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Panel van body construction

Panel van body construction

View of door opening.

Panel van body construction

Panel van body construction

Front view of body shell showing firewall and outer cowl.

Panel van body construction

Panel van body construction

View of cowl and firewall inside body shell.

Panel van body construction

Panel van body construction

Showing outer wheel house [wheel arch].

Panel van body construction

Panel van body construction

Rear doors.

Panel van body construction

Panel van body construction

Showing inner wheel house [wheel arch].

P.O.B. welding 1940

P.O.B. welding 1940

Panel van

Panel van

Sedan front end

Sedan front end

Inside view.

Sedan rear seat

Sedan rear seat

Inside view.

Sedan trunk opening

Sedan trunk opening

Sedan boot.

Inside sedan trunk

Inside sedan trunk

Inside sedan boot.

Sedan trunk and rear light

Sedan trunk and rear light

Sedan boot.

Sedan cowl outer

Sedan cowl outer

Sedan body shell

Sedan body shell

Side view.

Sedan body shell

Sedan body shell

Inside view.

Welding on utility

Welding on utility

Welding points on Bedford or Vauxhall ute.

Celebration for GMH City Road Melbourne employees

Celebration for GMH City Road Melbourne employees

Celebration 'to mark the close of a successful year and .... the men of the Assembly and Commercial Body Building Plants, Melbourne, a .... concert was organised ... 800 men were guests of the management at South Melbourne Town Hall. The entire entertainment programme was supplied by men of the Plants - songs - music - boxing matches - step[?] dancing - and weight lifting displays. Everybody had an excellent time and the function stimulated excellent good will amongst the staff'. With L. J. Hartnett in centre.

Holden staff in Melbourne central office

Holden staff in Melbourne central office

Office staff in the Melbourne offices of General Motors-Holden's Limited.

NASCO staff of GMH City Road Plant

NASCO staff of GMH City Road Plant

National Automotive Service Company (NASCO) staff at the GMH City Road Plant in Melbourne, Victoria. From left to right, back row: A. Burke, A. Williams, N. Wheats, ?, ?, ?, R. Porteous, J. Williams, ?, ?, F. Nelson, ?, G. Cowley, ?, ?. First row down from rear: ?, F. O'Feefe, W. Peart, ?, ?, M. Wesley, ?, E. Clark, J. Lehane, ?, L. Spong, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. Second row down from rear: W. Simon, T. Wyatt, M. Davies, ?, ?, M. Reeder, ?, ?, J. Pope, P. Laurie, G. Halford (later G. Cowley), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. Third row down from rear: ?, ?, ?, M. Bullen, L. Belman, G. Bacon, J. Bell, M. Bacon, ?, G. Beatty, H. Crisp, A. Davies, ?. Front row: K. Brookman, L. Maine, M. Watts, H. Brinkman, E. Currie, G. J. Hill, E. O'Callaghan, W. Dodd, P. Keating, J. McCudden, G. Butcher, W. Cliff, D. Bell, E. Paues, J . H. Hill, ?, ?.

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern sales brochure: 'Two brilliant newcomers'

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern sales brochure: 'Two brilliant newcomers'

Printed product brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited, 'Vauxhall Australia's favourite British car presents two brilliant newcomers', on the 6 cylinder 18 h.p. Velox and 4 cylinder 12 h.p. Wyvern. Demonstrating the differences between the English and Australian built bodies, features, engines and specifications.

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern points of comparison chart

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern points of comparison chart

Printed sliding comparison chart for the Vauxhall 18 h.p. 6 cylinder Velox and the 12 h.p. 4 cylinder Wyvern. Compares the Australian and British Vauxhall with other car brands.

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern sales brochure: 'Why it will pay you to wait for...Vauxhall'

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern sales brochure: 'Why it will pay you to wait for...Vauxhall'

Printed product brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited on the Vauxhall 6 cylinder Velox and 4 cylinder Wyvern features and specifications.

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern brochure: 'The English body Vauxhalls'

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern brochure: 'The English body Vauxhalls'

Printed product brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited comparing the imported British Vauxhall 6 cylinder Velox and 4 cylinder Wyvern, including features and specifications.

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern brochure: 'Two exciting new models...'

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern brochure: 'Two exciting new models...'

Printed product brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited on the Vauxhall 18 h.p. 6 cylinder o.h.c. Velox saloon and caleche [convertible] and 12 h.p. 4 o.h.v. cylinder Wyvern saloon and caleche [convertible], including features, specifications and NASCO accessories.

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern leaflet: 'Two exciting new models...'

Vauxhall Velox and Wyvern leaflet: 'Two exciting new models...'

Printed product leaflet produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited on the Vauxhall 18 h.p. 6 cylinder o.h.c. Velox saloon and caleche [convertible] and 12 h.p. 4 o.h.v. cylinder Wyvern saloon and caleche [convertible], including a brief description of features and specifications.

Vauxhall brochure: 'Vauxhall owners are proud owners'

Vauxhall brochure: 'Vauxhall owners are proud owners'

Printed brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited featuring excerpts of letters from satisfied Australian customers of the Vauxhall 18 h.p. 6 cylinder o.h.c. Velox saloon and caleche (tourer) and 12 h.p. 4 o.h.v. cylinder Wyvern saloon and caleche [tourer].

Vauxhall brochure: 'New Vauxhall square engines'

Vauxhall brochure: 'New Vauxhall square engines'

Printed brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited on the features and benefits of the Vauxhall's square engine included in the Velox and Wyvern. Explains a 'square engine' as having equal diameter of cylinder bore to length of piston stroke.

Vauxhall brochure: 'Two new Vauxhall 10 cwt coupe utilities'

Vauxhall brochure: 'Two new Vauxhall 10 cwt coupe utilities'

Printed brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited on the features and specifications of Vauxhall's 10 cwt. coupe utilities with 15.63 h.p. 4 cylinder square engine in the Wyvern and the 23.44 h.p. 6 cylinder square engine in the Velox.

Vauxhall Vagabond brochure: 'King of the open road'

Vauxhall Vagabond brochure: 'King of the open road'

Printed brochure produced by General Motors-Holden's Limited on the features and specifications of the Vauxhall Vagabond convertible. Included a 15.63 h.p. 4 cylinder square engine in the Wyvern and the 23.44 h.p. 6 cylinder square engine in the Velox.