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Andamooka Station

Andamooka Station

View showing Blacksmith shop extreme left, Afghans' hut beyond Blacksmiths shop, men's hut on right (30 men plus cook) at Andamooka Station.

Views of Andamooka

Views of Andamooka

A collection of images of Andamooka.




Stormcloud near Andamooka

Stormcloud near Andamooka

Stormcloud near Andamooka.

Andamooka township

Andamooka township

View of the town of Andamooka.

Dwelling at Andamooka

Dwelling at Andamooka

View of a small house built in several split levels on the side of a bare hill. A wooden post and rail fence sits between the photographer and the house. Caption on back reads 'Andamooka. Scrounged materials, chimney of kerosene drums. Afghan owner sharpened miners' tools. He wrote on side walls. "No more picks. Too many bosses".'

Photographs from northern South Australia

Photographs from northern South Australia

A selection from travel photographs taken by amateur photographer G.R. Oliver. Identified as from 'South Australia, Beltana, Marla and Port Pirie', they also include nearby localities such as Leigh Creek, Aroona, Port Pirie, Maree, Copley, William Creek, Coober Pedy and Andamooka.

Camel Train

Camel Train

Andamooka station homestead with camel team in foreground. The photograph shows stores being delivered from Port Augusta to the homestead which was established in 1872. By 1884 the property stocked 45,000 sheep and 900 cattle. The wool clip was 480 bales of wool. Opal was discovered on the property in 1930 and the township of Andamooka was established shortly afterward

Mule and Horse Team

Mule and Horse Team

Mule and horse team pulling the wool clip from Andamooka Station.

Camel Riding

Camel Riding

Going to a picnic by camels on Andamooka Station.

Water Tank

Water Tank

Water tank and miner at Andamooka Opal Fields, 28th September 1961.

Family Group

Family Group

R. S. Blackham and family at Andamooka Station.

Horse Riding

Horse Riding

Edie and Blanche Blackham (riding side-saddle) at Andamooka Station.

Men's Hut, Andamooka Station

Men's Hut, Andamooka Station

Quarters for unmarried men - Batchelors Hall.

Tailing Sheep

Tailing Sheep

Tailing sheep at Andamooka Station.

The Wool Press Room

The Wool Press Room

The wool press room at Andamooka Station.

Artesian Bore

Artesian Bore

The artesian bore at Andamooka Station.

The Myall Well and Tank

The Myall Well and Tank

The Myall well and tank at Andamooka Station.

Wirrda Tank and Well

Wirrda Tank and Well

The Wirrda tank and well at Andamooka Station.

Wirrda Well

Wirrda Well

The Wirrda Well which was horse operated on Andamooka Station.

Post Office

Post Office

Outside post office at Andamooka - 18th June 1957.

Opal Fields

Opal Fields

Inside a digging at Andamooka Opal Fields, 28 September 1961.

Opal Fields

Opal Fields

Working inside a digging at Andamooka Opal Fields, 29 September 1961.

Opal Fields

Opal Fields

Woman and children outside dwelling at Andamooka Opal Fields 28 September 1961.

The Wool Stack

The Wool Stack

Station hands on top of the Wool Stacks at Andamooka Station.

A Mustering Party

A Mustering Party

A mustering party from Andamooka Station.

Camel Train

Camel Train

Camels bringing supplies at Andamooka Station.

The Waterhole, Andamooka

The Waterhole, Andamooka

Family members at the waterhole.

The Myall Well

The Myall Well

The Myall well at Andamooka Station.

The Willaroo Dam

The Willaroo Dam

Cattle drinking at the Willaroo Dam at Andamooka Station, stockman in horse and cart overseeing the stock.