Find • Smith, D. Darian • Results 1,921 to 1,950 of 2,600

Maintenance electrode cooling apparatus

Maintenance electrode cooling apparatus

Maintenance polishing buff

Maintenance polishing buff

Maintenance water filter

Maintenance water filter

Electrode former

Electrode former

Maintenance product

Pickling bath

Pickling bath

Maintenance product

Pressure tester injector

Pressure tester injector

Maintenance product

Spring washers

Spring washers

Gun with marine mounting

Gun with marine mounting

Maintence machine

Maintence machine

Rubber matting fitted into vehicle

Rubber matting fitted into vehicle

Naval gun shells

Naval gun shells

Nitriding furnace

Nitriding furnace

Opel front axle assembly

Opel front axle assembly


Outboard engine parts

Outboard engine parts

Made by R. Dunstone.

Oldsmobile 60 sedan

Oldsmobile 60 sedan

Reinforcement dash to chassis

Oldsmobile sedan

Oldsmobile sedan

Side view.

Oldsmobile sedan

Oldsmobile sedan

Front/side view.

Panel van and cab for utility study for New York

Panel van and cab for utility study for New York

Varying stages of the van and ute bodies, including panels, during construction. Some negatives have original masking on them to crop image.



Pontoon in water test

Pontoon in water test

Pontoon on assembly line

Pontoon on assembly line

Pontoon row at Western end of No. 5 Plant

Pontoon row at Western end of No. 5 Plant

Water craft stacked outside Plant building.

Peloms A.R.P?

Peloms A.R.P?

Pontoons at Birkenhead Plant

Pontoons at Birkenhead Plant

Stacks of crates in Plant building.

Panel board showing gas production controls in Chevrolet

Panel board showing gas production controls in Chevrolet

Interior of car and dashboard.

P.20 marine mounted anti-aircraft gun

P.20 marine mounted anti-aircraft gun

Completed gun Inside the Plant building and outside, and parts,

P.20 marine mounted gun parts

P.20 marine mounted gun parts

Cargo pontoon

Cargo pontoon

Cargo pontoon on assembly line

Cargo pontoon on assembly line

Cargo pontoon welding

Cargo pontoon welding

Worker welding in workshop.