Find • bordertown • Results 31 to 60 of 109

Bordertown Primary School

Bordertown Primary School

BORDERTOWN: Bordertown Primary School.

Bordertown Police Station

Bordertown Police Station

BORDERTOWN: Bordertown Police Station.

Hospital, Bordertown

Hospital, Bordertown

Tatiara Solders' Memorial Hospital.



Men bulkhandling bags of oats at Bordertown, manually heaving them onto a conveyor belt..

Tatiara Hotel, Bordertown

Tatiara Hotel, Bordertown

Tatiara Hotel.

Premises of Elder, Smith & Co. at Bordertown

Premises of Elder, Smith & Co. at Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: The Elder, Smith & Co., Limited Office.

Premises of Elder, Smith & Co., at Bordertown

Premises of Elder, Smith & Co., at Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: The Elder, Smith & Co., Limited Office.

Bordertown Methodist church and hall

Bordertown Methodist church and hall

BORDERTOWN: The Methodist church and hall.

Bordertown Freemasons hall

Bordertown Freemasons hall

BORDERTOWN: The Freemasons hall.

Offices of the Bordertown Chronicle newspaper

Offices of the Bordertown Chronicle newspaper

BORDERTOWN: The offices of the Border Chronicle newspaper.

The Woolshed Inn Hotel at Bordertown

The Woolshed Inn Hotel at Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: Further view of the Woolshed Inn, showing a building alongside which has the name Tatiara Hotel.

Bordertown livestock sale house

Bordertown livestock sale house

BORDERTOWN: A livestock sale house.

Bordertown livestock sale house

Bordertown livestock sale house

BORDERTOWN: The entrance to the livestock sale house.

Bordertown livestock sale house

Bordertown livestock sale house

BORDERTOWN: Interior view of the livestock sale house.

General view of shops in Bordertown

General view of shops in Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: General view showing the TAB and the Tatiara Tuck Shop and Delicatessen.

John Hunt's house, Bordertown

John Hunt's house, Bordertown

John Hunt's house opposite old Pooginagoric homestead, near Bordertown. It was demolished in 1977.

Bordertown Telephone Exchange

Bordertown Telephone Exchange

BORDERTOWN: Old farm machinery outside the Bordertown Telephone Exchange.

Institute Buildings in Bordertown

Institute Buildings in Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: General view of the Institute Buildings, in Bordertown, taken from the north west.

Premises of Elders G. M. & Dalgetty N. Z. L. at Bordertown

Premises of Elders G. M. & Dalgetty N. Z. L. at Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: Premises of Elders G.M. & Dalgetty N.Z.L., Woolshed Street, Bordertown.

Institute Buildings at Bordertown

Institute Buildings at Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: General view of Bordertown Institute Buildings.

General view of Bordertown

General view of Bordertown

BORDERTOWN: A general view of Bordertown showing the Commercial Bank and the Eudunda Farmers Co-operative shop.

Bordertown post office

Bordertown post office

The premises of Bordertown post office.

Billabong at Bordertown

Billabong at Bordertown

View of a billabong in a wooded area, bearing the inscription 'Bordertown - copy 1 E.S. (14)'. Photo by Iona Photo Co., Murray Bridge.

Post Office and Shire Hall, Bordertown

Post Office and Shire Hall, Bordertown

Postcard showing Post Office and 'Shire' Hall, Woolshed Street, Bordertown. The other side has been written on by Erwin Aeuckens and is addressed to Miss Elisabeth Nemeth (later his wife).



Bordertown street scene in 1962. Buildings seen on the right of the road include Eudunda Farmers Cooperative Society Limited, and The Commercial Bank of Australia. On the left side stands a toy and sports shop, and a corner shop. Cars are angle parked on both sides and predestrians are crossing the road.



International Harvesters, Woolshed St.reet, Bordertown.



Southern Farmers Corporation, Woolshed Street, Bordertown.



Woolshed street, Bordertown.



Woolshed street Handcraft shop.

Survey Party, Bordertown

Survey Party, Bordertown

R. O. Segerlind's Survey Party : seated in wagon - H. Temperly (Chairman), R.O. Segerlind (Acting Surveyor), O.L. Raymond (Chairman), J. Moore (Axeman and Driver). Segerlind subsequently became Chief Draughtsman in Lands Dept.