, 1386-7); Iphigenia (PRG 919/26/1422-1458); JB (PRG 919/26/1459-1475, 4097-4101); Madam Butterfly (PRG 919/26/1481-2, 1557-9, 2400-2413, 3988). 1963 Il Seraglio (PRG 919/26/1337-1360); Oedipus Rex (PRG 919/26/1577). 1964 The Bartered Bride (PRG 919/26/50-90); Macbeth (PRG 919/26/1483-1555, 4116, 4187); The Tales of Hoffman (PRG 919/26/3125-53). 1965 The Balcony (PRG 919/26/1-49); The Flying Dutchman (PRG 919/26/909-916, 2348-56A); Riders of the Sea (PRG 919/26/2346-57); The Heavyweight (PRG 919/26/929-931, 1397, 2357); I Pagliacci (PRG 919/26/930-1, 1397-1421, 2061, 2357); The Representative (PRG 919/26/2327-44); The Royal Hunt of the Sun (PRG 919/26/2358). 1966 Intervarsity jazz convention (PRG 919/26/1363); Nabucco (PRG 919/26/1566-76, 2419-61, 4055-4096). 1968 Burke's Co (PRG 919/26/94-140); Cosi Fan Tutte (PRG 919/26/305-365); Death of a Salesman (PRG 919/26/383-90); The Recruiting Officer (PRG 919/26/2326); Intimate Opera Group - Chantedoiz, Missus (PRG 919/26/4188-4190). 1969 Orpheo/Orpheus and Euridice (PRG 919/26/1578-81, ON DISPLAY IN MORTLOCK WING 2462-2607); The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St Luke (PRG 919/26/1582-2056, 2732-3097); Rake's Progress (PRG 919/26/2263-2325). 1970 The Spanish Ravel (PRG 919/26/3122). 1971 The Unknown Soldier and his Wife (PRG 919/26/3496-3783). 1974 The Excursions of Mr Broucek (PRG 919/26/418-887); Idomineo (PRG 919/26/932-1335). 1975 Polish Theatre Zemsta (PRG 919/26/3872-3961). 1978 Polish Theatre Dwa Teatry (PRG 919/26/2232-4); Teatr Stary (PRG 919/26/3181-3248). 1980 Polish Theatre Teatr sw Franciszka (PRG 919/26/2235-40; 3249-75). 1982 Playboy of the Western World (PRG 919/26/2062-2127). 1985 Carouselle Theatre Co (PRG 919/26/159-288); Polish Theatre Przeprowadzka (PRG 919/26/2128-2226). 1988 Polish Theatre Ich Czworo (PRG 919/26/2241-51, 3376-3428). 1989 Polish Theatre Smierc na Gruszy (PRG 919/26/2227-2231, 3429-3439); Roztworowski (PRG 919/26/2359-2399). 1991 Polish Theatre Wesele PRG 919/26/3791-3871). nd The Trojan Women (PRG 919/26/3469); The Beast in View (PRG 919/26/91-93); Christmas Concert (PRG 919/26/303); The Interrupted Rehearsal (PRG 919/26/1361-1362); La Traviata (PRG 919/26/1477); The Magic Flute (PRG 919/26/1556); Tosca (PRG 919/26/3468); Richard II (PRG 919/26/2345); Toda-san (PRG 919/26/3467); Tango (PRG 919/26/3154.

Murals arranged by project

Murals arranged by project

The series consists of photographs, negatives, transparencies, correspondence, drawings, paintings, pamphlets and a wooden model which relate to murals created by J S Ostoja-Kotkowski. These include projects for hotels, the Adelaide Airport, B.P. House in Adelaide, B.P. House in Melbourne, Ciba-Geigy building in Preston Victoria, Earth Sciences building University of Melbourne, Montreal Expo 67, Nauru House Melbourne, National Mutual building Adelaide, Polish Church, Polish House, Solaris, South Australian Institute of Technology, State Educational Centre, Unley shopping centre and the Weir restaurant in Adelaide. Chronology:. 1955 Milford House North Adelaide. 1957 Pier Hotel Glenelg; Tasman Hotel Port Lincoln. 1960 Taboo Peel St Adelaide. 1961 Weir restaurant Adelaide. 1962 Office mural; National Mutual building Adelaide; vitreous enamel mural Kym Bonython gallery(?). 1964 Vitreous enamel mural Melbourne. 1965 BP House Adelaide; BP House Melbourne; Dollar Club Adelaide. 1966 Unley shopping centre. 1967 Montreal expo. 1968 Chanteclaire; school seminary refectory North Adelaide. c1960s M Hobbs vitreous enamel mural; Hotel Elizabeth Melbourne; Hotel Eyrie Whyalla; mosaic mural Adelaide; restaurant mural. 1970 Adelaide airport s'pacescape'; MLC building Melbourne; ANZ Bank Adelaide. 1971 Ciba Geigy building Preston Victoria. 1973 Polish House Adelaide. 1975 Earth Sciences building University of Melbourne. 1976 Nauru House Melbourne; Kooroora Hotel. 1977 South Australian Institute of Technology; State Educational Centre Adelaide. 1978 Op mural Stirling hardware; op mural chemist shop. 1980 Perspex mural Kay. 1981 Telecom Australia. 1986 Sheik's restaurant Adelaide; Solaris Sydney. 1987 Polish church mosaic Adelaide. 1988 Brisbane expo Solaris Mk2. No date: Eta food factory Adelaide; Perth tapestry project; Shamern's(?); Twelve Apostles and various unidentified murals.